1.Viewing the Early Development of Zoroastrianism from Its Historical Contacts;从历史交往看祆教的早期发展

1.People in that town believe in Zoroastrianism那城的人信奉祆教
2.The “Tian” of Mt. Tian and “Xian” of Xian Jiao (Zoroaster)天山之“天”与祆教之“祆”——西北地区宗教文化的一个侧面
3.The Religious Concept of the Bon Religion,Zoroastrianism and Shamanism in the Viewpoint of Comparative Religion;比较宗教学视野中的本教、祆教与萨满教的宗教观念
4.Some ethnic groups in Xinjiang that followed Islam once also believed in Zoroastrianism.新疆一些信仰伊斯兰教的民族历史上曾信仰过祆教
5.The Gaochang state of that time set up a special organ and appointed special officials to strengthen its control over the religion.当时的高昌政权专门设置了机构和官员来加强对祆教的管理。
6.It became prevalent throughout Xinjiang during the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Sui and Tang dynasties. It was particularly popular in the Turpan area.南北朝至隋唐时期,祆教流行于新疆各地,吐鲁番地区尤为盛行。
7.A body of ancient Persian writings, a sacred text of Zoroastrianism.阿维斯塔古波斯语中的一种文体,用来书写祆教圣书
8.This cotton padded coat has lasted me three years.这件棉祆我已穿了三年。
9.My mother sewed me a new cotton padded jacket.我妈妈给我缝了一件新棉祆。
10.Dunhuang Fresco of Farming Drawing and Xian(祆教) Rainmakers in the Tang Five Dynasties敦煌壁画“雨中耕作图”与唐五代赛祆祈雨活动
11.I was stunned, I could hardly recognize him. Below his waist he was wrapped in a faded blue cloth.他外面穿着大厚蓝布棉祆,袖子很大很长,上面还有拆改补缀的线迹;
12.Sinicization of the Priest of Zoroastrian Temple in the Tang and Song Dynasties;唐宋祆祠庙祝的汉化——以史世爽家族为中心的考察
13.Study A Picture of Zoroastrianism Ritual of Foreigners With Rope of Wine Found On Stone Partitions From The Tomb of Shifeng of Sui Dynasty at Tianshui District;天水隋石屏风墓胡人“酒如绳”祆祭画像石图像研究
14.Mama put on white mourning clothes. A white robe without stitched hems was placed over my red jacket. I remember because I kept breaking off the loose white threads along the edges.妈妈穿上白衣,我的红祆上也罩了个没缝襟边的白袍,我记得,因为不断地撕扯襟边上的白丝儿。
15.The chief see of a metropolitan bishop.都主教教省都主教教主的主要教区
16.Teacher s Quartet--Teach to learn,Learn to Teach,Teach to Ask,Ask to Teach;教师的四重奏——教学·学教·教问·问教
17.The authority to teach religious doctrine.教导宗教教义的权威
18.A church or congregation.教友会教堂或教堂会众

Zoroastrianism deity祆教神祗
3)Zoroastrian art祆教艺术
4)Zoroastrian Stone Engravings (Zoroastrian pictorial Stones)祆教画像石
5)Huoxian Temple火祆庙
1.It points out that there is a historical relationship between Zhenjiang Huoxing Temple and Runzhou Huoxian Temple of the Tang Dynasty.镇江火星庙与唐代润州火祆庙之间具有历史承继关系。
1.On the application of learing fransfer in teaching anatomy of human body tissue;学习迁移在人体组织解剖学教学中的应用
2.Thinking about "teaching" superior to "learning" in the web-based education;关于网络教育中“教”重于“学”的思考
