1.Du Zi-ye,Zhang Zhu and Tan Fang have been discovered to be teachers of Wang An-shi.王安石的师承渊源明确可考者有杜子野、张铸、谭三人 ,而向来遭受质疑的周敦颐与李觏也应与王安石存在着人际上的交往和思想上的交流。

1.Her performance is exquisite; her image on the stage is very nice;师承名家朱传茗等。
2.Why Did JINAG Fan Compile Records of Han-Learning Masters and Its Role in Scholars Controvesies Between Han-Learning and Song-Learning;“儒林列传”与“汉学师承”——《汉学师承记》的修撰及汉宋之争
3.A Great Master and Brilliant Disciples--An Analysis of the Effect of Passing on from Master to Disciple in Scientific and Technological Innovation名师与高徒——科技创新中的“师承效应”剖析
4.He followed the Southern Song Dynasty painting style but was not fettered by old conventions.师承南宋画风,但不墨守陈规,
5.The tenor was a pupil of Caruso.这位男高音歌手师承卡鲁索.
6.Her teachers arethe famous artists Zhang Chuan-fang, Shen Chuan-zhi,etc.师承张传芳、沈传芷等名家。
7.Her teachers are the famous artists Yu Zhen-fei, Shen Chuan-zhi,etc.师承俞振飞、沈传芷等名家。
8.Ensuring and monitoring teaching quality under the apprentice system of Chin ese medicine中医药师承制教育质量的保障和监督
9.A Probe into the Problem of Huang Zong-xi and Gu Yan-wu in The Sinological Pedigree of Qing Dynasty;《国朝汉学师承记》的“黄顾问题”略论
10.Practice and experience in training of postgraduates of traditional Chinese medicine by means of the succession system of teachings from a teacher to his or her disciples中医师承制研究生培养的实践与体会
11.admit someone to the profession; She was admitted to the New Jersey Bar.承认某人的职业;她被承认是新泽西的律师。
12.The Impacts of Underwriting Relationship on Analysts Earnings Forecasts and Investment Recommendations;承销商分析师与非承销商分析师预测评级比较研究
13.The lawyer set out to each heir his portion of the heritage.律师分给每一继承人应得的一份遗产。
14.His calligraphy was inherited from the northern tablet styles and he learned li and zhuan calligraphy from Deng Shiru.他的书法承北碑,篆隶师邓石如,
15.The lawyer undertook the case without a fee.这律师免费承办那个案件。
16.We must allow that he is a good teacher(We must allow him to be a good teacher)我们应当承认他是位好老师。
17.The lawyer undertook the case.该律师经手承办这宗案件。
18.A barrister owes the duty to his client.出庭律师对其当事人承担该义务。

1.The history of the ci study cannot go without detailed description of inheritance from elders.词学师承是具体而微的词学史。
2.The inheritance and influence makes it clear that the psychology of cultural acknowledgement plays a restrictive role in poetry composition.由于这种大语境 ,我们可以从客观的角度看出前代诗人和当代诗人间的师承和影响。
3)master-disciple teaching师承教育
1.Educational history of master-disciple teachings of Chinese medicine in Beijing during 1949~2001;1949~2001年北京中医师承教育史
4)The Teacher Accepts the Inherited in the Family师承家传
5)master and apprentice of Chinese medicine中医师承
6)apprentice system师承制
1.Ensuring and monitoring teaching quality under the apprentice system of Chin ese medicine;中医药师承制教育质量的保障和监督
