1.A Study on Cultural Heritage Protection,Tourist Development and Soil Sustainable Utilization of Huashan;花山文化遗产保护、旅游开发及土地持续利用研究
2.A Study on Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr Isotopic Chronology of the Huashan Ophiolitic Melange in the Suizhou Area,Hubei Province;湖北省随州花山蛇绿混杂岩Sm-Nd、Rb-Sr同位素年代研究
3.Petrological and Geochemical Characteristics and Genesis of the Huashan Granitic Batholith,Western Henan;豫西花山花岗岩基岩石学和地球化学特征及其成因

1.mountain coat jacquard design sweater提花山岳图案毛线衫
2.Emplacement Process and Structural Analysis of Gupuoshan-Huashan Granitic Pluton, Guangxi;广西姑婆山-花山花岗岩体侵位过程及构造解析
3.Studies on "Chuan-Bashi" of "Hua Er Assembly" on Lotus Mountains and Their Creations;莲花山花儿会“串把式”及其创作研究
4.Primary Study of Heavy- metal Contamination of Soil in Abandoned Mine of Lianhua Mountain莲花山矿山土壤重金属污染初步调查
5.goat embroidered and plaited leather upper山羊皮绣花穿织鞋面
6.mayflower | arbutus | trailing arbutus五月花[(英)山楂,(美)岩梨
7.He likes to smoke the cigarette of the camellia brand.他喜欢吸山茶花牌香烟。
8.Wild flowers have grown all over the hillside那山坡上长满了野花。
9.There are faBulous wildflowers in the hills.山中有极美的野花。
10.Spring enflowers the slopes.春天的山坡百花齐放。
11.This flower grows on a hilly area.这种花生长在山地上。
12.The cherry-trees were blooming all along the valley.樱花沿着山谷盛开。
13.Panzhihua Iron Ore Mining Company攀枝花冶金矿山公司
14.Is not this mountain like a flower, with its petals of hill, drinking the sunlight?花瓣似的山峰在饮着日光,这山岂不象一朵花吗?
15.Blessed Blossom:Analysis of Chuncao in Chuncao Blossoms out;幸福如花开放——解读裘山山长篇小说《春草开花》
16.columbine of Rocky Mts having long-spurred blue flowers.落基山脉一种开蓝花的长花距耧斗草。
17.Which is more beautiful, the peony or the camellia?牡丹花和山茶花,哪一种更美丽?
18.Study on the Effects of Different Photoperiod on the Inflorescence of Camellia Japonica;不同光周期对山茶花成花影响的研究

Mountain Flowers《山花》
3)Melampyrumroseum var.alpinu高山山萝花
1.Mesozoic Guposhan-Huashan Granitic Batholith in Western Nanling and Strain Characteristics of Its Thermal Contact Metaporphic Country Rocks南岭中生代姑婆山-花山花岗岩基及其热接触变质围岩的应变特征和应变分析
6)Huashan granite花山花岗岩

百花山  北京市名山之一,重要风景游览区。门头沟区和房山区的界山,属太行山脉。位于北京西约65公里,海拔1991米。山势高耸,山顶平坦开阔,旧有古庙;山腰树林茂密,尤多野生花卉,"红紫翠黄,不可凡数,不可状喻,不可名品,即一色中,瓣萼跗异,不可概之。"(《帝京景物略》卷之七),山因以得名,又名百花陀。因山高林密,无霜期短,盛暑时节,凉爽宜人。20世纪50年代始植树造林,树种多油松、落叶松,有林场。已辟为市级自然保护区。