1.Venice and Belmont,two worlds seem so different or even divergent,both take "masking" as its Key words.在《威尼斯商人》中,莎士比亚以写实手法描绘了威尼斯的现实世界,与之形成映衬的是贝尔蒙特的童话世界,在两个看似异质而悬隔的世界中,生活的假面性皆无处不在。
2.fool,insaneness and mask.戏剧与真实的关系是西方悲剧绕不开的命题,本文在西方悲剧传统中梳理出一支极富戏剧表演性特征的“非常态”人物征象:小丑、疯癫、假面
3.To fully reveal one s subjective cohsciousness ,the German Expressionism invotves long monotogue, which enables the character to express directly his ideas and feelings,and often accompanied with masks and dreaming scenes to reflect his internal world.为了充分外现人的主观意识,德国表现主义戏剧广泛运用长篇独白,使人物直接宣讲他的思想和感情,并且还常常采用假面和梦景来反映人物内心世界。

1.nose false for masquerading假鼻子,假面舞会用
2.ear ,false, for masquerading假耳朵,用于假面舞会
3.Tear away their veil of shams!撕开他们的假面具吧!
4.It is called The Business of Fancydancing.名叫《假面舞会之业》。
5.He couldn't fake being their kind.若是跳假面舞准得露馅。
6.The bank robbers masked their faces.银行抢劫犯戴了假面具。
7.Having masklike markings on the head or face.假面状的头上或脸上有假面状的标记的
8.To put on a mask, especially for a masquerade ball.戴面具,尤指为赴假面舞会
9.One who wears a mask, especially a participant in a masquerade or masque.戴面具的人戴面具的人,尤指假面舞会参加者
10.At a fancy dress party, everyone puts on a false face.在化装舞会上每个人都戴着假面具。
11.He went to the masked ball without masking his face.他去参加化装舞会而没戴假面具。
12.All guests wore masks to the ball.所有客人都戴假面具参加舞会。
13.unmask a masquerader使化装舞会上的人脱下假面
14.a gloss of good manners假装 [表面] 的礼貌
15.Their opposites are the false, the evil and the ugly.真善美的反面是假恶丑。
16.dry fly:an artificial fly used in fishing that floats on the surface of the water when cast.假蝇:钓鱼时抛出后浮在水面上以假蝇拟饵.
17.A superficially or deceptively attractive appearance.假象,虚饰表面地或虚假的吸引人的形象
18.Slip basting is also used in matching plaids, stripes, and prints; in this case, it is the most efficient to baste from the right side of the fabric.隐式假缝也用于对格子、对条纹和对花型,在面料的正面假缝最有效。

Pseudo tetrahedron假四面体
3)Maxillofacial prosthesis颌面假体
4)Fictitious cross-section假设截面
5)mask transform假面变换
1.A novel algorithm of face detection based on mask transform and template match makes face detection more accurate and faster in different face sizes with complex condition.使用一种新的假面变换和模板匹配的人脸检测算法,能够对复杂环境中大小不等的人脸进行快速、准确的检测。
6)assumption of plane平面假设
1.Confirmation of the assumption of plane on RC beams strengthened with bottom bonded CFRP;CFRP加固钢筋混凝土梁平面假设的非线性有限元分析

假面1.仿照人物脸形制成的面具。 2.比喻伪装的外表。