累积法,accumulating method
1)accumulating method累积法
1.Research on morbidity problem of accumulating method GM(2,1) model;累积法GM(2,1)模型及其病态性研究
2.Based on the characteristics of grey system theory modeling, this paper presents a new method-accumulating method to estimate model parameters of GM(0, N ).从灰色理论建模特点出发 ,提出了 GM(0 ,N )模型参数辨识的一种新方法——累积法 ,实例分析表明 ,累积法较传统的参数估计方法在预测精度上有了很大的提高 ,而且计算量
3.In order to improve the forecast precision of modified GM(1,1) model,a new parameter estimation formula based on accumulating method to modified GM(1,1) model is proposed.为了提高新息改进GM(1,1)模型的预测精度,引入累积法对新息改进GM(1,1)模型的参数进行估计,给出了新的参数估计公式。

1.Research on morbidity problem of accumulating method GM(2,1) model累积法GM(2,1)模型及其病态性研究
2.Research on morbidity problem of accumulating mothod GM(0,N) model;累积法GM(0,N)模型的病态性研究
3.On Data Fit of Accumulation Method for Measuring Radon Exhalation Rate累积法测量氡析出率数据拟合方法探讨
4.method of summated ratings累积评等法 累积评等法
5.Acquired by or resulting from accumulation.累积的由累积而获得的
6.On Perfection of the Accumulative Voting System完善我国累积投票权制度立法的构想
7.Higher Order Cumulants in Echo Cancellation一种基于高阶累积量的回波对消方法
8.Research on DOA Estimation Based on High-Order Cumulant;基于高阶累积量的DOA估计法研究
9.On the Theory and Method of the SSA School;社会积累结构学派的理论和方法探析
10.A New Sum Method with Mean Cumulative Dominance in AHP;AHP中一种具有累积优势度的和法(英文)
11.Research on Automatic Classification of Phase Modulated Signals Using High-order Cumulant调相信号自动识别的高阶累积量方法
12.Knowledge accumulation method of a support vector machine directed by classification information基于分类信息制导的SVM知识积累方法
13.An Algorithm of DOA Estimation Based on Cross Array and High-order Cumulants基于十字阵的高阶累积量DOA估计算法
14.A Better Fourth-Order Cumulant Method Using Beamspace MUSIC Algorithm基于四阶累积量的波束域MUSIC方法
15.Efficient numerical approach to EXIT curves of accumulate code累积码EXIT曲线的高效数值求法
16.Estimation of Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques Algorithm with Speedy Fourth-Order Cumulants快速四阶累积量旋转不变子空间算法
17.A Long-Term Integration Method Based on Wideband Stretch Processing基于宽带Stretch处理的长时间积累方法
18.cumulative advance累计垫款,累积垫款

Cumulative-sum method累积法
1.The paper presents the application of cumulative-sum method in the field of external trajectory measurement data processing to fit ballistic trajectory and estimate missile s velocity parameters.文中提出将累积法应用到外弹道测量数据处理中,用以拟合导弹的飞行轨迹,估计导弹飞行的速度参数。
2.The fundamental concept of cumulative-sum method and the principle of regression parameter estimation are introduced.简述了普通累积法的概念和进行回归参数估计的原理,提出了正规方程的病态是参数估计中的一个重要问题,并给出了用优化方法进行解决的方案。
3)accumulation method累积法
4)cumulative sum method累积法
1.Research on Realization of Cumulative Sum Method;普通累积法的实现方法研究
5)cumulate method累积法
1.The application of cumulate method to the determination of the experimental formula;累积法在经验公式确定中的应用
6)accumulated fluid and accumulated water method累积液累积水法

法性属法为法性土【法性属法为法性土】  谓真如法性之理,譬如虚空,遍一切处,乃是法身所证之体,即为所依之土,故名法性属法,为法性土。