1.Hou Guo is a celebrated forester, educationist, and poet and calligrapher as well.著名林学家、教育家,又是诗人、书法家侯过教授,是中国现代林业和林学教育事业杰出的开拓者之一。
2.Liu Tao was a ci-poet and a calligrapher in the late Northern Song Dynasty.刘焘是北宋后期词人、书法家,元三年(1088)进士;元六年至八年,为曾布幕僚,后任定州安抚史管勾,与苏轼同僚;绍圣年间(1094—1097),任删定官;建中靖国元年(1101),任秘书省正字兼著撰;崇宁元年(1102),任监察御史;政和八年(1118),为淮南东路提刑;宣和七年(1125),除秘阁修撰;靖康(1126)中,因擅离官守,被劾致仕,后家居故乡长兴。

1.At Southern Dynasties,calligrapher Wang Seng-qian also was a calligrphic theorist.王僧虔,南朝齐书法家,也是书法理论家。
2.He is appointe secretary-general of Calligrapher` s Association and SEC of CCP group of chinese Calligrapher` s Association.现为中国书法家协会分党组书记、国书法家协会秘书长。
3.Chinese Calligraphers' Association of Hong Kong香港中国书法家协会
4.Zhao Zhiqian (1829-1884) was both a calligrapher and a painter.赵之谦(1829-1884)是书法家兼画家。
5.a number of virtuosos emerged in Chinese calligraphy and painting.出现了开宗立派的专业画家、书法家
6.so there are not many calligraphers that have reached the highest realm of calligraphy.真的走进书法艺术境界的书法家并不是很多的。
7.Currently the is member of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, member of the Lettering Committee of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, vice-chairman of Guangxi Calligrapher's Association.现为中国书法家协会会员,中国书法家协会刻字研究会委员,广西省书法家协会副主席。
8.The manipulation of the brush determines the skill and style of a calligrapher.运笔技巧决定了书法家的书写技巧和风格。
9.This paper expounds the development of the Chinese calligraphy art, the features of creation of the calligraphers and the art in the TANG Dynasty and the displacement of the theory and practice of the calligraphy art in the dynasty.论述了中国书法艺术的发展;唐朝书法家及书法艺术的形成特点;唐书尚法在理论和实践的表现。
10.Currently he is director of Chinese Calligrapher's Association, chairman of Anhui Calligrapher's Association, advisor of the Painting and Calligraphy Society of Anhui People's Political Consultative Conference and the first-class art designer of china.现为中国书法家协会理事、安徽省书法家协会主席、安徽省政协书画社顾问,国家一级美术师。
11.Currently he is chief-editor of" Anhui Daily", vice-chairman of Anhui Calligrapher's Association, president of Anhui Calligraphy Correspondence School and member of chinese Calligrapher's Association.现为安徽日报主作协编辑、徽省书法家协会副主席、徽书法函授学院长、国书法家协会会员。
12.My host was one of the most notedcalligraphers in China.我们的主人便是中国最有名的书法家
13.He was one of the very few professional calligraphers in Chinese history.他是历史上不多的专业书法家
14.Yu's calligraphy has since his day been treasured by connoisseurs as it is characterized by forceful strokes that are brimming over with great inner strength.俞书笔法遒劲,历来为书家珍视。
15.On Social Structure and Ideas of Calligraphers in Sui Dynasty隋代书家群社会结构与书法观念研究
16.Library and Archives of Canada and Library and Archives of Canada Act加拿大国家图书档案馆与国家图书档案馆法
17.He adores Xu Wei, Ba Da, and Si Tao script, and the Eight Eccentrics of Yangshuo.又潜心于历代书法名家的篆、、、、各体,而自成一家,书法造诣极深。
18.The Influences of Scholastic Seal Calligraphers in Qing Dynasty on Calligraphy;简论清代学者篆书家及其对书法的影响

Painter Calligraphy画家书法
1.Trial Analysis on the Traits of Modelling Language of Painter Calligraphy--In Addition to Discuss the Relation between Calligraphy and Painting;试析画家书法造型语言的特色——兼谈“书与画”的关系
3)a great master of calligraphy; a noted calligrapher书法大家
5)An expert in penmanship.书法家书法好的人
6)national library law国家图书馆法
1.Many countries have produced national library law so far.迄今为止,许多国家都拥有国家图书馆法。

国际皮革化学家和工艺学家协会联合会  国际皮革界最大的学术组织。由世界上各个国家级的皮革学会推派代表组成。1873年,奥地利制革学家W.艾特纳在奥地利建立了世界上第一个皮革研究所,以后欧洲一些国家也相继建立皮革科研机构。1897年,W.艾特纳等人与欧洲其他国家的皮革研究所商议建立国际性组织,以便交流制革技术并制订共同的皮革测试方法。从此逐步开展了皮革专业的国际活动。1948年,由英国、法国、比利时皮革学会发起,有20多个国家的代表参加,在法国巴黎成立国际皮革化学家和工艺学家协会联合会,并决定在正常情况下每两年召开一届大会。联合会有主席、副主席、司库和秘书(主管日常事务)等8人,每4年改选一次。联合会的驻地随秘书的所在国而转移。    联合会的任务是:①在各成员协会之间以及联合会同其他与皮革工业有关的国际组织间建立定期接触和保持有效联系,以便互相交流,促进皮革学术的发展。活动方式包括召开全体大会(以发表和宣读皮革学术论文,交流科技进步等内容为主), 举办各种专题讨论会等。②负责批准国际皮革联合委员会推荐的国际联合方法(IU-methods),以及促进这些方法的正确使用。