1.Stundy with Abai of Central Asia Thinker of the 19th Century;19世纪中亚思想家阿拜研究
2.Marx is the greatest thinker in one thousand years马克思是千年最伟大的思想家
3.WANG Fu-zhi is a great thinker, philosopher and educationist.王夫之是我国明清之际伟大的思想家、哲学家和教育家,他用毕生的精力建立起了宏大的思想体系,在中国近代思想文化史上产生了广泛的影响,成为我国历史上成就卓著的著名学者。

1.a radical politician, thinker, writer, etc思想激进的政治家、 思想家、 作家等
2.The thinker is lost in the clouds all day.这位思想家整天在空想。
3.Popular Thought, Thinker and History of Thought:A Consideration to a Few Questions on the Chinese History of Ideas;民众思想、思想家与思想史——对中国思想史几个基本问题的思考
4.---Voltaire, French thinker——法国思想家伏尔泰。
5.the great minds of the 17th century.17世纪的伟大思想家
6.He affect the free thinker.他冒充自由思想家
7.He was a progressive thinker.他是个进步的思想家
8.the great minds of the century.本世纪的大思想家
9.Hermione and Her Little Group of Serious Thinkers赫耳弥俄涅的思想家
10.an original thinker, writer, painter, etc有创见的思想家、 作家、 画家等
11.She's a doer, not just a thinker or a talker.她是行动家,不只是思想家,言论家。
12.A modern writer or philosopher.现代作家现代作家或思想家
13.A thinker's writing consists of borrowings from ideas in his own intestines, and the greater thinker a man is, the more he depends on his own intestinal juice.思想家只抄自家肚里文章,越是伟大的思想家,越靠自家肚里的东西。
14.And Jiang Yan takes Taoism thought and Buddhism thought which attaches to the Taoism thought as auxiliary.而以道家思想与佛教思想为辅,其佛家思想又依附于道家思想之上。
15.Acutely longing for one's family or home.想家对家庭的强烈思念
16.Taoism, Pre-Taoism and Origin of Laozi′s Doctrine;“道家”·前道家思想·老子思想源头
17.Confucian people-oriented thoughts was the practice of Confucian ideal of "Benevolent Governance".儒家民本思想是儒家“仁政”理想的实践。
18.Moralizing-education is the main content in the field of the legal thought of Confucius.教化思想是儒家法律思想的重要内容。

1.The abolishment of the Chinese Imperial Examination system was attributed to many famous thinkers critics during the Late Qing Dynasty.晚清时期科举制度的废除离不开一批著名思想家持续不断地批判。
2.Western ethic thinkers are very much concerned about such questions as what happiness is, hot to gain it, how happiness is related with morality, etc. 什么是幸福、达到幸福的途径是什么、幸福与道德有什么样的关系等问题,是西方伦理思想家极为关注的理论问题,研究它对于马克思主义伦理学的幸福论和社会主义的幸福生活建设有重要的意义。
3.Facing the "silver lack" problem appearing at late Ming Dynasty and the beginning of Qing Dynasty, some thinkers such as Huang Zongxi, Gu Yanwu, Wang Fuzhi, Lu Shiyi and Tang Zhen published their comments which introduced some currency projects such as discarding silver and using brass, "changing currency "etc.针对明末清初出现的“银荒”问题,明清之际的一些思想家如黄宗羲、顾炎武、王夫之、陆世仪、唐甄等纷纷发表议论,提出废银行钱、“更币”等货币方案。
3)Confucian thought儒家思想
1.The Early Northern Song Dynasty Poem Theory of Confucian Thought;北宋初期诗学理论中的儒家思想
2.On value of Confucian thought in building harmonious society;论儒家思想在构建和谐社会中的价值
3.The social value of confucian thought under new historical conditions;儒家思想在新的历史条件下的社会价值
4)Confucian Thoughts儒家思想
1.Confucian Thoughts and Ecological Moral Construction;儒家思想与生态道德建设
2.The forming reasons of his contradictory thoughts are various,but the fundamental reason lies in conflict of the Confucian thoughts and the Taoist thought that they have affected him profoundly,as well as their own system s flaw.形成他矛盾思想的原因是多方面的,但其中最重要的原因在于深刻影响到他的儒家思想与道家思想的冲突以及它们自身体系的缺陷,它不但为陶渊明,也为无数后世文人制造了无可逃避的精神陷阱。
3.The present paper takes a tentative step towards studying the learning ideas underlying the undergraduates behavior and perspectivises the influence of Confucian thoughts in the hope to provide significant enlightenment to improve the students oral English conveyance.试图探讨大学生英语口语学习行为背后的学习理念,透视儒家思想在这方面的影响,希冀为改善中国大学生英语口头表达的现状提供有意义的启示。
1.Research on Relationship Between Confucianism and Morality Construction of Socialist Harmonious Society;儒家思想与社会主义和谐社会的道德建设论略
2.Influences of Confucianism on Inhabitation Culture;儒家思想对居宅文化的影响
1.Probe into the Influence of Taoism on the Modern Library Work;道家思想对现代图书馆工作影响初探
2.Taoism and the Spirit of "Beauty in No Trace" in Poetics;道家思想与“无迹而神”的诗学精神
3.Chinese Taoism in Eugene O Neill s Long Day s Journey into Night;尤金·奥尼尔《进入黑夜的漫长旅程》中的道家思想

金元四大医家学术思想之研究金元四大医家学术思想之研究 医史著作。李聪甫、刘炳凡著。此书重点研究金元时期刘完素、张从正、李杲、朱震亨4位医家的学术思想,并对其生平、著作及临床经验予以阐介、评述,每位医家下设总论、各论,分述其学术临床特色及较有代表性之治疗方剂。1983年由人民卫生出版社出版。