1.The U.S.factor in Sino-Indonesia relations during Sukarno period;苏加诺时期中国印度尼西亚关系中的美国因素
2.A Comparative Study of Nehru s and Sukarno s Democratic Ideas;尼赫鲁和苏加诺的民主思想比较

1.The U.S.factor in Sino-Indonesia relations during Sukarno period;苏加诺时期中国印度尼西亚关系中的美国因素
2.Vulnerability,Sense of Insecurity and Foreign Policy of Indonesia:From Sukarno to Suharto;脆弱性、不安全感与印度尼西亚的外交政策——从苏加诺到苏哈托
3.The Sukarno regime will not easily submit itself to the pressure from the USA.印尼苏加诺政权对于来自美国的压力也不会轻易就范。
4.President Sukarno picked up one, took a bite and handed it to Khruschev.当时苏加诺总统拿了一个先咬了一口,然后把榴莲递给了赫鲁晓夫。
5.We arrived in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport at 10:00am, then my aunt come to meet us.早上10时,我们便到达苏加诺-哈达国际机场,我舅母来会合我们。
6.On the American Factor in China-Indonesia Relations in Soekarno Era;苏加诺时期中国与印度尼西亚关系中的美国因素
7.It is always a big problem for American policy-makers to judge the character of Sukarno government.如何判断苏加诺政权的性质并据此制订美国的政策,始终是困扰美国决策者的一大难题。
8.Sukarno's palace was painted a spotless white and set in the middle of hundreds of acres of exotic gardens.苏加诺的宫殿粉刷得雪白无暇,座落在一片面积达数百英亩的仙境般的大花园中央。
9.Edgar Snow was always from Kansas City, Missouri埃德加·斯诺生于堪萨斯城,是一个地地道道的密苏里人。
10.Susan Lenox: Her Rise and Fall苏珊·伦诺克斯的沉浮
11.In order to urge America and Britain to open the second battlefield earlier, the Soviet Union promised to declare war on Japan just before and after the Teheran Conference.德黑兰会议前后,苏联承诺参加对日作战是为争取美英早日开辟第二战场。
12.JESUS OTUNGA NSUE BINDANG, Don赫苏斯-奥顿加·恩苏·宾丹
13.Notes on the Origin of Sumuz in the Western Region;从苏幕遮到诺鲁孜——古代西域戏苏幕遮来源略考
14.(c) undertakings relating to additional commitments;(c)与附加承诺有关的承诺;
15.Grenoble cyclotron格勒诺布尔回旋加速器
16.Who did you promise to schedule the meeting?你允诺谁去参加会议了?
17.Akzo Nobel ranks the first in the world's coating circles.阿克苏诺贝尔在全球涂料界居于领导地位。
18.The name of the Russian astronaut who performed this feat was Leonov.建立这一功绩的苏联宇航员名叫雷诺夫。

1.The social and economic processes characterizing of slavery in Xiao Liangshan before the collectivization reforms of the 1950s indicate that while the Nuosu were a society with slaves, they were not a slave society.20世纪50年代集体化改革之前小凉山奴隶制度特有的社会经济进程表明,诺苏社会曾是一个拥有奴隶的社会,但它并不是奴隶社会。
4)Nuosu(a subgroup of the Yi)诺苏支系
1.Basic Research and Clinical Application of GALLE-DONAU;GALLE-DONAU(加诺)的基础研究及临床应用
6)Sugunuoer lake苏古诺尔湖
