1.As with Chiyou s Fangxiang,the traditional belief in door-god in Chinese society results from of the primitive thought which is predominated by law of mutual permeability.中国传统民间的门神信仰,和蚩尤“方相”的文化现象一样,是互渗律支配下初民的原始思维的产物。
2.During Pre-Qing-Dynasty period,door-god worship reached a climax.门神崇拜起源于人类远古时期的自然崇拜观念和神灵信仰观念。

1.Door gods are pictures of deities posted on the door, where they can protect the household from evil.门神是贴在门上的神像,据说门神能保全家平安。
2.Putting up door gods, or changing door gods, is an important custom among the Chinese during Spring Festival.贴门神门神是中国民间过春节的一个重要习俗。
3.So they stick paper pictures of @door gods@ on both sides of their gates or doors.因此,他们将“门神”的画像贴在门的两侧。
4.Qin Shubao and Wei Chigong--Exploration of the Supernatural Door-Knights Painting;秦叔宝、尉迟恭——宅门武将门神画探寻
5.Door-god Jiang is one of Zhang's most representative clay figurines.例如他塑造的《蒋门神》,就非常传神。
6.The pictures of door-god are often pasted on the front door of a house as a talisman in the Spring Festival.春节,人们通常在大门上粘贴门神来避邪。
7.The Sharing and Competition in the Myth Resource神话资源的共享与争夺——先秦秦汉天门神话研究
8.the Roman Janus is bifacial.罗马坚纽斯门神是有两张脸的。
9.The lion as guardian originated from Buddhism.狮子作为护门神兽出现,其典源于佛教。
10.Death knocks at the door.死神在敲门,接近死亡。
11.The Origins of the Spirit of Mormons (1847-1890);摩门精神的形成(1847-1890年)
12.Effects of an Artificial Somatic-Autonomic Reflex Arc Procedure on Voltage-gated Sodium Channels in Bladder Major Pelvic Ganglion Neurons;人工体神经—内脏神经反射弧建立后盆神经节电压门控钠通道研究
13.Would you be at the trouble to ring the bell for me?请您费神帮我按一下门铃,好吗?
14.When I heard the knock at the door, was the frightened out of my senses.一听见有敲门声我就吓得六神无主。
15.The doors and shutters of the mysterious house were all closed.这座神秘的房子门窗紧闭。
16.He accidentally color=# cc0066> nudged the gatepost with the front of the car.他一不留神汽车的头部碰上了门柱.
17.He accidentally nudge the gatepost with the front of the car他一不留神汽车的头部碰上了门柱
18.Mentally ill criminal is committed to special establishment .精神病罪犯被关押在专门的地方。

Door God门神
1.An Analysis of the Characteristics of the Plastic Art of the Door God;门神形象的造型特征分析
2.Origin、Classification and the Characteristics of Door God and New Year Pictures;民间门神年画的起源分类和特征
3.The door pictures include the pictures of the door gods,Shen shu,Yulu,Qinqiong,yuchijingde and Zhongkui,etc.它包括门神神荼与郁垒 ,秦琼与尉迟敬德、钟馗等 ,还有被视为武强三件宝的虎、狮、大花瓶等。
1.Comparison and Observation about the Immediate Effect of ECG in CHD Patients with Electroacupuncting Shenmen Point and Shaohai Point;电针神门、少海对冠心病患者心电图即刻效应的对比观察
2.Points Shenmen (HT 7), Sanyinjiao (SP 6) and Guanyuan (CV 4) were selected and electroacupunctured.方法以18月龄雌性SD大鼠为更年期模型,选取“神门”、“三阴交”和“关元”3个穴位,电针治疗7d后,测定血清雌二醇(E2)、睾酮(T)以及孕激素(P)的含量。
3.Objective To investigate the immediate improving effects of points Shenmen(HT 7) and Shaohai(HT 3) electroacupuncture on myocardial ischemia in coronary heart disease patients, validate a special correlation between the two points and the heart and observe if the combined use of the two has a synergistic or antagonistic effect.目的电针冠心病患者神门穴和少海穴,观察二者对心肌缺血的即刻改善情况,验证二者与心脏是否存在特殊相关性,同时观察二者共用是否存在协同或拮抗作用。
4)Neural Gate神经门
5)Menshen picture门神画
1.The Menshen picture is simple and beautiful in style and rich in country colors and a treasure of the folk art in the world.门神画源远流长 ,在我国民间美术中占有重要的位置。
6)door-god worship门神崇拜
1.During Pre-Qing-Dynasty period,door-god worship reached a climax.门神崇拜起源于人类远古时期的自然崇拜观念和神灵信仰观念。
