1.After seven centuries rise and decline,the great empire-Song Empire has fallen at last.公族大国宋国几经浮沉存在了七个多世纪后 ,最终衰弱下去 ,其原因是多方面的。

1.Worn-out and broken-down.衰弱的疲惫的,衰颓的
2.A feeble body makes a feeble mind.衰弱之躯造就薄弱意志。
3.(fml)cause(sb)to become pale and weak使(某人)苍白衰弱
4.general [nervous] prostration全身 [神经] 衰弱
5.neurasthenic neurosis神经衰弱官能症 神经衰弱官能症
6.To decline in health or vigor;waste away.衰弱,消瘦在健康或精力方面衰退;变得衰弱
7.She broke down from lack of rest.她因缺乏休息而衰弱
8.a long, enervating illness长期而使人衰弱的病.
9.To depress, as in spirits or health.衰弱精神或健康下降
10.Stem-rusts weaken branches and stems.茎锈病会使枝干衰弱
11.The illness weakened her heart.疾病使她心脏衰弱了。
12.The old woman' s body drooped with weariness.老妇人的身体疲惫衰弱
13.His life was ebbing away.他的身体逐趋衰弱
14.His illness has left him weak.他的病使他身体衰弱了。
15.His mother faded away and died.他母亲逐渐衰弱而死。
16.She was fainting with hunger.她因饥饿逐渐衰弱
17.The sick man's heart was failing.病人的心脏渐渐衰弱
18.She is fading fast.她身体在很快衰弱

1.In order to discuss the debility reasons of the urban road trees in Beijing,three aspects of the construction of public service,awful soil base and water stress were analyzed in this paper.为了探寻行道树衰弱的原因,为其养护管理提供依据,文章从行道树附近的市政基础设施及市政施工、土壤问题、水分胁迫3个方面进行了论述,认为导致行道树衰弱的主要原因是以上的一个因素或多个因素综合作用的结果,并提出了解决对策。
1.Prevalence of Neurasthenia and Its Influencing Factors Among Seniors in High School in Yongzhou;永州市高三学生神经衰弱患病情况及影响因素
2.Comparison of symptoms of outpatients with general anxiety disorder(GAD) to ones with neurasthenia,depressive neurosis and major depression;广泛性焦虑症与神经衰弱、抑郁性神经症、抑郁症门诊患者的症状特征比较
3.Clinical Observation of “Yangxin Jiannao Jieyu Decoction” in Treating Neurasthenia in 60 Cases;养心健脑解郁汤治疗神经衰弱60例
6)fatigue state衰弱状态
1.Combination of Wuling capsule and anti-psychotics in post-psychosis fatigue state;乌灵胶囊联合抗精神病药物治疗精神病后衰弱状态

衰弱衰弱  全身或身体某一器官失去了强盛的精力,机能减退,例如身体衰弱、心脏衰弱。