姚鼐,YAO Nai
1)YAO Nai姚鼐
1.Xi Bao Xuan Shu Lu and the Academic Tendency of Yao Nai;《惜抱轩书录》与姚鼐的学术倾向
2.The Developement of Zeng Guofan to Yao Nai’s Academic Thoughts and Ancient Prose Theory;曾国藩对姚鼐学术思想、古文理论的改造与创新

1.Containing and Profundity--Yaonai Poetry Theory of "Combine Tang Poetry with Song Poetry";涵容与深刻——姚鼐“熔铸唐宋”的论诗宗旨
2.An Interpretation of Yao Nai’s Addiction to Buddhism in His Old Age;姚鼐“老年惟耽爱释氏之学”之我见
3.Between “Imitating" and “Non-imitating" - Yao Nai s Theory of Imitation and its Realistic Significance;“法”与“非法”之间——姚鼐“摹拟论”的现实取向
4.Yao Nai’s people essential thought reflected in his loving and helping the people;论姚鼐爱民、济民和以民为本的思想
5.On Yao Nai s Travel Notes on Climbing the Taishan Mountain viewed from the ancient prose of Tongcheng School;从桐城派的古文谈到姚鼐的《登泰山记》
6.Yao Nai "Moral Principles、Textual Criticism、Poetry and Prose" the Modern Interpretation姚鼐“义理、考据、辞章”的现代阐释
7.On democratic and advanced quality reflected in Yao Nai s ideology;论姚鼐鲜为人知的一面——民主性和进步性
8.The Developement of Zeng Guofan to Yao Nai’s Academic Thoughts and Ancient Prose Theory;曾国藩对姚鼐学术思想、古文理论的改造与创新
9.The Evolution of the Features of the Age of Yao nai s Self-pursuit;姚鼐追求自我的思想嬗变过程及其时代特色
10.From Rhetoric to Textual Criticism: On the Relation of the First Reorientation in YAO Nai s Academic Career and DAI Zhen;从辞章到考据——论姚鼐学术生涯第一次重大转折与戴震的关系
11.A Pair of Peaks: Tong Cheng & Xin’an--On the Internal Motive for Yao Nai to Establish Tong Cheng Literary Orthodox;桐城与新安:双峰并峙——论姚鼐建立桐城文统的内在动因
12.On Yao Nai’s dissonance with authority in his academic activities;试论姚鼐对统治者的离心倾向和对自我的热烈追求
13.On the Gain and Loss of YAO Nai, ZHANG Xuecheng’s Criticism on the Selection’s Classification--Concurrently on the Relationship Between“Seven”,“Assumption” and Fu;关于姚鼐章学诚批评《文选》分类之得失问题——兼论“七”“设论”与赋的关系
14.Merits and Demerits in Criticism on Classificationof Literary Collections by Yao Nai & Zhang Xuecheng--also on Relation Between Fu(versed prose)and "Qi(seven)","Shelun(supposition)";关于姚鼐章学诚批评《文选》分类之得失问题——兼论“七”、“设论”与赋的关系
15.U.S. envoy Armitage to visit Pakistan to harmonize relations美特使阿米塔吉访巴基斯坦调和鼎鼐
16.Besides these, there were 3 divisions (totalling 40,000 men) under Chiang Kuang-nai, Tsai Ting-kai and Han Teh-chin.次是蒋光鼐、蔡廷锴、韩德勤三师,四万人。
17.Fu Nai's Directed Change of Social Security in Miao Regions傅鼐对苗疆地区社会保障的指导变迁
18.SUN Jia-nai's Thought and Practice of "Making Chinese Style Serve the West"孙家鼐的“中体西用”思想及其实践

1.Containing and Profundity——Yaonai Poetry Theory of "Combine Tang Poetry with Song Poetry";涵容与深刻——姚鼐“熔铸唐宋”的论诗宗旨
2.On the relation ship between literature and Confucian orthodoxy,Fangbao paid attention to the Confucian orthodoxy,Liu Dakui emphasized the literature,and Yaonai claimed that literature and Confucian orthodoxy were a unit.桐城“三祖”的古文理论,就文、道关系的认识而言,方苞重在“道”,刘大櫆重在“文”,姚鼐文道合一。
3.YaoNai, who lives in the period of Qian-long and Jia-Qing of Qing Danasty, is a comprehensive scholar of Tongcheng Literature School, as well as an ccomplished calligrapher.生活于清代乾嘉时期的姚鼐,是桐城文派的集大成者,也是卓有成就的书法艺术家。
3)Yɑo Nɑi姚鼐(1732~1815)
4)Comments on Yao Nai s poems姚鼐的诗刍议
5)The Study on Yao Nai s Appreciation of Model Calligraphy Inscriptions姚鼐法贴鉴定研究
6)On Reasons of YAO Nai Leaving the Library of Four Divisions Institute姚鼐辞四库馆探因
