1.The development of Zhuzhi Ci from the Tang dynasty has experienced twice transformations:the"popularity"to"elegance"and the"elegance"to"popularity".唐代文人竹枝词的发展大体经过了从""到"雅",再从"雅"到""的的二度转变。
2.The culture of elegance or that of popularity is an indispensable element in Chinese traditional art."雅"文化与""文化是组成我国传统艺术中不可或缺的部分,雅的观念一直随着社会经济的发展和民间艺术的繁荣而进行着转变。
3.Some reasons influence elegance and popularity.文艺的高雅与通 ,二者的区分、变易和相对融合受许多因素的影响。

1.He is of the world worldly.他是人中的人。
2.In a worldly manner.世地以世的方式
3.When you are at Rome do as the Romans do. -- Penn入乡随。-- 班
4.pretty to - do[]混乱, 骚乱
5.spoil(sth)by making it too ordinary or well known;popularize使(某事物)气、庸化或通化;普及.
6.The quality or condition of being vulgar.庸,粗的品质或环境
7.Relating to or characterized by kitsch.庸的与庸有关或以庸为特征的
8.Vulgar, Fawning Vulgar,and Popular --On the Literature at the Turn of the Century;世·媚·通——世纪之交文学纵横谈
9.Zhuangzi s"Exaltation of Elegance in Submission to Convention" and the"Elegance Deduced from Convention" of Poetics;庄子的"从"与诗学的"以为雅
10.Cheaply or showily vulgar in appearance or nature; tawdry.艳的外表或本质粗表面却艳丽的;低
11.The topic of this unit is customs.今天,我们要谈论的话题是“风”,话说:入乡随
12.The Mirror of Folk Customs--Viewing Folk Culture from the Perspective of Genre-painting of the Song Dynasty民“镜像”——由宋代风画看宋代民文化
13.Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.番茄(称:西红柿)
14.control room [commonly known as console]控制室〔称“电台”〕
15.Stocks and Dies套丝器(名牙板)
16.Pressure Reliet Valve放压阀(名试压)
17.malabar spinach落葵 -称:木耳菜
18.Return Offset U形管(名遮柄曲)

1.This paper argues that the attitudes towards news languages should be either popular or authentic,so as to attract the audience.通过剖析新闻语态的""与"真",认为新闻语态应做到"宜宜真",才是电视新闻工作者贴近观众的要素之一。
2.Literature of Song Dynasty has elegance as its model, at the same time, it combines the popular change.宋代文学在以雅为宗的同时,又呈雅结合的变化,经济发达,城市繁荣,市民文化消费促使了文学的发展;其接受效应影响了雅文学作者的创作思想,使之转向了雅结合。
3.But in reality it is also a "popular" play of ostentatious fun and folk performance.但实际上此剧的排场 ,除了谐趣表演外 ,更有很多表现民间风、神魔祭祀、狂欢笑闹的排场 ,穿插多种民间伎艺的表演。
3)The Vulgar俗
1.The refined and the vulgar is all with the "Li " have got the close relation.原始的雅、都和"礼"有着密切的关系。
1.Although there have been lots of interpretations on the elegance and vulgarness of literature,the author considers them just criticisms on the surface without gasping the essence.关于文学雅与的内蕴已有不少阐释,但都是离开本体论去谈雅与,给人一种隔靴搔痒的遗憾。
1.Seriousness and popularness are interchangeable.通文艺与严肃文艺没有明显的界限 ,雅与是相互吸收、相互转化的。
1.Elegant and vulgar is the core category in the field of Ci theory, The focus lamp of the Ci theory was focus elegant and vulgar issue long time.雅与是词学的核心范畴,词学研究的聚光灯长期聚焦于雅问题。

《赣州正俗方》《赣州正俗方》 《赣州正俗方》   医方著作。二卷。宋·刘彝撰。据《宋史·艺文志》刘彝本传记载:“刘彝……知虔州,俗尚巫鬼,不事医药,彝著《正俗方》以训斥淫巫三千七百家,使以医易巫,俗遂变”。原书已佚。