考试形式,examination form
1)examination form考试形式
1.Based on the current examination form in higher vocational & technical colleges,this paper analyses the limitation of the current examination form and puts forward principles for establishing an adaptive examination form for higher professional education,taking Automobile Technology as an example.从高职院校当前考试形式的现状入手,以汽车专业为例,分析当前考试形式的弊端,提出改革高职汽车专业考试形式的设想与实施方案。

1.The construction of context and form of examination under the background of the new curriculum reform;新课程改革背景下考试内容和考试形式的构建
2.The Reform and Exploration of Examination Form about Automobile Technology in Higher Vocational & Technical College;高职汽车专业考试形式的改革与探索
3.Classification·Structuring·Encoding--Social Control over the Form and Content of Examination;分类·构架·编码——考试形式和内容的社会控制
4.An appraisement of the current three forms of examinationin the institutions of higher learning;对高等学校现有三种基本考试形式的评价
5.Those who pass the written exams will be arranged for an interview before decision on admission is made.对于申请学制班(班)外国学生,学校统一安排入学考试,考试形式为笔试和面试。
6.The test today is" Mental healthy education", it's a read book test, started at2 pm, the end was3.30 pm.今天考的科目是"心理健康教育",考试形式是开卷,下午两点开始,考试时间是90分钟。
7.Examination Is an Effective Form for Organizing Adult Students Examination;分牌考试是组织成人学生考试的一种有效形式
8.The medical exams are part written, part practical.医科考试一部分是书面形式,一部分是实践形式。
9.The Initial Attempt of the Teaching and Check Form for the Middle and Long Distance Race 1500m;中长跑1500m教学和考核形式的初步尝试
10.Probing into the Organizational Forms and Patterns of the Residency Diplomat’s Training Test住院医师/专科医师考核考试组织形式和模式的探讨
11.A Study of Validity of Banked Multiple-Choice Cloze and Separate Item Multiple-Choice Cloze in CET-4英语四级考试中集库式完形填空与选择式完形填空的效度研究
12.The written part of the examination is just a formality, no one ever fails it.笔试部分只是一种形式,考生没有一个不通过的。
13.The written part of the examination is just a formality, very few ever fail it.笔试部分只是一种形式, 很少有考生不能通过的。
14."The written part of the examination is just a formality, very few ever fail it.""笔试部分只是一种形式,很少有考生不能通过的。"
15.Design and application of figure-based LAN examination system;基于图形方式的局域网考试系统设计与应用
16.Analysis of Cause and Prevention of Cheating in Adult Examination;浅析成人教育考试中的作弊形式、原因及其防止
17.The Countermeasures of the Self-study Examination under the Circumstance of Diversified Higher Education;论多样化高等教育形式下自学考试发展对策
18.Social Exam and Teaching Reform of Formal Logic for Non-philosophy Major in University社会考试与高校非哲学专业《形式逻辑》教学改革

form of examination考试形式
1.The construction of context and form of examination under the background of the new curriculum reform;新课程改革背景下考试内容和考试形式的构建
3)contents and methods of the examination考试内容和形式
1.However,the establishment of judicial examination system with Chinese characteristics should be scientifically designed and reasonably regulated in the aspects of examination management system,candidates qualification,contents and methods of the examination and passing rate of the examination.文章认为,建立中国特色的司法考试制度,应当在考试管理体制、考试资格、考试内容和形式、通过率等方面进行科学设计,合理规范。
4)examination means考试方式
1.Exploration on the reform of examination means in the course of “nursing management” for adult baccalaureate nursing students;成人本科生《护理管理学》考试方式改革探索
5)examination method考试方式
1.Applying the traditional examination method exist more malpractice of artificial factors in business enterprise training,that can t guarantee training quality.企业培训应用传统的考试方式存在较多人为因素的弊端,不能保证培训质量。
2.Project design in the course was used as examination method.以课程设计取代传统的考试方式,通过组织学生做综述报告、专题教学、科研与教学相结合等方式进行研究性教学尝试。
3.The organization form, requirements of teachers, students\' education, teaching facilities, and funds and so on, all guarantee and move forward the reform of examination methods to achieve the purpose of improving the teaching quality.从组织形式、教师要求、学生教育、教学设施、经费投入等方面来保障和整体推进考试方式的改革,以期达到提高教学质量的目的,并实施运行。
6)examination methods考试方式
1.The diversified examination methods in the reform of database courses;从数据库课程改革实践谈多元化考试方式
2.Carrying out quality education,we should change the traditional examination methods.进行素质教育 ,必须改革传统的考试方式 。

内部形式与外部形式  标示形式自身相互区别的一对哲学范畴,即表现事物内容的两种不同的方式。内部形式是内容的内在组织结构,内容诸要素间的本质联系;外部形式是内容的外在的非本质的联系方式,是使不同内容的事物相互区别的外部形态、外部表现。内部形式和内容不可分割,和内容一起表现着事物的本质方面,其发展变化直接影响着内容的发展变化。它包含在内容自身之中,在一定意义上是内容的组成部分、因素和环节,和内容是直接统一的。外部形式同事物的现象相联系,是内容的外观,它以外在的表现形式对内容发生影响。外部形式同内容的联系不具有内部形式那样的内在性、直接性,它和内容不是直接统一的。    内部形式和外部形式的区分对于文学艺术具有重要意义。文学艺术内容的内部结构性、组织性,形象联系的合理性、协调性和完整性等,直接表现着文学艺术作品的思想主题,它们是和文学艺术内容直接统一的内部形式。在此意义上,内部形式也就是内容的组成部分。文学艺术作品的内容又要通过物质材料,通过文学艺术思想的物化形态表现出来,以供观赏。物质材料等文学艺术思想的物化形态,构成文学艺术的外部形式。对于文学艺术来说,其外部形式具有重要的作用。事物的外部形式具有不同的层次,其中,有些同事物的内容存在着一定联系,有些则同事物的内容并不直接相关。    唯物辩证法首先重视事物的内部形式,认为内部形式和内容一起共同表现着事物的本质,它对于理解和把握事物的发展具有重要意义。与此同时,也注意事物的外部形式,认为它是影响事物发展的一个因素。