1.Metamorphosis during melancholy——Discussion on text tension of Duanmu Hongliang's Silu Lake's Metamorphosis忧郁中的蜕变——论端木蕻良小说《鸶鹭湖的忧郁》的文本张力
2.Hou Fangyu in The Peach Blossom Fan and Hamlet in Hamlet are of a melancholy disposition.《桃花扇》和《哈姆雷特》两部剧中的主人公侯方域和哈姆雷特都具有忧郁的性格特征。
3.Sentiment is both related to and distinctly different from such categories as romance,sadness,melancholy or decadence.感伤与浪漫、悲、忧郁、颓废等既有联系,又有明显的区别。

1.Yu Dafu,a Melancholy Man--Reflection on Yu Dafu s MelancholyZhuang Zongrong;忧郁的郁达夫——试析郁达夫的忧郁情结
2.To feel, appear, or act despondent, sad, or mournful.忧郁,沮丧,悲伤,忧伤
3.melancholia involutionis衰老性忧郁症 衰老性忧郁
4.melancholia praesenilis初老性忧郁症 初老性忧郁
5.Inclined to melancholy.忧郁的,悲观的,沮丧的有忧郁倾向的
6.melancholia with delirium谵妄性忧郁症 谵妄性忧郁
7.Sorrowfully did Job return into the body of the court.乔布忧忧郁郁地回到法庭里面。
8.Pathos·Melancholy·Woe--The Discussion on YU Da-fu s Mopish Character in His Novel;感伤·忧郁·悲鸣——论郁达夫小说的忧郁气质
9.growing more melancholy every hour; her melancholic smile; we acquainted him with the melancholy truth.每一刻都变得更加忧郁;她忧郁的微笑;我们知晓他忧郁的原因。
10.A man of somber hue.一个外表忧郁的男子
11.Save for that sad light,除了那忧郁的灯光,
12.A boy of sullen humor.一个性情忧郁的男孩
13.Why are you looking so dismal?你为何看上去这么忧郁?
14.Melancholy is the pleasure of is sad.忧郁,是享受悲伤的乐趣。
15.showing pensive sadness.表现出忧郁、悲伤的。
16."Nothing," she answered, a little drearily.“没事,"她情绪忧郁地说。
17.You are too pensive, HendersonSungo.你太忧郁了,亨德森-桑戈。
18.a funereal expression, atmosphere忧郁的表情、 凄凉的气氛.

1.Depression: Comparison between the Early Poems of Daiwangshu and AiQing;忧郁:戴望舒与艾青早期诗歌之比较
2.Visual analogous scale,short form of McGill pain questionaire,state trait anxiety inventory manual,Beck s depression scale and Snyder s sleep scale were respectedly used to evaluate pain,motion and sleep state of patients.乳癌、肺癌病人疼痛感觉明显,以中度居多;鼻咽癌、肺癌病人的焦虑、忧郁程度偏高;癌症病人的睡眠障碍为轻、中度,但不同诊断间差异不明显。
1.Patients developed postpartum melancholia and postpartum depression and their prophylaxis;产后忧郁和抑郁症的发生和预防
2.I will argue that the snail stands for a wanderer caught between melancholia and utopia, who, while questioning idealism and hope, refuses to give up his explorative writing career.本文结合格拉斯对德国著名画家丢勒铜版画《忧郁》的议论,分析《蜗牛日记》及其附录文章,考察作品中形成强烈反差的人物形象和动物意象,勾勒作家一以贯之的基本立场:“蜗牛”象征着在“忧郁”与“乌托邦”之间徘徊者的努力,既不愿停止以笔济世的努力,又对理想主义和希望原则提出质疑。
6)Maternity blues产后忧郁

忧郁忧郁 忧郁   病证名。情志三郁之一。多因悲忧过度所致。《景岳全书·杂证谟》:“若忧郁病者,则全属大虚,本无邪实。”以悲则气消,忧则气沉,故必伤脾肺。若初郁不开,未至内伤而胸膈痞闷者,宜二陈汤、平胃散,或和胃煎、调气平胃散、神香散、六君子汤调之。忧郁伤脾而吞酸呕恶者,宜温胃饮或沉香散。忧郁伤脾肺而困倦怔忡,倦怠食少者,宜归脾汤或寿脾煎。忧思伤心脾,以致气血日消,饮食日减,宜五福饮、七福饮,甚者大补元煎。”参见情志三郁、七情郁证,内郁条。