1.As a philosopher and a sociologist,Simmel paid great attention to aesthetics and arts,which was syncretized into his text of philosophy and sociology,presenting the aesthetics fragments of the poetic pattern and the social aesthetic and the dimension of art.作为哲学家和作为社会学家的齐美尔,对美学和艺术十分关注,并把这种关注融合到他的哲学文本和社会学文本之中,从而呈现出诗化形态、社会审美和艺术之维的美学片断。
2.Propensities of feminine beauty and nostalgia abounding in Shanghai Culture,heir to Southern-China Culture,combined with women s specific and delicate inner feelings,enable Shanghai women writers,through repeated interweaving of overall circumstances and images in their novels,to awaken perceptual elements hidden in each word,consolidate and enrich its poetic connotation.通过诗化的意象性、诗化的空间性和诗化的音乐性三个层面的表现形态,不仅可以窥得其小说语言的诗化风格,而且可以在诗化语言自由跳跃中探寻其创造的充满意蕴的艺术世界。
3.Wang Tongzhao,Yu Dafu and Feiming are the representative novelists who express their sentimental experience of life in poetic way.王统照、郁达夫和废名同为 2 0世纪上半叶以诗化手法表达对个体生命的感伤体验的小说家 ,但他们各有其与众不同的创作个性 :王统照专注于对死的思考 ,表达的是一种生命感伤 ;郁达夫着力表现个人生的意志 (包括性的欲望 )及其与社会环境的冲突 ,属境遇感伤 ;废名的小说则逐步实现了对于感伤的超越 ,中后期的作品侧重发现普通人日常生活中的乐趣。

1.The Soul of Poem-Talking about "Stone Story";诗化的灵魂——浅谈《红楼梦》诗化艺术
2.A Summary of Wen Yiduo s Theory of Neo-Poetry;新诗的“原质”与“非诗化”思想:闻一多新诗理论综论
3.His collection of poems Poems Written in South Sichuan can be authorized as a poetic edition of The Principle of Tourism Science.一部《剑南诗稿》俨为诗化的旅游学原理。
4."Dwell Poetically"--On Fei Ming s Pastoral Fiction;“诗意地栖居”——论废名的田园诗化小说
5.On Yu Ping Bo s Poetic Theory;新诗:“诗底进化的还原”——俞平伯的诗论
6.Personalized Poetry Writing and "Non-personalized" Poetics Theory;个人化诗歌写作与“非个人化”诗学理论
7.The Study of Classics of Confucian Poetics through Confucius,Mencius and Xunzi s Citing and Reviewing Poetry;从孔、孟、荀引诗、说诗看儒家《诗》的经学化进程
8.The Cultural Inheritance of the Poetry Theory between on Confucius Poetry and Zhuzi s A Collection Of Poetry;《孔子诗论》与朱子《诗集传》诗学理论的文化传承
9.The modification of The Book of Songs in other cultures;《诗经》的异文化变奏——《国调周诗》、《诗经国风》及其他
10.A Talk on Poems by Apkupvytvy,a Poet of Yi Nationality;文化挑战、诗意建构与中国现代诗——彝族诗人阿库乌雾的诗歌
11.Probe into the Matrix Culture & Purport of the Book of Songs·Zheng Ballads;《诗经·郑风》母体文化与诗旨探析
12.CHEN Baisha the Life of Poetry and the "Poetics of Survival" Concept;陈白沙的诗意化人生和“生存诗学”观
13.The Sense of making poems as Amusements in the Qi and Liang Dynasties;从限韵赋诗看齐梁诗歌创作的游戏化
14.The Interpretation of The Book of Odes and Its Canonization in the Han Dynasty;汉儒的《诗经》阐释与“诗”的经典化
15.Study on Canonization of Poem from Perspective of Its Early Dissemination;从《诗》的早期传播看《诗》的经典化
16.On the Lyric Poetry to the Contribution of Poetry s Scholarization;论阮籍《咏怀诗》对诗歌文人化的贡献
17.The Associative "Tree":Its Cultural Connotations in "The Book of Songs";论《诗经》爱情诗中树兴象的文化涵义
18.Research of <The Book of Songs : Chen Feng> Cultural Connotations of Love Poems;《诗经·陈风》情诗的文化内涵管窥

1.The language of novels experiences the change from the emphasis on poetry and prose to the emphasis on argument.何立伟的小说语言经历了从诗化、散文化向议论化、理性化的转变过程。
2.The work was filled with Romantic and poetry language.《莺莺传》的主人公莺莺具有“花影诗魂”般的情致,小说叙事写情含蓄婉曲,语言整齐富有节奏感,情调浪漫,氛围诗意,颇具诗化的特点。
1.And poetization is characteristic of Rurality Lyrical Novel.田园抒情小说是以乡土生活为题材,以“诗化”为特征的小说。
6)Song Poems' nature of poetry诗歌宋诗化

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理