新写实主义,New Realism
1)New Realism新写实主义
1.This article combs the pursuit of the realistic notion and discusses the controversies about new realism.梳理了对于真实观念的追求,以及对于新写实主义的争议,在此基础上论述了新写实主义在刘震云单位小说中的表现。
2.The so-called new realism put forward in the first place was only a mechanistic combination of the realistic writing methods of old realism and the world outlook of the proletariats, while the so-called revolutionary romanticism attached to it was in essence a kind of romantic ultra-leftism.率先提出的“新写实主义”只是旧现实主义的写实方法和无产阶级世界观的机械结合,而依附其上的“革命的浪漫谛克”实质上是“浪漫的极左主义”。
3."New Realism" Characteristics in Chi Li s Novels;青年女作家池莉之所以引起当代文学评论家的注目,就在于她的小说创作诱发了“新写实主义”的文学潮流。

1.neorealism,Italian neorealism新写实主义,意大利新写实主义
2.Escape from New-realism--An Analysis of Chili s Novel Cry out if You re Happy;新写实主义的逃离——池莉《有了快感你就喊》解读
3.Literary Characteristics of New Realism Viewed from the Perspective of Popular Culture;大众文化视野下的新写实主义文学特质
4.Tear:The Understanding of Idealism From Individual Life --ChiLi s "New Realism";“撕裂”:以个体生命感悟消解理想主义——池莉新写实主义小说创作及其意义
5.A Comparative Study of French Naturalism and Chinese Neo-Realism;把现实生活的原生态整体地还原出来——法国自然主义和新写实主义的比较
6.The Argument about the Neo-Realism of Taiwan in 1947;深刻的总结 坚稳的奠基——1947年台湾“新写实主义”论争
7.realism,realistic film写实主义,写实主义电影
8.Nature of Neo-Literalism A Concurrent Study of relation between Neo-Literalism and Realism;“新写实”主义文学之本质──兼论“新写实”与现实主义之关系
9.Comments on Literature Movement of Regression to Original Realism of New Realism Novel;谈“新写实”小说对“原初现实主义”的回归
10.Comparison of Realism Technique between Lu Xun and Hu Shi s New Poetries;平淡的写实与写实中的深曲——鲁迅与胡适新诗写实主义手法比较
11.The New Realistic Novel s Aesthetic Characteristic of Naturalism;“新写实小说”的自然主义美学特征
12.New Youth and modern Chinese Realistic literary trend of thought《新青年》与现代中国写实主义文学思潮
13.a literalism more appropriate to journalism than to the novel适于新闻写作而不适于小说创作的写实主义
14.On "Egocentric Writing","Masses Writing" and "Individual Writing"--A new expatiation on realism;论“个人化写作”、“民间写作”与“自我写作”——一个关于现实主义的新阐释
15.Realism,neo-truthfulness and neo-realism--The three transformations of realism in contemporary times;现实·新写实·新现实——新时期现实主义文学的三次流变
16.The unique Deconstruction of the Magnificent Narration of Realistic Fiction by New realistic Fictions;论新写实小说对现实主义宏大叙事的独特解构
17.Chinese Post-Agriculture Soceity and Neo-Realistic Paintings中国后农业社会和新现实主义写实油画
18."The New Realism"Novels and Evolution of the Concept of Realistic Literary“新写实”小说与现实主义文学观念的嬗变

1.This paper dwells on the social responsibility of neo-realism novelists from the perspective of Jean-Paul Sartre "existentialism" by studying the neo-realism literature.本文试用萨特的"存在"一词作视角,切入八十年代未兴起的新写实主义文学,努力探知新写实小说家的社会责任感。
2.There are lots of similarities between French naturalism in the mid and late 19th century and Chinese neo-realism in the 1990s.法国19世纪中后期出现的自然主义和我国20世纪90年代的新写实主义有着许多相似之处,本文试图从它们产生的背景原因、主题与题材选择、人物塑造、语言风格、叙事结构等方面进行比较,重点分析了二者之间的相同或相似之处。
1.Cry out if You re Happy has faded out of new-realism.《有了快感你就喊》已由新写实主义淡出,一改线性叙事为放射状叙事,变生活实录式为集中统一式传统方法,主人公形象有着典型化意义。
4)argument of neo-realism新写实主义论争
5)new realism oil painting新写实主义油画
6)New Realism Painting新写实主义绘画
