1.This paper points out that the emotional intelligence of a teacher is of great importance to his educational and teaching work and analyses in detail a teacher s emotional adjustment, emotional expression etc, on the basis of which, this paper discusses a teacher s self-cultivation of his emotional intelligence and the chief methods of his positive training.提出了教师具备良好情绪智力对于教师教育教学管理工作的重要意义,并在仔细分析教师情绪智力包括情绪情感认知力、情绪情感调控力和情绪情感表达力等形式的基础上,讨论了教师情绪智力的自我培养和主动训练的主要方法。

1.On Functions of Emotional Factors in the Foreign Language Teaching;论情绪情感因素在外语教学中的作用
2.The Investigation and Analysis of Higher Vocational College Students' Emotions高职院校学生情绪情感问题调查研究
3.Empathy. You know the subject's surface emotions.感受情绪:你得知受术者的表层情绪。
4.His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone.他的悲观情绪感染得大家情绪低落.
5.A state of mind or emotion.心情,心境,情绪一种心理或情感的状态
6.not touched emotionally.在情绪上没有被感动的。
7.is alive to the moods of others.对他人情绪的很敏感的。
8.A mood of defeat permeated the whole army.失败的情绪感染了全军.
9.be/feel/look under the weather有些[感到/显得]情绪低落
10.a sensitive or highly strung temperament.敏感而且紧张的情绪。
11.He stood in the opposition and irritated mood.他有着敌视,反感的情绪。
12.a temperamental disposition to be agreeable.让人感到愉快的情绪。
13.a melting voice, mood, etc令人感伤的声音、 情绪等.
14.Causing especially emotional depression.使情绪低落的导致(尤指情感的)低落的
15.the conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion.有意识的、主观的情绪或情感。
16.Psychological Environment of Ideological and Political Education:Mood and Emotion;思想政治教育的心理环境——情绪与情感
17.Significance of Research on Emotions and Feelings in Ideological and Political Work;思想政治工作要重视情绪、情感的研究
18.The Analysis of PAD Emotional State Model Based on Emotion Pictures基于情绪图片的PAD情感状态模型分析

feelings and mood情感情绪
5)affect and emotion情绪和情感

儿童情绪和情感的发展儿童情绪和情感的发展development of children's emotion and feeling  儿童情绪和情感的发展(developmentof ehixdren’5 emotion and feeling)随年龄增加而不断分化,由低级的、简单的情绪和情感向高级的、复杂的情绪和情感发展变化的过程。新生儿只有两种情绪:偷快和不愉快。六七个月的儿童出现依恋感。到3岁前儿童的情绪进一步分化,情感的社会性成分增多,并有了羞耻感、同情感、嫉妒,责任感则刚刚萌发。同时情感具有易变性、冲动性和易感染性等特点。学龄前儿童的情感已相当丰富,初步具有了成人所有的情感体验,道德感已进一步地发展,理智感突出地表现为好奇和好问。小学儿童己学会控制情绪和情感,理智感、荣誉感、友谊和审美感进一步地发展,内容进一步地丰富。青少年情绪带有冲动性、易激动和不善于自我控制等特点,行为难以预测,情感则通常是互相矛盾,如依恋感和独立感、成人感并存,但随教育水平的提高,生活经验不断丰富,高级情感迅速发展,并接近成人的水平。 (白学军撰林索德审)