1.Deconstructing Romance in Romantic Form——An analysis of romanticism in the contemporary urban novels;在浪漫的情调下消解浪漫——当代都市小说中的浪漫性分析
2.This essay intends to analyze the romanticism of Dancing Girl ont only from its subjective aepect but also the artistic one.森鸥外是日本明治时代的两大文豪之一,其处女作《舞姬》是日本浪漫主义文学的先驱之作,本文拟结合文本,从主观性、艺术表现等方面分析《舞姬》的浪漫性
3.Niccolo Paganini s "24 Caprices" laid the foundation of Romanticism in Europe s violin composition.帕格尼尼《二十四首随想曲》开创了欧洲小提琴创作的浪漫主义先河,其中,《第24首随想曲》是帕格尼尼《二十四首随想曲》“浪漫性”的集中体现。

1.Deconstructing Romance in Romantic Form--An analysis of romanticism in the contemporary urban novels;在浪漫的情调下消解浪漫——当代都市小说中的浪漫性分析
2.The Case in Point Study on the Romanticism of Taiwan Literature Discriminate to the Romanticism in QiDeng-sheng s fictions;台湾文学浪漫性的个案研究——七等生小说浪漫精神辨析
3.The Ice of Rationality and Water of Romanticism --a brief analysiss of Rousseau s Romanticism;理性如冰 浪漫似水——卢梭浪漫主义简析
4.He is incurably romantic.他无可救药地浪漫成性。
5.Billowing world Continuous romance --Taking about the readability of Zhang Xin s novels;滚滚红尘 缕缕浪漫——漫谈张欣小说的可读性
6.The Lost Romance: Manifestation of Passive Romanticism in The Bridges of Madison County with the View of Alienation of Humanity;失落的浪漫——从人性异化角度探究《廊桥遗梦》之消极浪漫主义表现
7.A woman to whom a man is romantically attached.情妇与男性有浪漫关系的妇女
8.A sexual or romantic approach or proposal.性感或浪漫的方法或手段
9.expressive of or exciting sexual love or romance.富于或有令人激动的性爱或浪漫史的。
10.The Subjectivity in the Perspective of Western Romantic Literary Theory;论西方浪漫主义文论视野中的主体性
11.Parody of Romanticism in Adventure of Huckleberry Finn;《哈克·费恩》对浪漫主义的讽刺性模仿
12.Romanticism and Philosophy: Two Modes to Interpret Ode to the West Wind;浪漫与哲性:《西风颂》的两种解读范式
13.the Evolvement of 20th Century Romantic Literary Subject;二十世纪浪漫主义文学主体性的演变
14.Title Differences between Impressionism and Romanticism;论印象主义和浪漫主义标题性之差异
15.If you make romance, you are an experienced man.太浪漫,疑你老练。
16.On Leo Ou-fan Lee s criticism of metropolitan modernity;浪漫·颓废:都市文化的摩登漫游——李欧梵的都市现代性批判
17.Songyin Manlu: the Romantic Imagination about Modernity in the Late-Qing Dynasty;《淞隐漫录》:晚清时期对中国现代性问题的浪漫想象
18.Hurstwood was something of a romanticist after his kind."赫斯渥按其本性实在是一个浪漫派人物。

Romance becomes one's second nature浪漫成性
3)intelligence and romance性灵与浪漫
4)sex and anti-romance性与反浪漫
5)Rationality and Romantic理性与浪漫
6)rational romanticism理性浪漫主义
1.The literary spirit of "the May 4th" enlightening thought came to two forms, which are "rational romanticism narration" and "sentimental rationalism narration".“五四”启蒙精神孕育了中国现代文学的两大叙事传统 ,分别表现为“理性浪漫主义叙事”和“情感理性主义叙事” ,它既是中国化的启蒙哲学与美学精神的体现 ,亦有着更为深广的文化人类学与哲学的根据。

连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity 11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-