1.The homesick consciousness in 19 Ancient poems conceals confusion and depression.十九首的怀乡意识中潜藏着迷茫和苦闷,有欲归不能欲说还休的复杂况味。

1.From Longing for the Homeland to Reflecting on the Homeland--the Variances of Looking Back to the Homeland in the Chinese Language Literature in the United States of 20th Century;从“怀乡”到“望乡”——20世纪美国华文文学中故国情怀的变迁
2.Song of the Nostalgic Travelers -- On Unique Styles of the Local-color Novels by Lu Yan漂泊者的怀乡之曲——析鲁彦乡土小说的独特风格
3.Snow White and the Nostalgia of Parody Fairy;《白雪公主》与戏仿童话的“怀乡病”
4.Survival and Homesickness:Xiao Hong s Peculiar Text About Life Experience;生存与怀乡:萧红生命体验的独特文本
5.To see evolvement of Li Bai s self-image through his homesick poems;思乡的李白——从李白的怀乡诗看诗人的自我形象演变
6.The sailors yearned for home.这些水手怀念家乡。
7.Do you miss your home country?你怀念你的家乡吗?
8.I carry memories of my homeland around with me.我总是怀念着我的故乡。
9.To feel a lingering, often nostalgic desire.怀念怀念,常指思乡的愿望
10.A Review of the Decline of the Native Land--on the care about Native Land in Shaanxi Opera;颓败的乡土的回望——论《秦腔》的乡土关怀
11.He miss the delight of the peaceful country life.他怀念平静的乡村生活的种种乐趣。
12.She has a great affection for her hometown.她对家乡怀有深厚的感情。
13.Cheney was vacationing at his home in Wyoming.钱尼正在怀俄明州家乡度假。
14.He returned to his native land of homesickness.他因怀念故土而返回(乡里)。
15.Beijing is for us an old and nostalgic home.北京对我们来说是令人怀念的故乡。
16.Why do we yearn this much for the native land?我们为什么这样怀念故乡呢?
17.I remember fondly the sounds of my birthplace -- the sounds of thunder and of rain.我怀想着故乡的雷声和雨声。
18.On the Humanism of Contemporary Local Novels of Hunan;论湖南当代乡土小说的人道主义情怀

Emotional Love for Countryside乡村情怀
3)Concern for the Homeland乡土关怀
4)nostalgia about his hometown羁旅怀乡
5)dream of yearning for native land怀乡之梦
6)poems of homesickness怀乡诗
