南水北调中线水源区,water source area of the middle line project of transferring water from south to north
1)water source area of the middle line project of transferring water from south to north南水北调中线水源区
1.According to the investigations in water source area of the middle line project of transferring water from south to north 71 species and variant of phytoplankton were identified,which belong to 7 divisions and 40 genera.通过对南水北调中线水源区水体浮游植物的调查,以及对理化指标的测定,结果表明:该水域共有浮游植物7门40属66种3变种2变型,其中以硅藻门的种类占优势,浮游植物的种类和数量随季节和水域不同而呈现差异,浮游植物对水体污染具有较好的指示作用,水体为寡污型水体。

1.A Study on the Sustainable Utilization of the Water Resource in the Headwaters Area of the Middle-Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project;南水北调中线水源区水资源可持续利用研究
2.Comprehensive Research on Ecological Environment in Water Source Region (Nan Yang City) of the Middle Route Project for South-to-North Water Diversion;南水北调中线水源区(南阳市)生态环境综合研究
3.Water Environment Capacity of Han River in the Middle Line South-to-North Water Diversion Project南水北调中线水源区汉江流域水环境容量研究
4.Fuzzy Comprehensive Assessment on Water Quality in An Kang Region Located on Middle Route of South-to-north Water Transferring Project南水北调中线水源区安康段水质模糊综合评价
5.Study on Ecological Tourism Exploitation Model of Middle Route Project Source Region of South-to-North Water Transfer;南水北调中线水源区生态旅游开发模式研究
6.The present situation and prospect of eco-compensation in water source area of Middle Route of South-to-North Water Diversion Project南水北调中线水源区生态补偿研究现状与展望
7.Soil Physicochemical Properties on Returned Farmlands in the Water Source Area of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project南水北调中线水源区退耕地土壤理化特性研究
8.On Mechanism Establishment of Ecological Compensation for Watershed Area of South-to-North Water Diversion Project(Middle Route)略论南水北调中线水源区生态补偿机制的建立
9.Study on Soil Erosion in Source Area of Middle Line Project of Transferring Water from the South to the North;对南水北调中线工程水源区水土流失的思考
10.A study on Middle Route of South-North Water Diversion Project in Shaanxi and about water pollution control and ecological compensation南水北调中线陕西水源区水污染治理补偿研究
11.Forecast research on water environmental capacity for the water source area in Shaanxi of Middle Line of Transferring water from south to north南水北调中线陕西水源区水环境容量预测研究
12.Water Source Diversion Management in the Middle Route of the South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调中线水源工程调水管理研究
13.The Middle Route Project for South-to-North Water Transfer The Economic Development Counterplan Analysis of the Headwaters Area;南水北调中线工程水源区的经济发展对策剖析
14.Analysis on the Eco-environment of Water Source Area in the Middle South-to-north Water Diversion Project;南水北调中线工程水源区生态环境问题探析
15.The Building of Water Resources Protective Zone in the Middle Line Project of Southern Water Transfer to Northern Area;设立南水北调中线工程水源保护区已迫在眉睫
17.Research on the Headwater Region's Ecological Environment Status of the Middle Line Engineering of Transferring Water from South to North南水北调中线工程水源区生态环境现状分析
18.Basic evaluation study on the Shaanxi water resource area of Middle Route of South-to-north Water Diversion南水北调中线陕西水源区基础条件评价研究

