1.During his seclusion, although the life is poor, he did not forget the nation and people.他隐居九里山13年,生活清苦,但不忘国家和人民,通过种梅、画梅、吟梅,留下了很多旷世名作,并且达到了“梅人合一”的精神境界,是梅花精神的最好体现。
2.The thesis, by applying Freudian psychoanalytic theory, attempts to reveal Emily Dickinson s psychic world and the mystery of her seclusion through exploring her poems and letters.本文以弗洛伊德的精神分析理论为依据,通过对狄金森诗作及其书信的研究,探讨其精神世界,从而揭示其隐居之谜。
3.Dickinson\'s secret of seclusion has received a wide publicity as well as her poems over a century.一个多世纪以来,狄金森隐居之谜与其诗作一样倍受关注。

1.A secluded, quiet place.隐居地隐避的安静处所
2.The condition of being a recluse.隐居处于做隐士的状况
3.Seeking or preferring seclusion or isolation.隐居的想要或愿意隐居或独处的
4.She lives in seclusion apart from her friends.她远离朋友,过隐居生活。
5.He buried himself (away) in the country to write a book.他隐居到乡下去写书.
6.He lives in retirement, away from everyone.他远离大家隐居着。
7.seclude oneself from society与社会隔绝,过隐居生活
8.He entered private life.他开始过隐居的生活。
9.He now lives in seclusion.他现在过隐居生活。
10.providing privacy or seclusion.提供私密空间或隐居
11.Secluded and contemplative.隐居的和沉思默想的
12.The man has isolated himself from society for many years.这个人已隐居多年。
13.He dropped out into the country.他隐居到乡下去了。
14.They live in privacy.他们过着隐居生活。
15.He is enclosed in a monastery.他隐居在修道院里。
16.I'll bury myself in the country after my retirement.我退休后要到乡间隐居
17.Living in a cloister.隐居的住在修道院里的
18.He lived in a hermitage when he was old.他老的时候住在隐居处。

live [dwell] in retirement闲居 [隐居]
4)secluded place隐居地
1.Therefore,new exposition and discussion about Sun Tzu s birth year,native place,secluded place,life story and works can push forward the study of Sun Tzu science.就孙子的生年、故里、隐居地、生平活动及著作情况这样五个问题进行新的评述和探讨,可以推动孙子学研究的深入发展。
5)mode of living in seclusion隐居方式
6)subject of living in seclusion隐居主题
