无公害食品,Non-pollution food
1)Non-pollution food无公害食品
1.This article expounds the influence of environment on green food, organic food and non-pollution food.环境对绿色食品、有机食品和无公害食品具有影响,加入WTO后面临着发展机遇与挑战。

1.Production of pollution-free, green and organic food developed swiftly.无公害食品、绿色食品和有机食品发展迅速。
2.Discussion of Certain Aspects Associated with Standards of NY-series Standards of Nuisanceless Food;无公害食品NY-系列标准有关问题探讨
3.Greatly Promoting the Development of Green Food, Organic Food & Non-pollution Food After China s Entering the WTO;加入WTO后应大力发展绿色食品、有机食品和无公害食品
4.Characterization, Authentication and Suggestions for Our Country’s Organic Food, Green Food and Pollution-free Food我国有机食品、绿色食品与无公害食品的发展特点、认证及建议
5.Pollution-free Food Plan and Pesticides Development Direction;“无公害食品行动计划”与农药的发展方向
6.Influence Factors of Consumer Purchasing Decision about Pollution-free Produce in Shanghai上海市居民无公害食品消费行为影响因素分析
7.Some Thoughts about Boosting Non-pollution foods Property in Hebei Province Production to That of Consumption;关于进一步推进河北省无公害食品产业发展的对策思考
8.Optimum Analysis in GFAAS Map Scanning of Conditions for Determining Pb in Green Food无公害食品中铅GFAAS仪器测定条件图谱扫描优化分析
9.In order to insure the people can eat free-pollutant vegetables and fruits,the government execute the plan of free-pollutant food and the market permitting regulation.为确保市民们吃上放心菜,我国正在推行“无公害食品行动计划”和市场准入制度。
10.Organic Food, Green Food and Pollution-Free Agriculture Products有机食品、绿色食品和无公害农产品
11.Differentiation of Non-pollution Agricultural Product,Green Food and Organic Food;无公害农产品·绿色食品和有机食品辨析
12.Non-environmental Damage Cultivated Technique of New Variety of Edible Lily YX-1、YX-2;食用百合新品系(YX-1、YX-2)无公害栽培技术
13.Exploration of built the base of no-polluted green sub-foodstuff;绿色无公害副食品生产基地建设的探索
14.Analysis of the Current Situation and Its Measures on the Development of Free,Green and Organic Food in Panjin City;浅析盘锦市无公害、绿色、有机食品发展现状及对策
15.Thinking of accelerating to develop the industries of social effects of nonpollution,green and organic food in panjin city;盘锦市加快发展无公害、绿色、有机食品产业的思考
16.Relief and Compensation System on Food and Drug Public Injure食品药品公众损害事件结果救济保障制度研究
17.There are abundant bamboo resources here. Annual Output:1200 tons.利用得天独厚的无公害毛竹资源,研制开发绿色食品笋干丝,年产量达1200吨。
18.the yield increased 48.8 kg/667 m2. So Guanhejun fertilizer can act as organic bio-fertilizer without public harm to produce organic产量增加48.8kg/667m~2。 光合菌肥可作为生产无公害的绿色食品水稻的生物肥料。

nuisanceless food无公害食品
3)non-polluted food无公害食品
1.With an eye to the serious situation of safe food production as well as nowadays social economy,natural resources and technical foundation,this paper considers that more attention should be paid to non-polluted food production at present and dissertate the differences among non-polluted food,green food and organic food.根据当前的社会经济状况、自然资源和技术基础,以及安全食品生产所面临的严峻形势,认为现阶段应更加重视无公害食品的生产。
4)Pollution-free food plan无公害食品计划
5)Food hazards食品公害
6)nuisance-free products无公害产品
