1.The phenomenon of mutual communication between poetics and calligraphy is worthy of research in Chinese ancient literary theory.诗学与书学的互通,是中国古代文论中一种值得注意和研究的现象。
2.Such kind of taste can be obviously detected in calligraphy at that time as well as in some theories on calligraphy.文章旨在探讨魏晋书法理论创作中自然观的思想渊源,书法创作中主体所具有的“心斋之心”,以及书法形态、书法品评过程中所反映出的自然观念以及对后世书学的影响。
3.His view on calligraphy is that Bei (tablets ) should be combined with Tie( books containing models of handwriting) in practice.把二者进行比较,可以看出,沈氏的书学与诗学有一个共同的文化指向,即“尚文” 的文化社会的构建取向。

1.Calligraphy Innovation in the Late Ming Dynasty and Huang Daozhou s Calligraphic Practice;论明末书学创新与黄道周的书学实践
2.On the social causes of Oyangxiu’s View of Taking Felicity in Learning;论欧阳修“学书为乐”书学观的社会动因
3.Commenting on the viewpoint of starting with official script;“学书当学颜”乎?——学书当学隶浅谈
4.a public, reference, university, etc library公共图书馆、 图书参考室、 大学图书馆的藏书
5.A printed or written literary work.文学书一本印刷的或书写的文学作品
6.Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science《图书馆学和情报学百科全书》
7.An Inquiry into the History of the Studies on The Four Books in View of the Editing and Engraving of the Compiled Comments on The Four Books从《四书辑释》的编刻看《四书》学学术史
8.The school supplies textbooks to the pupils.学校给学生供应教科书。
9.Library and Information Science Abstracts, LISA《图书馆学情报学文摘》
10.Library and Information Science School of WuhanUniversity武汉大学图书情报学院
11.Boone Library School文华图书馆学专科学校
12.a bachelor's degree in library science.授予图书馆学的文学士。
13.The university issues certificates in journalism.大学颁发新闻学证书。
14.a reserved book指定参考书(在大学图书馆等与一般图书分开存放的学生必读书籍)
15.On library accreditation system and library science education图书馆职业资格证书制度与图书馆学教育
16.All schoolbags should be put on the shelves.学生进入图书馆后,请将书包放在书包架上。
17.These 1000 books will form the nucleus of the new school library.这一千本书将构成学校新图书馆藏书的基础。
18.The Elementary Scientific Textbooks Contribution to Modern Textbooks in Late-Qing Dynasty;从文明书局《科学全书》看晚清教科书的近代化

science of calligraphy书学
1.As a novel theory of calligraphy, BeiPai made a great influence on the science of calligraphy and acquired prominent achievement.所以,笔者拟从碑帖融合的角度来解读晚清的一些书学现象,从而客观评价帖派的地位,还历史以本来面目。
1.Publish Excellent Textbooks for Post-graduates by Relying on University Discipline Superiority and Authoritative Experts;依托高校学科优势,集中权威专家,打造研究生精品教材——“研究生教育创新工程”化工类研究生教学用书进展报告
4)Teaching secretary教学秘书
1.Some thought on how to be a good teaching secretary of basic medical course;做好基础医学课程教学秘书的几点体会
2.Discussion the function of teaching secretary in the institute innovation type teaching management;教学秘书在学院创新式教学管理中的作用
3.On the work of Teaching Secretary;浅谈如何做好高校教学秘书工作
5)medicine book and journal医学书刊
6)calligraphy aesthetics书法美学
1.Study on Sun Guoting s Calligraphy Aesthetics Thoughts;孙过庭书法美学思想简论
2.Wang Duo s calligraphy aesthetics starts with the respect for tradition and ancientry.王铎的书法美学思想以"尊传统、尚古风"为起点,独尊羲、献,并要求在学习古法的基础上进行创新。

书学1.犹典籍。 2.学习书法和字学;学习书法和字学的学校。 3.关于汉字书法的理论。