water source engineering in Mid-line of S-N water diversion project南水北调中线水源工程
1.The suddenly changeover multicriterion assessment method is used to evaluate several scenarios of water source engineering in Mid-line of S-N water diversion project.应用突变多准则评价法对南水北调中线水源工程项目的多方案比选作出评价决策。
3)water service area of Middle Route Project of S-N water diversion南水北调中线受水区
4)the source area of the Middle Line Project of Transferring Water from the South to the North南水北调中线工程源头区
1.The present situation, causes of formations and damages of soil erosion in Hanshui river valley in Nanyang city are analyzed, which is in the source area of the Middle Line Project of Transferring Water from the South to the North.对南水北调中线工程源头区——河南南阳市汉水流域水土流失的现状、成因、危害进行了分析 ,在此基础上 ,讨论了治理水土流失的对策措施。
5)the middle route of south-to-north water transfer project南水北调中线
1.Design for Water Contract of "Water Bank" in the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project;南水北调中线“水银行”的水合约设计思路初探
6)Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project南水北调中线
1.Aimed to study on whether constant water levels immediate at the upstream of control gates can be maintained in the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project,the different unsteady flow transitional processes are simulated when inflow at the head,openings of control gates and the flow rates divided by outlets are changed simultaneously.南水北调中线输水渠道中,针对同时操作闸门是否仍能维持闸前水位为常值,模拟计算了同时改变渠首流量、闸门开度和分水口流量时渠道中的非恒定过渡过程。
2.Based on the middle route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project,the sensitivity analysis to the characteristic parameters that reflect the variations in diversion discharge is done and then the effect of these parameters on hydraulic response of channel is researched by mathematical model.现以南水北调中线总干渠为研究对象,通过构建一维的非恒定流仿真模型,对表征分水口流量变化的特征参数进行敏感性分析,研究其对渠道水力响应的影响程度以及规律,研究表明,分水流量增加(减小)幅度与渠道的水位降落(升高)速率呈线性正比关系,分水流量的变化幅度是影响渠道水位变化速率的敏感因素;最后对相邻分水口取水流量配合变化的模式进行研究,指出在可能的情况下,相邻分水口的流量分配可以按照相互补充的方式进行调节。

南水北调南水北调south-to-north water transfers  nonshUi beidiGO南水北调(south一to一north water transfers)中国的南水北调是从长江向黄河、海河和淮河流域引水的跨流域调水工程。 中国的水资源并不富裕,且水土资源分布不均。北方的黄河、淮河、海河3个流域的耕地约占全国的40%,而水资源仅占8%,是严重缺水地区。靠当地水资源已难以保证当前正常用水要求,更无法解决将来可持续发展的需水要求。长江水量丰富,其人均水量为黄河、淮河、海河3个流域的4.4倍,年平均人海量约9以1〕亿立方米,有余水可以北调。 自20世纪50年代初提出南水北调设想,经过几十年的研究,为解决华北和西北的水资源紧缺问题,初步形成分别从长江上游、中游和下游调水的南水北调西线、中线和东线3项工程。这3项工程各有其合理的供水范围,不能互相替代,但可以相辅相成。西线主要供黄河中上游地区,中线主要供黄淮海平原西部,东线供淮海平原东部及胶东地区。 西线1952年组织考察,1987年开始列为超前期工作项目。目前,此项目仍在继续调研。 西线工程地处青藏高原,海拔高程3(X幻米以上。初步研究了技术经济比较现实的从长江上游通天河及支流雅碧江和大渡河引水人黄河的方案。长江各引水河流引水枢纽处的高程较人黄河相应处的高程低350~45()米,长江与黄河之间有巴颜喀拉山阻隔。因此,西线工程需筑高坝塑水或用泵站提水,并开凿长隧洞穿越分水岭。通天河调水在青海省玉树以西楚玛尔河口至巴塘曲口段建坝奎水,再自流或抽水穿过分水岭于扎陵湖至达日之间进人黄河。不同方案的坝高1叩~又9米,隧洞长巧0多千米,抽水方案的扬程为419米。雅碧江调水在四川省石渠以东宜牛至仁青里河段建坝塞水,自流或抽水穿过分水岭于青海达日附近人黄河。不同方案的坝高152~237米,隧洞长150多千米,抽水方案的扬程为416米。大渡河调水在四川阿坝以南大渡河支流足木足河上的斜尔孕建坝(坝高2肠米)童水,再建泵站(扬程为488米),并开凿29千米的隧洞至甘肃玛曲县南部人黄河。通天河与雅碧江也可以联合调水,即将通天河水引人雅碧江,再在雅碧江建坝凿洞人黄河。3条河最大可能引水量为195亿立方米,其中通天河100亿立方米,雅着江45亿立方米,大渡河50亿立方米。 西线工程是解决西北干早缺水的重大设施,可为黄河中上游地区的青、甘、宁、内蒙古、陕、晋6省区发展灌溉3仪旧万亩,提供城镇生活和工业用水oo亿立方米,将促进西北经济发展和生态环境改善。 中线50年代做过工作,so年代进行规划,卯年代初完成了引江工程规划和可行性研究报告。 中线工程总的设想分两步实施,第一步从汉江的丹江口水库引水,第二步再从长江引水到汉水,增加北调水量。