辉发河,Huifa River
1)Huifa River辉发河
1.Establishment and application of remote sensing hydrological model in Huifa River Basin of Jilin province;吉林省辉发河流域遥感水文模型的建立与应用
2.The Definition of Eco-Environmental Water Requirements and Water Environmental Protection in the Lower Huifa River Channel;辉发河下游河道生态环境需水量的界定及水环境保护

1.Eco-environmental Water Demand about the Main Current of the Huifa River in River Course;辉发河干流河道生态环境需水量研究
2.Establishment and application of remote sensing hydrological model in Huifa River Basin of Jilin province吉林省辉发河流域遥感水文模型的建立与应用
3.A Discussion of the Protective Development of Tourist Resources in Weihui,Henan;河南卫辉小店河古民居群保护性开发探讨
4.Study on Tourism Resources Exploitation in Counties(City) Abounding in Tourism Resources--Taking Weihui County of Henan Province as Example;旅游资源丰富县(市)的旅游开发研究——以河南省卫辉市为例
5.Vegetation Restoration and Sustainable Development of Agriculture in Hilly Region of Taihang Mountain--A Case Study of Huixian City,He'nan Province太行山低山丘陵区植被恢复与农业可持续发展——以河南省辉县市为例
6.The sun gilded the river with its splendor太阳的光辉将河面点染成金色。
7.The slanting light of the setting sun quivers on the sea-like expanse of the river.夕阳的余辉闪耀在辽阔如海的河面上。
8.As the following antithetical couplet goes: The hero has given his life in defence of his beloved motherland/The land has taken on new lustre by the presence of the martyr.正是,英雄为河山捐躯,名城因烈士增辉。
9.Huixian City Hongtai Chemical Co., Ltd. Henan Province河南省辉县市宏泰化工有限公司
10.A Summary on the Study of the Tombs No.1 and No.2 at Hui County and the Archaeological Materials of Zhou Dynasty in Henan Province;辉县甲乙墓研究与河南两周考古摭拾
11.The Hardship and Glory behind the Folk Song "Struggling to Xikou for Wealth"in Hequ County;河曲民歌《走西口》背后的艰辛与辉煌
12.The resulting radiation is known as airglow.其发出的辐射称为气辉。
13.Striving for Development and Prosperity Through Cooperation合作发展 共创辉煌
14.Reveal the glamour of Huanghe culture reproduce the splendour of Huanghe culture: comments on the Encyclopaedia of Huanghe Culture;展示黄河文化魅力 再现黄河文化辉煌──评《黄河文化百科全书》
15.Luminosity or brilliance, as of a cut and polished gemstone.光辉,亮光亮光或光辉,如雕琢发亮的宝石
16.The stars were out that night, and the full moon threw its sparkles on the surface of the water.那天晚上,星光灿烂,满月的清辉洒在河面上。
17.I sat up and saw the river flashing nightlights on the right.我坐起来,看着右边的河水辉映着夜晚的灯光。
18.Cause Analysis of Shrinkage and Protection Countermeasure of Huihe Wetland in Hulunbeier City呼伦贝尔辉河湿地萎缩成因分析及保护对策

Huifa River main channel辉发河干流
3)Huifa River watershed辉发河流域
1.Due to the expanding of the farmland on slope land in Huifa River watershed,soil erosion became hazardous more and more.为分析景观格局对流域土壤侵蚀的影响,本文应用基于GIS的修订通用土壤流失方程(RUSLE),计算了吉林省中低山水蚀区辉发河流域的土壤侵蚀量。
4)Huihe Kiver辉河
5)Huihe wetland辉河湿地
1.Huihe wetland is the main part of Huihe National Nature Reserve,and playing a very important role in regional ecological balance.辉河湿地作为内蒙古辉河国家级自然保护区的主体,在维护区域生态平衡方面发挥着极其重要的作用。
6)sparkling phenomena发辉现象
1.Mechanism analysis and solution of testing safety of high reliable transistor sparkling phenomena;高可靠性晶体管发辉现象的机理分析与测试安全

发辉1.散发光辉。 2.发挥﹐在原有基础上的发展。