
1.To discussing the ‘skill’ and ‘Tao’ of the Calligraphy from ‘Shupu’;由《书谱》谈书法的“技”与“道”
2.An analysis of thought reflected in Sun Guoting’s Principles of Calligraphy;略论孙过庭《书谱》的书学思想精髓
3.Aesthetic Criticism Thought in "The Continuation of Theories on Calligraphy" of JIANG Kui;论姜夔《续书谱》的书法美学批评思想
4.a later Song Dynasty scholar called him the founder of kai calligraphy.宋人《宣和书谱》中评价他的书法"各尽法度,为正书(即楷书)之祖"。
5.Furthermore, the calligraphic style in Book Charts that quality depends on generation and the distinctive quality have the equal beauty results from Confucian aesthetics.此外,《书谱》“质以代兴”、“异质同妍”的书法风格观也来自儒家美学。
6.The criticism in Book Charts of persona is influenced by Confucian arts idea.《书谱》对书法的人格主义批评也受儒家艺术观的影响。
7.An individual analysis of relationship between literary theory and calligoaphy theory of ancient China;《文赋》与《书谱》——中国古代文论与书论之间关系的个案分析
8.copy a recipe out of a book从书上抄下一份菜谱
9.liturgical book [not containing music]礼拜仪式书[不含乐谱]
10.Too much licence was taken in translating the book.这本书译得太离谱了。
11.To Correct the Errors of “Xu Shushi Huiyao” Recorded in “Peiwenzhai Shuhua Pu”;《佩文斋书画谱》署录《续书史会要》正误
12.A book containing recipes and other information about the preparation of food.食谱一种包括食谱及其它烹饪食品信息的书
13.Cookbook:a book containing recipes and other information about the preparation of food.食谱:一种包括食谱及其它烹饪食品信息的书.
14.The Regained Pedigree of Hainan Huizu--A Study of Pedigree of Tongtun Clan;失而复得的海南回族族谱——《通屯宗谱全书》探研
15.Study of Dance Notations and Music Scores in Theory of Tone-system by Zhu Zaiyu朱载堉《乐律全书》中舞谱与合乐谱的研究
16.The book contains very varied recipes.这本书上有各种不同的食谱。
17.Many libraries specialize in genealogy.许多图书馆专门收藏氏族家谱。
18.Music notation is a general term to describe the writing down of music.音乐记谱法是指音符通用书写方法。

1.To discussing the ‘skill’ and ‘Tao’ of the Calligraphy from ‘Shupu’;由《书谱》谈书法的“技”与“道”
2.Calligraphy Artistic Thory of SUN Quo- ting s Shupu;孙过庭《书谱》的书法艺术理论
3)music books乐书乐谱
4)The Continuation of Theories on Calligraphy续书谱
1.Aesthetic Criticism Thought in "The Continuation of Theories on Calligraphy" of JIANG Kui;论姜夔《续书谱》的书法美学批评思想
5)Xuanhe Calligraphic Florilegium《宣和书谱》
1.The dissertation studied the Xuanhe Calligraphic Florilegium (XCF), which was compiled officially in Bei-Song Dynasty, and consisted of the basilica-owned calligraphic works and the related calligraphers biographies when the emperor was Huizong.本文是以北宋官方编撰的《宣和书谱》为研究对象,该书是著录徽宗时期御府所藏书法作品及相关书家传记的著作。
6)Study on Shupu书谱研究

《太清楼书谱》册(宋拓本)  中国北宋内府所刻唐《孙过庭书谱上卷》原石的宋拓残本。剪方装,残存14页,自"於胸襟"至"重述旧章"共111行,每页8行,纵31厘米,横22.5厘米。《孙过庭书谱》为北宋大观年间内府所刻,因与《王羲之十七帖》、《大观帖》及《秘阁续帖》同置于太清楼下,所以总称为《太清楼帖》。    此帖摹刻精工,字形大小及笔锋起落转折,纤毫毕见,与墨迹无异。原石早佚,此为海内孤本。原墨迹缺30余字,此本首开前17字可补墨迹所缺。有张伯英、罗惇暖、林志钧、马叙伦、齐燕铭等跋,并有"石门吴乃琛賮忱珍藏"、"清净"等藏印 8方,由陈叔通家属捐赠给国家,现藏故宫博物院。