攀枝花河段,Panzhihua reach
1)Panzhihua reach攀枝花河段
1.Influence of Jinsha and Yinjiang hydropower station construction on pollutant carrying capacity of Panzhihua reach;金沙、银江水电站对攀枝花河段纳污能力影响
2.Research on predictions and countermeasures for impact of hydropower development on water quality of Panzhihua reach of the Jinsha River金沙江攀枝花河段水电开发对水质影响的分析

1.Research on predictions and countermeasures for impact of hydropower development on water quality of Panzhihua reach of the Jinsha River金沙江攀枝花河段水电开发对水质影响的分析
2.The Strategy Research on PanZhiHua ReShuiHe Electrical Development Company;攀枝花热水河电力开发公司发展战略研究
3.Comparison and selection on capacity expansion and speed increasing modification scheme in section of Panzhihua to Yuanmou in ChengduKunming railway line成昆线攀枝花至元谋段扩能提速改造方案比选
4.Panzhihua Iron Ore Mining Company攀枝花冶金矿山公司
5.Improvement of Power Supply Reliability of Panzhihua Network with Energy Saving Transformation of Hemenkou Power Plant河门口发电厂节能改造提高攀枝花电网供电可靠性
6.On the Development Stages of the Vicissitudes of the Minorities' Social Life in Panzhihua攀枝花少数民族地区近现代社会转型的发展阶段
7.Inland Mountain Valley Subclasses Research on the Development Model of Sun Shelters Holiday and Tourist Resort:A Case Study on Panzhihua City内陆山地河谷亚类阳光避寒疗养度假旅游区开发模式研究——以攀枝花市为例
8.In this paper, the speciation characteristics of heavy metals in Jinshajiang( Panzhihua) sediments by using continuous extraction and AAS.采用原子吸收光谱法研究了金沙江攀枝花段水系沉积物中重金属的形态及分布特征。
9.Assumption of the Beneficiation Flowsheet Optimization of Panzhihua Midi Concentrator攀枝花密地选矿厂选别流程优化设想
10.The Reserch of Eco-environment Protection for Comprehensive Treatment in Panzhihua City;攀枝花市生态环境保护综合对策研究
11.The Study of the Enterprise Competencies of PanZhiHua Iron and Steel Corporation;攀枝花钢铁(集团)公司竞争力研究
12.Study on new concentrate technology of rough cobalt-bearing sulfide concentrate in Panzhihua Ti-industry Company;攀枝花硫钴粗精矿精选新技术的研究
13.Study on Evaluation of Load Bearing Capacity for Dukou Bridge in Pan-Zhi-Hua City;攀枝花市渡口大桥承载能力评定研究
14.The Construction Control of Bingcaogang Bridge in Panzhihua City;攀枝花市炳草岗金沙江大桥施工监控
15.The Solution Scheme of Information Security of Confidential Network for Panzhihua City;攀枝花市★★网(横向)信息安全方案
16.On Multi-purpose Utilization of Mineral Resources in Panzhihua City;攀枝花市矿产资源综合利用策略探讨
17.Analysis of vanadium distribution regularity in Panzhihua Vanadium-titanium Magnetite Mine浅析攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿钒的分布规律
18.Syllabary of the Local Dialect in Panzhihua(Ⅰ)四川攀枝花市区本地方言音系(上)

the urban reach of Panzhihua city攀枝花市区河段
1.The Marginal Grade of Titanium Placer in Panzhihua and the Reserve Estimation;攀枝花钛砂资源边界品位的确定及其储量估算
2.The geochemical characteristics and their comparison of heavy metals in soil and sediment in Panzhihua;攀枝花市水系沉积物与土壤中重金属的地球化学特征比较
3.Prospective Prediction of Panzhihua Titanium Ore Reserves;攀枝花残坡积钛砂矿远景资源量预测
4)Panzhihua ore攀枝花矿
5)Panzhihua city攀枝花市
1.Study on Rational Exploitation of Natural Resources and Economic Sustainable Development in Panzhihua City;攀枝花市资源开发与经济持续发展研究
2.The Natural Leap Developmental Strategy in the Great West Development——A Case Study of Panzhihua City;“自然跳跃式”开发战略与西部大开发——以攀枝花市为例
3.Strengthen Land Reorganization and Optimize Exploitation of Potential Land Resources -- An Analysis of the Project of Land Development and Reorganization in Panzhihua City, Sichuan;加强土地整理 优化土地后备资源利用──攀枝花市土地开发与整理规划分析
1.The Pollution Control Countermeasures of Industrial Solid Waste of Panzhihua;攀枝花市区工业固体废物污染控制对策
2.Studies of the Biodiversity and the Sustainability of Biotic Resources in Panzhihua,Sichuan,P.R.C.;攀枝花市生物多样性与生物资源可持续性分析
3.Investigation on the present status of turfgrass and some measures on developing it in Panzhihua and Xichang city;攀枝花市、西昌市草坪现状调查及发展措施

春季黄河河套河段形成的冰坝和冰桥春季黄河河套河段形成的冰坝和冰桥  甏雾i网j弋瓣‘k謦P佣’弼i厂1’_;●‘..≮t二-黟}翻■