石狮市,Shishi City
1)Shishi City石狮市
1.A Research on Problems of the Development of Shishi City Non-governmental Education;石狮市民办教育发展问题研究

1.Shishi Shitou Agar Co., Ltd. (Former Fujian Shishi Qiankeng Agar Processing Factory)石狮市狮头琼脂有限公司(原福建省石狮市前坑琼脂加工厂)
2.Shishi Yongning Xiongsheng Marine Alga Products Factory福建省石狮市永宁雄盛海藻制品厂
3.Shishi Baokeng Shuangta Agar Precessing Factory福建省石狮市宝坑双塔琼脂加工厂
4.Fujian Shishi Qiankeng Agar Non-staple Food Factory福建省石狮市前坑琼脂副食品厂
5.Heightening Reform and Strengthening Design of a Commercial Center Building in Shishi city石狮市某商业中心办公楼加层改造设计
6.Fujian Shishi Agar Non-staple Food Processing Factory/Fujian Shishi Minnan Agar Co., Ltd.福建省石狮市琼脂副食品加工厂/闽南琼胶有限公司
7.The Study on the Mode of Region Industrial Circular Economy Development and Application in the Northeast Industrial Park of Shishi District;区域工业循环经济发展模式及在石狮市东北部工业区的应用研究
8.Building the Interesting Space--Essay of the Landscape Design of Shishi One Middle School s Dormitory for girls;营造趣味的场所——石狮市某中学女生宿舍庭院景观设计方案随笔
9.Land use overall plan in urbanrural integrated region--A case in Shishi, Fujian;城乡一体化型地区土地利用总体规划探讨——以福建省石狮市为例
10.The Influence of Industrial Cluster Network Relationship on Enterprise Competitive Power:An Empirical Study of Apparel Industrial Cluster in Shishi;集群网络关系对企业竞争力的影响——石狮市纺织服装产业集群实证研究
11.Feasibility study on the development of urban expressway in Shishi城市快速路在石狮发展的可行性研究
12.Those in the Tangshun Tomb in Shengyang City, Shaanxi Province, were built by the Tang Empress, Wu Zetian, for her mother.陕西盛阳市唐顺陵的石狮,是武则天为其母亲杨氏陵墓建造的,
13.On the Origins and Development of Chinese Lion Art and Culture;弭邪赐福石狮子——中国狮文化艺术探源
14.On the Stone Lion Culture in the Chinese Architecture狮舞流沙万里来——中国建筑中的石狮文化
15.The earliest stone lion was discovered in a Eastern Han Dynasty tomb in Ya'an, Sichuan Province.现在最早的石狮是东汉时高赜墓前的石狮,在四川雅安。
16.Perfecting the Market Mechanism of Dragon s and lion s Movement and Accelerating Development of Dragon s and lion s Movement;完善龙狮运动市场机制加快龙狮运动发展步伐
17.Each column has a lively stone lion on its top, and nine small stone lions are hidden under the big lion.每个柱头上都刻有玲珑活泼的石狮子,每只石狮子又负藏着九只小狮子,
18.Two stone lions flanked the entrance.两头石狮位于入口处两侧

stone lion石狮
1.China s stone lions,which have undergone centuries of evolutlion in rich shapes and various forms,inherit long-standing traditional residential culture,etiquette civilization,decorative art and folkloric aesthetics,and are the mascot people have a liking for.中国石狮经历了千百年的演变,其形态丰富,形式多样,承载了悠久的中国传统居住文化、礼制文化、装饰艺术以及民俗审美,是人们喜爱的吉祥物。
3)Dagon and Lion Sport market龙狮市场
4)stone-carving lion石雕狮子
1.The lion,the animal,and the stone-carving lion,the plastic art,are introduced into China along with Buddhism via the ancient Western Regions during Han Dynasty.以石雕狮子镇守门户、弭邪赐福的民俗传统蕴涵着中国人的现实意愿,近两千年来经由中国人富有审美创造力的经营想象,构成了中国狮文化艺术的重要组成部分。
5)stone lions on Kang炕头石狮
1.The cultural origins of stone lions on Kang made in Suide County, Northern Shanxi are probed into.对陕北绥德炕头石狮文化进行溯源,就我国狮子、石狮、绥德石狮、绥德炕头石狮出现的时代、文化背景、传承进行了考证和论述,对绥德炕头石狮的艺术风格、雕刻手法进行了阐述,从而说明:绥务炕头石狮这一特殊的民俗工艺品,是我国民族文化艺术中的瑰宝。
6)stone lions石狮子
1.This essay,in the light of ample ancient documents, investigates the origin and the symbolic meaning of Chinese stone lions.到唐代已有石狮问世,明清时石狮已遍布全国各地,石狮子信仰在官方和民间极为普遍。
