1.The Divinatory Symbol Li,the Divinatory Symbol Zhongfu have referred to Songs,and the upper part of the Copulative has referred to Dance.《周易》中的乐舞思想十分丰富,《需卦》、《豫卦》、《文言》、《系辞》和《杂卦》等多处涉及“乐”,《离卦》、《中孚》涉及“”,《系辞上》涉及“舞”,《渐卦》蹁跹启文舞,《夬卦》干戚发武舞。
2.WANG Luo bin, the late composer, and his songs in this thesis are discussed in three aspects:1.本文从最美的音乐就在自己的国土上,新的追求、美的创造和真正美的东西是没有国界的三个方面,对王洛宾和他的作了简要论
3.And it was also reviewing the relationship of poetry and songs in Ancient, as well as the development and influence of the Poetry Revolution and School Songs Movement.本文的中心议题,是探讨“诗”一词使用背后的意义及与之有关的新诗发展方向,围绕“诗”在新诗产生之初至20年代的被使用来展开。

1.Opera stars;an opera libretto.剧名星,剧的
2.a temperamental opera singer.喜怒无常的手。
3.Songs from cowboys. Songs from farmers.牛仔的、农民的
4.It was an autumn song. It was his song.那是秋天的,是他的
5.The singer was mobbed by his fans.这手被迷们团团围
6.merry songsters singing carols欢乐地唱着颂手.
7.The art or work of a poet.诗艺术或诗作品
8.touch singer演唱伤感恋的女
9.prima buffa [ 5bufE ](舞喜剧的)主要女
10.torch singer n.专唱感伤恋的女
11.They sing the praises of their ancestors and their hometown.他们颂祖先,颂家乡,
12.singer of lead role in an opera.在剧中演主角的手。
13.She taught him the words of the song.她教给他那首词。
14.I cannot remember the words of the song.我忘了那首词。
15.The author of a libretto.剧、音乐剧的词作者
16.jubilee singer唱黑人民的黑人
17.She is a famous pop star.她是流行曲的名星。
18.a pop singer, song, concert流行手、 流行曲、 流行曲音乐会

1.Songs,either Chinese or foreign, either folk or popular, all contain abundant figures of speech, which, as the elegant expression for people to love to hear, are wings and vitality of the songs.中外曲,无论民或是流行曲,无处没有比喻。
3)Songs and words歌曲歌词
4)Yang-ge for health健歌秧歌
6)Liao song dike嘹歌歌圩

yangge歌 流行于福州语区的曲种。又名洋歌、榕歌。兴起于清代光绪年间。曲调由弋阳腔演变而来,以福州方言演唱,说白中大量采用了当地的谚语、歇后语和生动形象的隽语,富于地方色彩。创始演唱歌的多是不满于清代封建统治阶级的文人,他们创立乐社,借以消遣自娱。当时有邵天开创立的“洞中天”、白云天创立的“如赓”两个乐社,影响最大,对歌的发展起了推动作用。歌的曲调属于曲牌联套体,曲牌的运用各有定格。有分别应用于生、旦、三花、老外等脚色的专用曲牌,也有生旦通用及适用于悲苦、行路、对话的曲牌。采取坐唱、分担角色的演唱形式,伴奏以三弦、四胡、琵琶、笙为主,配以箫、笛、大小吹和大小锣、钹等打击乐器。曲本以表现当地人民生活、风物的题材为多,也有一些从戏曲故事改编而来,不少作品反映了一定的民族意识,揭露了官僚丑态和封建社会的腐败。辛亥革命以后,产生了《迎统一》、《劝戒鸦片》等作品。                 薛汕