1.Tiexue (帖学) has more than a thousand years of history, and can be traced all the way back to the Jin (265-420) and Tong Dynasty when it had started.早期(约顺治、康熙、雍正时)是明季书风的延续,属帖学期;中期(约乾隆、嘉庆、道光时),帖学由盛转衰,碑学逐渐兴起;晚期(约咸丰、同治、光绪、宣统时),是碑学的中兴期。
2.He wrote many works about JinShi textual research and TieXue theory, especially for the later.王澍(1668—1743)是清代康熙、乾隆时期的一位帖学大家。

1.Study on "Guang Chuan Shu Ba" Written by Dong You from the Viewpoint of Inscription;董逌《广川书跋》研究:以帖学为视角
2.Wu Dexuan s Essays of Calligraphy in Chuyuelou;吴德旋《初月楼论书随笔》中的帖学观念
3.Origin and Evolution of Emperor Gaozong s Handwriting and Traditional Calligraphy;论宋高宗书法与传统帖学的源流关系
4.Lin, however, joined the hardwood calligraphy school and became a most important figure in this type of calligraphy because of the important and successful innovations he brought to modern cao calligraphy.林散之投入帖派队伍,并成为帖学巨擘。对显得有些萎靡的现代草书,进行了一定的突破与改革
5.From the Song to the Qing Dynasty, the two Chinese calligraphy systems, the northern stone tablet calligraphy and the southern hardwood calligraphy, developed along separate lines.书坛上自宋代至清代,即由南北书派到帖学碑学的对应。
6.The Concept of Practising Calligraphy after the Copybook in the Cultural Circle of"TongCheng-YangHu" / the Circle of Wu DeXuan and BaoShiChen;"桐城-阳湖"文化圈的帖学观念——以包世臣、吴德旋交游为中心
7.Methods for Copy in Learning Calligraphy and the Relation between Copy,Observation and Creation论书法学习过程中的临帖方法——兼论临帖、读帖和创作的关系
8.The brief note is the most suitable material for primary school students to copy in order to make sentences.字帖儿最适合小学生用来模仿造句。
9.On Five Functions of the Rubbings from Stone Inscription in Calligraphy Teaching试论碑帖在书法教学中的五大功能
10.The Comparative Study of Chu Xue Ji(初学记) and Bai Kong Liu Tie(白孔六帖);《初学记》与《白孔六帖》比较研究
11.Analysis of the Humorous Partner-seeking Posts in the Perspective of Adaptation;语用顺应性——析大学论坛幽默征友帖
12.A Preliminary Discussion on Rubbings from Stone Inscriptions of the Ancient Collected Calligraphy Cards of Bao Xian Hall in Shanxi University;山西大学藏《宝贤堂集古法帖》拓本初探
13.On aesthetic characteristic acquirement of ShuTie and XuanXue --Taking the Wei, Jin, six Dynasties as centre玄学与书帖审美品格的获得——以魏晋六朝为中心
14.The Campus E-board: the Virtual University Campus Informing People about Cultural Happenings;校园帖吧:大学校园文化建设以外的虚拟校园
15.Their young son was always a disobedient child but when he went to school he had to kiss the rod and do as he was told.他们的小儿子一直是个不听话的孩子;可当他上学时,就得服服帖帖,说一不二了。
16."Ira the Ithrite, Gareb the Ithrite,"以帖人以拉,以帖人迦立,
17.Outset (Outset): The folded section or item of promotional material wrapped round the host section.包帖:包着主帖的书帖或宣传材料。
18.And the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God, and into the patient waiting for Christ.帖后3:5愿主引导你们的心、你们爱神并学基督的忍耐。

stele and rubbing theory帖学碑学
3)traditional calligraphy of Tie style传统帖学
4)studies in books of rubbings碑帖学
5)the concepts of Tie school帖学观
6)the outstanding situation of Tiexue帖学独尊
