郑板桥,Zheng Banqiao
1)Zheng Banqiao郑板桥
1."Writings should Reflect the Time" and "Strive to be Distinguished and Outstanding"——Discussing Zheng Banqiao s "Strangeness";“笔墨当随时代”“怒不同人”——浅析郑板桥之“怪”
2.Awakening the Fool and Deaf,Eliminating Trouble and Awakening the World and People——Looking into Zheng Banqiao s Thoughts on Buddhism and Taoism reflected in the Dao Qing Poetry;“唤醒痴聋,销除烦恼”、“觉人觉世”——从《道情十首》管窥郑板桥之佛道思想

1.And this @Plum and Bamboo@ was one of Zhen Banqiao's masterpieces.这幅《梅竹图》是郑板桥的代表作。
2.The Explanation of "Having a Well-thought-out Stratagem" and "Having No Image in Mind" by ZhenBanqiao;郑板桥“胸中之竹”与“胸无成竹”诠释
3.On the "Truth" of Zheng Banqiao s Poems;“真气、真意、真趣”——试论郑板桥诗中的“真”
4."Writings should Reflect the Time" and "Strive to be Distinguished and Outstanding"--Discussing Zheng Banqiao s "Strangeness";“笔墨当随时代”“怒不同人”——浅析郑板桥之“怪”
5.Dialectical Reading About the So-called "Woolly-headed" by Zheng Banqiao;关于郑板桥所谓“难得糊涂”论的辩证解读
6.The Philosophical Basis and Aesthetic Distillation of ZHENG Ban -qiaos Democratic Ideas;郑板桥民本思想的哲学基础和美学升华
7.Study on Zheng Banqiao's Contradictory Personalities and the Charactelistics of His Peopty郑板桥“矛盾”人格及其诗歌个性特征研究
8.Awakening the Fool and Deaf,Eliminating Trouble and Awakening the World and People--Looking into Zheng Banqiao s Thoughts on Buddhism and Taoism reflected in the Dao Qing Poetry;“唤醒痴聋,销除烦恼”、“觉人觉世”——从《道情十首》管窥郑板桥之佛道思想
9.The Chinese Innovation Spirit in the Views of Bamboo’s Connections from a Well-thought-out Plan to the Idea of Not Sticking to Established Practice;从苏东坡的“胸有成竹”到郑板桥的“胸无成竹”看中华民族的创新精神
10.Key Components in the History of Chinese Painting and Literature--Interpretation of ZHENG Ban-qiao s Paintings and Poems;中国书画史和文学史上的浓墨重彩之笔——郑板桥书画诗文解读
11.A Further Study on Zheng Banqiao s Artistic Thought;一代怪杰对传统的亲和与疏离——郑板桥艺术思想新探
12.Seek the Tension between Painting and Calligraphy Value and Market Value--Inspiration on Seeing Zhen Banqiao s Painting Ad.;寻找书画作品艺术价值与市场价值的张力——郑板桥书画润格“广告”的启示
13.Zheng Xie, commonly known as Zheng Banqiao, was a native of Xinghua, Jiangsu Province.郑燮(1693-1765),号板桥,江苏兴化人。
14.Design on Large Cantiever Prestressed Cap Beam Formwork Support of Zhengzhou Yellow River Railway-highway Bridge郑州黄河公铁两用桥大悬臂预应力盖梁模板支撑设计
15.Design of Waterproofing for Trestle Bridge Decks of Overpassing Zhengzhou Airport Highway郑州市跨机场路高架桥桥面防水设计
16.Research of Erection Schemes for Steel Truss Girders of Main Bridge of Zhengzhou-Xinxiang Yellow River Bridge郑新黄河大桥主桥钢桁梁跨河架设方案研究
17.Institute on The Hole Drill Technique of Bottom Chord Bar of Zhengzhou Yellow River Bridge郑州黄河桥边桁下弦杆制孔工艺研究

Zheng Ban-qiao郑板桥
1.The New Exploration About "It s hard to be confused" of Zheng Ban-qiao;郑板桥“难得糊涂”新探
2.On the Comparation about the Theory about the Poem of Zheng Ban-qiao Between Shen De-qian;郑板桥与沈德潜诗论主张之异同
1.Zhengbanqiao’s poem has the style of Du Fu,and the Travel of Evading Famine is typicalone.郑板桥的诗有杜甫遗风,《逃荒行》就是典型的代表,反映了贫民的疾苦,揭示了康乾盛世的黑暗。
2.Zhengbanqiao renowned for his poems, calligraphy, and drawings has a unique personality.“诗书画三绝”的郑板桥以其独特的人格显立于世。
4)Zheng Banqiao Set郑板桥集
1.A Discussion on the Poetry of the History in the Zheng Banqiao Set;《郑板桥集》中咏史类诗歌探讨
5)Zheng Banqiao's ci郑板桥词
6)the study of ZHENG Ban-qiao郑板桥研究
