1.His poem has the gloomy and bold origin in style.构成辛弃疾"词侠"文化范式的是他积极入世的人生哲学及体现在词境词风中的沉郁豪放的渊源。
2.Yu Hu Ci have many styles, such as bold, unconstrained and circumbendibus.他继承和发扬苏轼的旷达词风,并接过南渡词人的沉重历史负担,继续高唱出抗金复国、重整河山的豪放爱国词,扬长避短,使思想与艺术渐趋完美结合。
3.The Tao Yuanming\'s poetry style is various, light is its main feature naturally, meanwhile his style is sincere and bold .陶渊明诗歌的风格是多样的,平淡自然是其主要特点,同时还有淳厚与豪放的一面。

1.His calligraphy is bold and vigorous.他的书法刚劲豪放
2.He is vigorous and unrestrained in behaviour.他这个人做事豪放不羁。
3.Daring gathering and Ci s Heroism --development of Heroic Ci of Sushi;气之积聚与词之豪放——论苏轼豪放词的形成
4.A wild or vigorous musical performance.欢乐豪放,充满活力的音乐表演
5.that would have been beautiful; but it was not thus.那样做,固然豪放,但他并没有那样做。
6.often mocked as Miss Nancy by the more emancipated常被比较豪放的人讥为娘娘腔的男人
7.The Shaanxi window papercuts are simple and bold.陕西窗花风格粗朴豪放,单纯简练,
8.The dance style is straightforward and bold, with few steps.舞蹈风格粗犷、豪放,步伐较少,
9.Female s humor means bold and immoral.幽默给雌性动物就是过度豪放难相处。
10.The Poetry of Yi an and You an:Threnody of Spirits about Graceful and Restrained Poetic Genre and Bold and Unconstrained Poetic Genre;“二安”词:婉约与豪放词宗的心灵悲歌
11.Comments on Chen Duxiu s Poetry;雅洁豪放 胎息亦厚——陈独秀诗作管窥
12.On Yizhuan's Influences on Haofang as an Aesthetic Category论《易传》对“豪放”美学范畴的影响
13.The Denial Theory about Song Ci Poems "Bold Faction" and "Grace Faction"宋词“豪放派”、“婉约派”之否定论
14.A Comparison of Style of the Ci between the School of Wan Yue(Gracefulness and Restrainedness) and the School of Hao Fang(Boldness and Unconstrainedness);“婉转绵丽”与“纵横豪爽”——婉约派与豪放派词风之比较
15.Abstract: Since Su Dongpo had" read slave is tender" is continuously considered is the bold work, this article viewpoint does not oppose it really has the bold ingredient.内容提要:苏东坡的《念奴娇》一直以来被认为是豪放之作,本文的观点不反对其确有豪放的成分。
16.This paper holds that Su Shi's Ci writing has not the flowing graceful, powerful and free state of Li Bai's poems; neither does it reach the hero like powerful and free manner of Xin Qiji's Ci writing.本文认为苏轼词风既没有李白诗风飘逸豪放的境界,也没有赶上辛弃疾词风英雄般的豪放气势。
17.His hand was too strong for such small subjects.他的风格豪放不拘,不太适宜写这类小题目。
18."I'm sorry that you were not all born a little more stupid," the flamboyant Englishman said.“你们为什么不全都生得笨一点,”豪放的英国人说。

powerful and free豪放
1.A query on Su Shi s powerful and free school of Ci writing;苏轼词风“豪放”说置疑
2.It shows subtlety and conciseness, and powerful and free style, the combination of realistic and romantic spirit.俄罗斯人崇尚自然 ;崇尚自然式爱情 ,此种自然崇拜式爱情通常具有两个基本特点 :其一 ,直觉形象思维 ,野性的浪漫 ,其次 ,与自然规律相通的曲折审美 ,阶梯式的复合理性 ,该类审美体现了婉约与豪放风格并重 ,现实与浪漫精神交织 ,而发散其中的达观诗意耐人寻味。
3)bold and unconstrained豪放
1.The article tries to divide ancient Chinese literature into bold and unconstrained style and graceful and restrained style from the difference of writers view of humanistic value.本文拟从创作主体的人文价值精神风貌的迥异出发,而将中国古典文学划分为豪放与婉约两类,并着重论述豪放风格中的两种类型:以李白、苏武为代表的悟道型和以杜甫、陆游为代表的守望型。
1.Discuss again Song-Ci divide graceful,uninhibited reasonability;再论宋词分婉约、豪放之合理性
2.Su Shi is very cheerful and uninhibited in character,loves justice and peace,which results in his unhibited and generous style in his poems.在中国古代文学史上,论起苏词,多以"豪放"赞之。
3.As for the art style,her poems are powerful and uninhibited.从艺术风格上看,秋瑾诗词雄浑刚健、遒劲豪放,一洗传统女性文学的脂粉之气,而多击节铿锵的时代之音。
1.Mao Zedong poem and Ci should be regarded as unconstraint and graceful so that we can understand the great men s whole course of mind.读毛泽东的诗词也当豪放、婉约兼读。
2.The article suggests that in Song Ci the unconstraint school and the gracefulness school represent respectively the tradition of the Confucianist utilitarianism and that of the Taoist non-utilitarianism and contain the esthetic nature of “spirit” and “charm” implied in Chinese poetry.通过对宋词中豪放词与婉约词的探究 ,认为其分别代表了中国诗学史上的儒家功利主义和道家非功利主义两种诗学传统 ;蕴含着“气”和“韵的和谐美的两种诗美形态。
1.On Yizhuan's Influences on Haofang as an Aesthetic Category论《易传》对“豪放”美学范畴的影响
2.In the history of the Ci\'s development, the Wanyue and Haofang category stand for two humanoriented aesthetic interest.“婉约”与“豪放”范畴,在词史的发展上代表了词创作的两大不可偏废的审美趣尚。
