1.His works have the features of harmony and his narrating style displays a sense of tranquility.万龙生50年代末期致力于现代格律诗的创作,执著于诗文化的现代整合,不仅很好地继承了闻一多诸前辈的成果,而且拓宽和发展了现代格律诗的内涵,其创作态势表现得十分亲和,叙述风格呈现为宽和平静

1.an uneventful life; the voyage was pleasant and uneventful; recovery was uneventful.平静的生活;航行愉快、平静;痊愈的过程很平静
2.Market is quiet.市场清淡(平静)。
3.a tranquil life [heart]平静的生活 [心]
4.She always remains cool , calm and collect In a crisis她在危难中总能保持冷静、 平静和镇静
5.She always remains cool, calm and collected in a crisis.她在危难中总能保持冷静、 平静和镇静.
6.steady and unvarying平稳的,平静的,无变化的
7.Some wild cats disturbed his vegetable life.一些野猫打扰了他平平静静的生活。
8.The next few days passed without incident.以后的几天平平静静地过去了。
9.(cause sb/sth to)become calm,composed or relaxed(使某人[某事物])平静、镇静或放松
10.It's so quiet here- - so peaceful and serene.这儿又这么安静止--如此地平静安宁。
11.She has a retiring nature and loves a restful life.她生性好静,喜欢平静的生活。
12.Regular and smooth, as the surface of water.平静有规律的和平滑的,比如水平面
13.a serene autumnal mood.平静的已过中年的心情。
14.The sea continued to get calmer.海面愈来愈平静了。
15.The wind went down and the sea became quite calm.风势减弱,海面十分平静
16."Good," said Frank casually."好,"弗兰克平静地说。
17.He announced this news calmly.他平静地宣布这个消息。
18.asked rich dad calmly.富爸爸仍然平静地问我。

1.Yao Zhenhan is an influential modern poet whose essay is unique with a beauty of calm and harmony.姚振函是当代诗坛一位有影响力的诗人,同时,他的散文创作也独具特色,自成一格,体现出一种平静、和谐的美。
4)static equilibrium静平衡,静态平衡
5)static balance静平衡
1.The static balance experiment of water turbine generator of Ertan hydropower;二滩水电站水轮机转轮静平衡试验
2.Experimental research of measuring static balance of gyro rotor through weighing;陀螺转子的称重静平衡实验研究
3.Method of Measuring the Static Balance through Weighing the Specific Structure Gyroscope Rotor;特殊结构陀螺转子的称重静平衡方法
6)static balance静态平衡
1.Objective: To explore the effects of exercises and different sex on college students static balance at the basis of quantitative comparison study of static postural balance of college students between sports and non-sports major.目的:在定量分析体育与非体育专业大学生静态平衡的基础上,探讨运动训练、性别对大学生静态平衡功能的影响。
