1.Because A Supplement to Notes from Lao Xue An didn\'t appear when Notes from Lao Xue An was published in the first year of Shaoding reign,also because its title was not included into An Explanatory Booklist from Zhi Zhai or General Verification to Literature or Song History,the book is likely to be a pseudograph,that is,written by someone passing off as Lu You after 1345."续笔记"体现出来的学术水平较低,且与陆游本人的诗作和生平有矛盾之处,当系伪作

1.The Issue of Authenticity from the View point of Linguistics: A Discussion with Yang bojun;从语言文字方面看《列子》真伪问题——对《列子》是魏晋人伪作观点的质疑
2.Although it is a pseudograph, it is still worth reading.虽然这是篇伪作, 但还是有可读性的。
3.To swear falsely;commit perjury.作伪证发伪誓,作伪证
4.The Doctrine of “Pseudo Conception” Is False Theory --A Critical Study of Pseudo Conception of Writing Methods(Ⅲ);“伪概念”之说系伪说——创作方法伪概念辨之三
5.Bear false witness against sb.作对某人不利的伪证
6.He is send to prison for perjury.他因作伪证被送进监狱。
7.She was punished for giving false witness.她因作伪证受到惩处。
8.an affected politeness, cheerfulness, etc虚伪的礼貌、 强作欢颜
9.variable field designator pseudooperation可变字段标志符伪操作
10.He was punished for giving false evidence.他因作伪证而受到惩罚。
11.The great advantages of simulation and dissimulation are three.作伪与掩饰底大益有三。
12.The beggar's limp was a fake.那乞丐的跛足乃系作伪。
13.Uncovering Calligraphy and Painting Forgery--Study on Calligraphy and Painting Forgery in the Song Dynasty (Ⅲ)中国古代书画作伪揭秘——宋代书画作伪研究之三
14.counterfeit emotion; counterfeit money; counterfeit works of art; a counterfeit prince.虚假的感情;伪币;伪造的艺术作品;假冒的王子。
15.The act of pretending;a false appearance or action intended to deceive.虚假,伪装伪装的动作;欲想欺骗的虚假的外表或动作
16.Our job is to report the news, not fabricate it. That's the government's job.我们的工作是报告新闻,不是伪造新闻。伪造是政府的事情。
17.Enslaving Education of Nanjing in Occupied Period;抗战期间日伪在沦陷区的奴化和伪化教育——以南京地区作个案分析
18.There be also three disadvantages, to set it even.持平言之,作伪与掩饰也有三种害处。

1., it is concluded that there are all sorts of phenomenon of faking.文章通过对货币、书籍、契约、茶叶、盐、香料、绘画和墨等物品的考察,说明在宋代社会上出现各种各样的作伪现象。
2.The present thesis makes a deep study on the issues of Mi Fu s learning by imitating, faking and in.本文运用资料分析、作品对比分析、内部研究和外部研究相结合等研究方法,从米芾的传世作品概述、集古与作伪以及集古与出新三个方面,对米芾书法学习过程中的集古、作伪、综合创新等问题进行了较为深入地研究,全文分为三章进行论述:第一章重点对米芾集古学习的资料进行详细分析,为下文集古与作伪以及集古与出新问题的论述,进行资料的整理。
3)forgeryproof wook防伪工作
4)Intentional Making of Falseness有意作伪
1.In the cooperation learning class,pseudo-cooperation often occurs among the group members,when they fail to be responsible for themselves,and obviously short of self-reliance.在课堂学习中,经常会出现小组成员之间的"伪合作",即小组成员通过小组合作的方式共同探究问题答案,但是徒有合作的形式,小组成员间缺乏荣辱与共的意识,并没有形成积极互赖的小组关系。
6)fabricated science科学作伪
1.This article first briefly analyzes the differences and connections between the concepts of pseudoscience, fabricated science and the trend of pseudoscience.本文简要分析了伪科学、科学作伪与伪科学思潮这三个概念之间的差别和联系 ,并进一步分析了由科学作伪演变成伪科学思潮的本质特

伪作1.假造。 2.指托名假造的作品。