1.Inquire the Meaning of Life: Sympathy and Rescue——The Aesthetic Spirit in The Dream Of The Red Chamber;叩问生命:悲悯与拯救——议《红楼梦》的美育精神
2.Glimpse and sympathy are the unique reflections of Shen Congwen on tradition and modernity in a transforming society of the early 20th century.20世纪初的中国,社会全面转型,沈从文身处其中,表现出的回瞥与悲悯体验是他对"传统"与"现代"的独特思考。
3.We can feel intensely the writer’s motherly affection, sympathy, lenience and kindness by reading her works.阅读她的作品,我们可以强烈地感受到作家如地母般的慈爱和悲悯、宽厚和善良。

1.The feeling, as of sympathy or pity, so aroused.悲悯一种引起怜悯或同情的感情
2.Love·Suffering·Merciful Love and Personality--The Cultural Explanation of the Merciful Love in Cao Yu′s "Thunderstorm";爱·受苦·悲悯与人格——曹禺《雷雨》悲悯情怀的文化阐释
3.The Rover s Sense of Tragedy and Pity--A Brief Comment on Bai Xianyong;漂泊者的悲剧意识和悲悯情怀——白先勇小说简评
4.Have power to cure all sadneess-but despair.能够平抚除了绝望的所有悲悯
5.The Cultural Connotations Included in Poems Depicting Zhaojun s Tragic Marriage Mission to the North of the Great Wall;历代悲悯昭君诗中所包含的文化意蕴
6.Heavy Rhetoric--Superficial View on Guizi s Sadness and Pity Trilogy;沉重的修辞——“鬼子悲悯三部曲”管锥
7.Sorrowful Sympathy and Salvage--Brief discussion on《The Red Prescription》written by Bi Shumin;悲悯与救渎——毕淑敏小说《红处方》浅析
8.Lonely Soul,Feelings of Commiseration--Another Talk About Xiao Hong;孤独的灵魂 悲悯的情怀——也谈萧红
9.The Weak: A Breakthrough from Sympathy to Doubt;《柔弱的人》:由悲悯到质疑的超越
10.Other states also show little sympathy.但是也很少有其他国家表示出些许悲悯之心。
11.The humanistic spirit expressed in Cao Cao s poems;悲悯·体恤·玉人于成——魏武人文情怀之诗文史互证
12.Grief and Tenderness--West Anhui nationnatity Writer Xu Guixiang and his Armies Novels;悲悯与温情——皖西籍作家徐贵祥和他的军旅小说
13.Broadness and profundity,paleness and weakness of bemoaning the state of the universe and pitying the fate of mankind--The power and limit of Yuhua s novels of the middle period;悲悯的博大与苍白——余华中期小说的力量与局限
14.The Comparative Discussion on the Feelings of Sorrow in the Novels of Shen Congwen and Chi Zijian;沈从文和迟子建小说悲悯情怀成因的比较
15.Inquire the Meaning of Life: Sympathy and Rescue--The Aesthetic Spirit in The Dream Of The Red Chamber;叩问生命:悲悯与拯救——议《红楼梦》的美育精神
16.Grief of all living things Pursues all harmony--By Wang Zengqi and literature world;悲悯众生 追慕和谐——论汪曾祺及其文学世界
17.Inquiring after Life:Pity and Rescue-On the Aesthetic Education Spirit of A Dream of Red Mansions;叩问生命:悲悯与拯救——论《红楼梦》的美育精神
18.Praise and Sorrow: On the differences of the novel figures between Mao Dun and Wu Zuxiang;赞美与悲悯:茅盾、吴组缃小说人物塑造之比较

1.Feelings of Pity; Anxiety of Ecology; Pursuit of Homeland;悲悯情怀·生态忧虑·家园追寻
2.Pity is author s emotional expression.悲悯是作者的情感表现。
3.It touches on the beauty,ugliness and melancholy,embodying the author’s feeling of pity and will of rescue.《红楼梦》以其寓言式构思表达了作者对自己、对人间世的叩问,在叩问中向生命质疑其价值、意义、目的、来路、过程、去向及生命的美丽、丑陋和悲怆,体现出作者博大的悲悯情怀和拯救之愿。
1.This article discusses "Thunderstorm" from characters sufferings,creational aspiration,life experience and so on,and it shows that the works contains the theme of revealing the cruelty and grief of living and the callousness of life.文章从人物遭际、创作心声、生活体验等方面考察《雷雨》,认为作品蕴含着揭示人生残忍,悲悯生命冷酷的主题。
2.He makes effort to redeem the modern society with the deficient emotion by the classical grief and to melt lonely and the mutual lack of understanding ---these modern life dilemmas with feeling and concern.他力求以古典的悲悯救赎缺乏情感的现代社会,用温情和关怀化解“孤独”“隔膜”这些现代人生困境,他张扬人生的尊严人性的高贵,同时也不回避人性中的阴暗委琐,但仍是将其作为前者的陪衬有节制地诉说,并以平和的态度给予坚决的否定,从而以美的理想统摄真的现实,建构出和谐的新古典主义艺术境界。
1.The theme of his painting is human compassion combined with desire,spirit,historical and cultural connotation.透过欲望、精神、历史与文化的内涵,可以看到他的绘画的主题是人类的悲悯,也可以看到他对自然的眷恋,对生活的挚爱。
1.The Tending of "Sympathies" of the Feeling of Life in ZANG Ke-jia s Poem Writing;臧克家诗歌人生感受的“悲悯化”倾向
6)bemoaning the universe悲天悯人
1.His other prose,the low-social-status-persons series,is filled with the state of bemoaning the universe.而他写那些社会底层小人物系列的散文,则充满着一种悲天悯人的情怀。
