1.Recalling from Nightmare to Innocence——Dual cultural complex on Xiao Hong s novels;由梦魇向童真回溯——萧红对故乡的双重文化情结
2.Simple in language and plot,they express profound ideas,and post an ideal model of philosophy,which calls a revival of the originality,innocence,and simplicity.书中,贾德以生动的形式,流畅的语言,陈述了自己的哲学观和方法论,呼吁回归本源和童真,简明哲学,把哲学从象牙塔台里解放出来,让它回到我们每个人的生活中。
3.Through the great pains of losing innocence and disillusionment with the adult world, Holden, drawing strength from his sister Phoebe’s love, finally completes his maturation and accepts his responsibility as an adult.霍顿经受了失去童真的痛苦,成人世界让他大失所望。

1.Nener Disappear the Childlike Innocence;未泯的童真——丰子恺散文里的童真
2.Praise the Children’s Simplicity Purely--On the Comment of “Beauty of Naivety ” in Bing Xin’s Works;至纯至善颂童真——论冰心作品的“童心美”
3.The Unique Esthetic Sense of the Children;独特的童真美感——论“桂林文化城”儿童诗歌创作
4.Romantic Intonation in the World of Pure Children’s Eyes--On the creating of Zhong Daihua’s Children Poems童真世界的浪漫诗吟——钟代华儿童诗创作论
5.From Childlike Innocence to Nature:On Artistic Style of Feng Zikai s Essay;从童真到自然:丰子恺散文的艺术风格
6.Beauty and Goodness of Children s Naivete--Interpretation on Tagore s Crescent Moon ;童真的美与善——泰戈尔《新月集》解读
7.Revival of Innocence and Simplication of Philosophy--An Interpretation of Gaarder;回归童真 简明哲学——我读贾德
8.The World Full of Children s Innocence and Humor--Comment on LALA and Me;童真的世界,幽默的文风——评《拉拉与我》
9.Return to Innocence-Feng Zikai s Ideas of Children Culture and Implication in Curriculum Theory;回归童真—丰子恺的儿童文化思想及其课程论意蕴
10.Annie: Yes. She is indeed a "wonder child"!安妮:她真不愧为“神童”。
11.I thought love was only true in fairy tales!爱情是童话故事中唯一真实的东西!
12.The best smell is bread, the best savour salt, the best love that of children.面包最香盐味鲜,儿童之爱最纯真。
13.It is a burning shame that children should have to beg in the street.儿童被迫沿街行乞,真是羞死人。
14.Children lose their innocence as they grow older.童稚的天真随着年龄的增长而消逝.
15.The programs for the development of work concerning women and children should be earnestly implemented.认真贯彻实施中国妇女、儿童发展纲要
16.I really enjoyed watching the game and learning about kids hockey.观看比赛、了解儿童冰球赛真使我高兴。
17.Between a Real and a Fancy Worlds--On the narrative space of fairy tales;在真实与虚幻之间——论童话的叙事空间
18.The Simple and Unadorned Words with True Feelings--On Li Fengjie s prose for Children;真情与质朴的文字——李凤杰儿童散文论

children's simplicity童真童趣
3)children's nature儿童本真
4)dramatization of innocence童真艺术
5)return to innocence回归童真
6)Children Innocence童真趣味

童真【童真】 (术语)沙弥之异名,又通于有发童子,凡童子之性,天真烂漫,故云真,若准汉语则当云真童,今准梵语故曰童真。玄应音义五曰:“童真是沙弥别名。梵云究摩啰浮多Kumarabahuta,究摩啰者,是彼土八岁未冠者童子总名。浮多此云真,亦言实也。”楞严经五曰:“今于如来得童真名,预菩萨会。”