1.Eastward Spread of Gandhara Art Seen in Octagonal Stupas;从八面体佛塔看犍陀罗艺术之东传
2.The Buddha images in ancient India originated from and developed in two aspects: Gandhara style and Mathura style.古代印度佛教造像的起源与发展曾经有两个主要脉络:犍陀罗风格与马图拉风格,它们都统一于古老的印度相学中。

1.Five Gandhari Documents in the Le Coq Collection;勒柯克收集品中的五件犍陀罗语文书
2.Octagonal stupa originated in Gandhara to adapt to the octagonal temple there.八面体佛塔起源于犍陀罗,最初为适应犍陀罗八角形支提殿的形制而出现。
3.The Cross-A nkled Bodhisattva in Cave 275 of the Mogao Grottoes and Iconographic source in Candhara莫高窟第275窟交脚菩萨像与犍陀罗的先例
4.The Impact of Gandhara Statues on the Rock-cave Statues of China;犍陀罗雕塑艺术对中国石窟造像的影响
5.Tang Ke Tuoluonijingzho唐刻《陀罗尼经咒》
6.In Vedic times, Indra was the supreme ruler of the gods.在吠陀时代,因陀罗是众神的统治者。
7.A principal Vedic deity associated with rain and thunder.因陀罗《吠陀》中的一个主神,掌管雷雨
8.Gibraltar for Orders《直布罗陀海峡航行规则》
9.Many ships coal at Gibraltar.许多船在直布罗陀加煤。
10.Arma Brown gyrocompass阿玛—勃朗陀螺罗经
11.mercury ballistic compass水银器阻尼陀螺罗经
12.gyrocourse recorder陀螺罗经航向记录器
13.gyrostabilized magnetic compass陀螺(稳定的)磁罗盘
14.Gibraltar, the key to the Mediterranean.直布罗陀,地中海的门户。
15.Democratic Party for British Gibraltar英属直布罗陀民主党
16.The Lost Mandala:the Origin of Vajradhatu Mandala in Tang;被遗忘的曼陀罗:唐代初传的金刚界曼陀罗
17.Indra and the beautiful Indrani presided over their paradise.因陀罗和美丽的因陀拉尼管理着他们的天堂。
18.A coarse, poisonous plant(Datura stramonium)having large, trumpet - shaped white or purplish flowers and prickly capsules.曼陀罗一种粗糙,有毒的植物(曼陀罗曼陀属),有很大的喇叭状白色或紫色的花和带刺的荚

1.Five Gandhari Documents in the Le Coq Collection;勒柯克收集品中的五件犍陀罗语文书
3)Gandhara art犍陀罗美术
1.To great degree it was affected by India Buddhist art especially by Gandhara art.中国佛教美术的早期是一个漫长的引进融合阶段,很大程度上受到印度佛教美术,尤其是犍陀罗美术的影响,但中国佛教美术的基点仍是本土艺术传统。
4)the art of Gandhara犍陀罗艺术
5)Gandhara Buddhist art犍陀罗佛教艺术
6)Bouddha de Grece-Gandhara希腊-犍陀罗式佛教艺术

犍陀罗【犍陀罗】 (地名)(参见:健驮罗)