1.An Initial Analysis of Worship of Guanyin Among Bai Nationality;试析大理白族民间“观音崇拜
2.And they respectfully took the treasure statue of Buddha Guanyin to their own countries, which carried forward the Chinese culture.他们携带佛教经籍入华,振兴了天台一宗,又奉请观音宝相回国,传扬了汉文化。
3.The author introduces many aspects of Buddhist culture of Putuo Mountain, for example ,the reason why Putuo Mountain is regarded as the Holy Land of Guanyin, the history of Buddhist culture of Putuo Mountain, rich and varied Buddhist art of Putuo Mountain, etc.本文主要介绍了普陀山作为观音道场的由来、佛教文化发展历程、历史上的高僧及主要修行法门、帝王及信众的护持、寺塔建筑、诗书联额、“海天佛国”风光等方面的有关内

1.This is 'Guanyin Bodhisattva on a Sea Island'.这是"海岛观音"。
2.Avalokitesvara with coiffure of Maku(瓷器名) 麻姑观音
3.Kun Yam Street Cooked Food Bazaar观音街熟食小贩市场
4.The Guanyin Bodhisattva is fighting against the turtle.观音菩萨正和鳌鱼搏斗。
5.Formation of Guanyin Taoist Rites in Mount Putuo and Guanyin Culture Spreading to the East;普陀山观音道场之形成与观音文化东传
6.Guanyingtang and Guanyin Worship in Datong Area in Ming and Qing Dynasties观音堂和明清时期大同地区的观音信仰
7.Pronunciation of the Ancient Initials "知、澄、见、晓、匣、云、以" in Guanyinge Dialect;观音阁土话古知澄见晓匣云以母字读音
8.The issue of pronunciation of "guan" in Lu Wuguan,Qin Guan and Zhen Guan陆务观、秦观、贞观的“观”字的读音问题
9.someone who attends concerts.参加观看音乐会的人。
10.--Save us from our adversity, Goddess Kuanyin!——救苦救难观世音菩萨!
11." Hic-hic-Goddess Kuanyin protect and preserve us I Hic-"“呃,呃,救苦救难观世音,呃——”
12.Future of Chinese Traditional Music: Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives;传统的音乐和音乐的传统——论传统音乐的时空观
13.Language,Sound and Music--Creation of Modern Electronic AudioFrequency of Movie and Television语言、音响、音乐——观现代影视电子音频创作艺术
14.Laozi s Music View in His Differently Using yin and Sheng ;从“音”“声”之辨看《老子》音乐观
15.On the Classification of Musical Fu in Wenxuan and Xiao Tong s View on Music;《文选》音乐赋类名与萧统音乐观探析
16.Concepts of Music in Ethnomusicology: Post - modernist Perspective;从后现代视角看音乐人类学的“音乐”观
17.Simply on Laozi s Music Aesthetic View in his Words The Extremely Loud Sound Can Not be Heard ;略论老子“大音希声”的音乐审美观
18.Using the Objective Parameter of Concert Halls in Sound Quality to Evaluate Its Subjective Level用音乐厅的音质客观参量预测其主观评价等级

1.Problems in and Countermeasures for the Management of Guanyinshan Nature Reserve of Shaanxi;陕西观音山自然保护区管理存在的问题与对策
2.Analysis on Geological Features and Ore-controlling Factors of Sb Mine in Guanyinshan Houtang Village of Chenxi,Hunan Province湖南省辰溪县后塘乡观音山锑矿地质特征及控制因素分析
3.The Guanyinshan gold deposit is hosted in low grade metamorphed marine volcanic rocks of lower carboniferous.观音山金矿床产于下石炭统海相浅变质火山岩系内,主要含矿地层为下石炭统白山群下岩组绿泥石片岩,矿体严格受东西向的区域性大断裂和其旁侧的北北东向、北北西向及与之近于平行的次级断裂的控制。
1.HPLC-DAD/MS/MS Analysis of Tea Polyphenols in Leaves of Baiyedancong and Huangguanyin;白叶单枞和黄观音茶树芽叶中茶多酚的HPLC-DAD/MS/MS分析
2.OBJECTIVE Tea polyphenols in fresh leaves of two oolong tea cultivars (Baiyedancong and Huangguanyin) were identified and determined.目的对白叶单枞和黄观音两个广东乌龙茶和闽南乌龙茶的代表品种茶鲜叶中的茶多酚进行定性、定量比较分析。
4)Premna microphylla Turez观音草
5)Guanyin Lake观音湖
1.Great a Health and Ecological Space,a Holiday Resort with the Perfect and Harmny Funcfion——Taking the Holiday Resort of Guanyin Lake and Lakside Peninsula as an Example;创造一个健康生态空间、功能完善和谐的旅游度假区——以观音湖泰合、湖坊半岛生态旅游区规划为例
6)Guanyin temple观音寺

观音【观音】 (菩萨)旧云光世音,观世音,略称观音,新云观世自在,观自在。梵音Avalokites/vara,观世音者,观世人称彼菩萨名之音而垂救,故云观世音,观世自在者,观世界而自在拔苦与乐。观音有六观音,七观音乃至三十三观音,但常称之观音,指六观音中之圣观音。如法华普门品之观音,观无量寿经之观音是也。此为观音之总体。是与西方弥陀四菩萨之最初法菩萨同体。显教以为阿弥陀之弟子,密教以为阿弥陀之化身,与大势至菩萨皆在阿弥陀佛之左右(观音左势至右),而赞其教化。故称弥陀之二胁士。梵号礼忏,则阿弥陀佛之本名为观自在王,观依其本师之名而自称观自在王,犹如今之释迦牟尼依久远本师释迦牟。”而得其称也。日本安然之菩提心义十曰:尼此佛亦名无量寿佛。(中略)彼佛寿命无量、光明无量、眷属无量、一切皆无量,故以立谥号。而本名曰观自在王如来,眼如四大海,遍观法界众生,随其机缘,拔苦与乐,故为名也。”依密教三轮身则阿弥陀为自性轮身,观音为正法轮身,马头明王为教令轮身(仁王经仪轨意),依二轮身则阿弥陀观音皆为自性轮身,马头明王为教令轮身(秘藏记),(参见:五大明王)。大日经一曰:“北方大精进,观世自在者。光色如皓月,商佉军那华,微笑坐白莲,髻现无量寿。”案观音本作观世音,唐人讳世字,故但称观音,后世遂沿用之。唐龙朔二年,洛阳龙门佛弟子弥偈造尊像一龛,即世尊像。避世字,与此例同。见陶斋藏石记。又庄岳委谈曰:“今塑画观音者,无不作妇人相。考宣和画谱。唐宋名手写观音像甚多。俱不饰妇人冠服。太平广记载一仕宦妻为神所摄,因作观音像奉焉,其妻寻梦一僧救之,得苏。则唐以前塑像亦不作妇人也。”元僧谫陋无识,以为妙庄王女,可一笑也。