1.On prosaic essays adjustment and development:one of examinations of literature in 1990s——One of the 1990s Chinese literature research;散文随笔:调整与发展——90年代文学考论之一
2.The prose is also such,animadverting on Tong City ancient text,requesting to get away from the tie of the ancient literature mode,while drawing lessons from the British Essay establishment modern prose,becoming two kinds of styles of the modern prose:Essay recounted sentiment and scribble with heavy philosophy.散文也是如此,一面批判桐城古文,要求摆脱古文学束缚,一面向外借鉴英法Essay建立现代散文的话语模式,形成了现代散文的两种风格:重叙事抒情的随笔和重哲理议论的杂感。

1.He's bent on completing his essay.他决心要写完他的随笔
2.the gossip column(报纸上的)随笔专栏
3.Theme Then Writing"、"Writing Then Theme" and "Theme First;“意在笔先”、“意随笔生”与“主题先行”
4.Essay Writing and School Narrating Counseling:--A Research Report of Essay Writing and the Development of Middle School Students Character and Personality;随笔文写作与学校叙事辅导——随笔文与中学生个性成长的研究报告
5.Mr.Zhou Zuoren and the Structure of Modern Free-Writing Concept --One of the Comprehensive Comments on Zhou s Free-Writing;周作人与现代随笔观念的构建——周作人随笔综论之一
6.The Textual Criticism of The Essay about A Dream of Red Mansion--A Comparative Study of Its Two Fditions Collected Respectively By Sichuan Provincial Library And Zhengzhou University Library;《读红楼梦随笔》流传考辨——郑藏与川藏《读红楼梦随笔》比较研究
7.Aesthetic Manifestation of European and american Prose A Random Talk on Some Celebrated Prose Writers;欧美随笔散文的审美凝结——从几位随笔大家的创作谈起
8.a highly readable style, essay, article, etc脍炙人口的风格、 随笔、 文章等.
9.His essays can be Oxbridge musty.他的随笔或许带有陈腐的学究气。
10.Is a song a casual literary note for writing that breeze use the JAY probably!大概是风用周杰伦的歌名写的随笔吧!
11.A sketchy or brief prose work.随笔粗略的或简短的散文作品
12.middle article(周刊杂志等的)文学性随笔
13.Cares from Architects:Sketches on Design of Scientific Research Building来自建筑师的关爱:科研建筑设计随笔
14.Dong Qichang View of Calligraph from "Hua chan Shi Sui Bi";从《画禅室随笔》读董其昌的书法艺术观
15.Ting Yu Lou Sui Bi and Xiangru-Wenjun Culture Study;《听雨楼随笔》与相如、文君文化研究
16.Humour:the Artistic Constructions of Modern China s Informal Essay Notions;诙谐:中国现代随笔观念的艺术构建
17.Wu Dexuan s Essays of Calligraphy in Chuyuelou;吴德旋《初月楼论书随笔》中的帖学观念
18.twiddle one's pencil(因无聊而随手) 玩弄铅笔

informal essay随笔
1.Liang Yuchuns prose can be thought as the informal essay in a narrative form.梁遇春的散文是中国化的随笔 (Essay) ;是传统的小品文所追求的“短而隽”和西方崇高精神以及浸染着现代意识的美学观 ,凭借汹涌流转的想象相融合而成的一个矛盾体 ,处处都有一个“我自己”在里面。
1.In the past,the research in the field of Japanese ancient essays mainly concentrated on the contents and subjects.以往对随笔的研究,多见于内容和题材方面,本文着眼于随笔文学的语言特点,以三大随笔《枕草子》、《方丈记》、《徒然草》为例,从文体和修辞入手,分析随笔呈现出的不同语言风格及其成因,探讨文体的演进与随笔文学发展之间的相互促进关系,通过分析随笔的基本修辞风格,研究随笔区别于其它文学形式的基本特征。
2.His collection of essays Posthumous Essays to Japan was published after his death and evoked tremendous repercussions in Japan.陶晶孙去世后他的日语本随笔集《给日本的遗书》出版在日本引起了很大的反响,佐藤春夫将其看作是一位连接新日本和新中国纽带的作家。
4)informal essays随笔
1.This paper makes an analysis and illustration of the similarity and difference between the informal essays of Lamb and Liang Yuchun on the basis of the comparison of their personality and the perspective of their informal essays.从比较兰姆和梁遇春的性格特征与随笔观察点这两个角度,展开对兰姆和梁遇春随笔同中之异的分析与论述,从而具体、翔实地论证梁遇春的随笔既深受兰姆随笔的影响,又具有自己的独创性和中华民族传统的印记。
5)Teaching Essay教学随笔
1.Interpretation with Subsection --Teaching Essay of History of Foreign Architecture;分段解读——外国建筑史教学随笔
6)writing then theme意随笔生
1.The article discusses the meaning and contact of "theme then writing"?"writing then theme"and"theme first", the aim is that put the theory into practice.对“意在笔先”、“意随笔生”与“主题先行”三个命题的含义及联系进行了探讨 ,从而全面地认识写作实践中主题的确立。

随笔1.犹言随手下笔。 2.一种灵活随便的笔记或文体。 3.一种散文体裁。篇幅短小﹐表现形式灵活自由﹐可以抒情﹑叙事或评论。