1.Study on the Understanding of Cultivating Students′creativity in College Experimental Teaching;高校实验课教学中培护学生原创力的认识问题研究
2.Therefore,to develop students creativity with all kinds of methods in all links of teaching is highly demanded in vocal music teaching,which is useful to help students master the singing skills and improve students ability to analyze,comprehend,apprecia.原创力是学生个性化的潜能。
3.Gao Juhan’s interpretation of Dong Qichang’s imitative paintings works to shatter the reductionist binary opposition of "creation is not imitation,and imitation carries no creativity".高居翰在对董其昌绘画创作的"仿"之阐释中,打破了"创造就不能模仿,模仿就没有创造力"的简单的二元对立观念,认为董其昌式的"仿"就是创造性的模仿,"仿"也可以是有原创力;绘画理念既可以如杜尚般不断扩展绘画(艺术)的疆域,按照推倒再来的"逆反式"发展方式,也可以如董其昌般按照不断寻找既有的资源为我所用的"顺承式"发展方式。

1.deficient in originality or creativity; lacking powers of invention:i a sterile ideology lacking in originality.缺乏原创力或者创造力;缺少发明创造的力量;例如“缺乏原创力的思维方式”。
2.The Research on Cultivating Studens Original Ability in Physical Experimental Teaching;物理实验教学中培护学生原创力研究
3.Exploration of Chinese Original Scientific Creativeness with Reference to Agricultural Science and Technology;我国科技原创力探微——以农业科技为例
4.The Dialogue of Innovation and Tradition;创新与传统的对话——以传统美学之思探究视觉传达设计的原创力
5.Research on Technology Original Innovation Power and Economic Development of Guangdong s Professional Town;科技原创力与广东专业镇经济发展研究
6.Technological Innovation and Social Innovation:The Dynamics of Social Development;技术创新与社会创新:社会发展的原动力
7.Creating Space for Change;创造变化的空间——农民发展创新的原动力研究
8.The Study on the Causes Leading to the Weak Ability of China s Initial Innovation and Corresponding Suggestions;我国原始创新能力不足的原因和对策研究
9.innovation in science and technology is/provides impetus for the company to develop科技创新是企业发展的原动力
10.On Cultivation of Innovation Ability of College Students:Problem,Significance and Principle;大学生创新能力培养:问题、意义与原则
11.Some Thoughts on Original Innovation and a Country s Competitiveness;关于原始性创新与国家竞争力的思考
12.The Cause of Lacking New Ideas in Institutions in People-run Schools and Countermeasures;民办学校制度创新乏力的原因及对策
13.Raises student s innovation ability in mechanism teaching;机械原理教学中培养学生的创新能力
14.Interest in Studies Is the Impetus of Developing Creative Thinking;学习兴趣是创造性思维发展的原动力
15.The Advanced Productivity Theories Research Is Abundant and Innovation Productivity Principle;先进生产力理论研究丰富和创新了生产力原理
16.On Gravitation of Teaching the Creative Ability in Primitive of Training;原始性创新能力的培养对《万有引力》教学的要求
17.That will only stifle your creativity and could make your writing seem dry and unoriginal.这只会抑制你的创造力,可能让你的作品看上去干瘪,没有原创色彩。
18.Culture, Education and National Creativeness--Analysis of Reason for Fall of the Chinese Creativeness since the Modern Times;文化、教育与民族创新——兼析近代以来中华民族创造力衰微的原因

1.The article brings forward the strategy to boost the cultural creativ industry in Xiamen based on its condition in comparison with other cities from an international perspective that is originality for diffusion force,diffusion force for brand strength and brand strength,in turn,for competiveness of the industry.结合厦门市文化创意产业的基础与条件,以国际视野和城市比较的方法,提出了以原创力培育文化创意产业的传播力、以传播力锻造文化创意产业的品牌力、以品牌力支撑文化创意产业的竞争力的产业提升方略。
2.From the global perspective,the strength of the animation industry in developed countries is intimately related to this originality.原创力是一个国家动画产业的核心竞争力,动画产业原创力具有独特的内涵和构成要素。
3)Original Creativity原创力
1.The return of original creativity: Deep thoughts on the spirit of the Pu School ——Some notes on reading Research Methods of the Scholars in the Qing Dynasty;原创力的回归:朴学精神的思考——读胡适的《清代学者的治学方法》
4)original ability原创能力
5)creation motif创作原动力
1.Starting with a brief introduction to Charlotte Brontes life,the intense biographical flavor in one of her famous works,Villette was discussed By probing into Charlottes creation motif and personal feelings behind Villette,this paper then tends to dig out Charlottes life experiences and in essence,which are the sources of her narratio文章探讨了夏洛蒂的创作原动力及在其小说《维莱特》中企图传达的个人情感 ,表明夏洛蒂·勃朗特的生活经历本质上就是其小说叙述的源泉 ,《维莱特》具有强烈的自传色彩。
6)Technology Original Innovation Power科技原创力
1.Research on Technology Original Innovation Power and Economic Development of Guangdong s Professional Town;科技原创力与广东专业镇经济发展研究

《读者》(原创版)《读者》(原创版)创刊于2004年9月,系《读者》系列刊物,是《读者》杂志拓展原创领域迈出的重要一步。从2006年起,《读者》(原创版)改为月刊,将继续注重杂志的原创性、思想性、可读性、参与性,给读者更新鲜的原创体验和精神享受。一年来,在广大作者、读者的呵护与支持下,《读者》(原创版)发行量稳步上升,开创了一方独具特色和生命力的原创天地,丰富和拓展了《读者》的品牌内涵,影响力和受众群不断扩大,得到了读者朋友的欢迎和肯定。本刊热忱欢迎您的参与和原创首发作品,也欢迎独立编译并首发的优秀译作。本刊同时向《读者》杂志“原创精品”栏目供稿。投稿要求及2006年订阅、活动详情请参阅最新《读者》(原创版)及《读者》第19—24期。投稿方式: 电子信箱:duzhe@duzhe.cn邮寄:(730030)兰州市中央广场邮局《读者》信箱《读者》(原创版)编辑部编辑部电话:0931—8773354传达心灵体验,呈现大千世界!同质化时代,更需要一片原创的天空!