1.And therefore,this article analyzes the television sports content which is reused on the net,in particular the Beijing Olympic Games and reviews the theoretical basis of this phenomena—Remediation.本文以体育电视的网络传播实践为案例,特别是08北京奥运的网络传播分析,检视了电视与网络融合中"再媒介化"这一理论基础,探讨了电视机构网站建设中"再现"、"转化"和"杂糅"这三种电视和网络的互动形式,以及它们组合而成的电视台网站架构类型。
2)papers media再现媒介
3)media culture媒介文化
1.The conception and control of universitys ’media culture;大学媒介文化的内涵及其社会控制
2.On media culture and its quality education for teenagers;论媒介文化与青少年媒介素养教育
3.The oral culture,charaetery culture and the media culture;口说文化、文字文化、媒介文化

1.Literary reading in the context of media culture媒介文化语境中的文学阅读(英文)
2.From Mass Culture to Medium Culture : a Decline of Elitism?;从“大众文化”到“媒介文化”:精英主义式微?
3.Cultural Dimension of Media Ecology in a Transforming China: Structure and Anomie;媒介生态的文化之维:中国媒介文化生态结构及其失范
4.The Media Culture under the Influence of the IPTV's Two-way Interaction网络电视双向互动影响下的媒介文化
5.The Negative Culture Tendency of the Media and Media Management;大众媒介的消极文化倾向与媒介管理
6.Study on the Media Literary Events in the Conditions of Consumer Culture;消费文化语境中的“媒介文学事件”研究
7.“Media Literary Event” in the Context of Consumption Culture;消费文化语境下的“媒介文学事件”
8.Transformation of Cultural Media and the Historical Perspective of Literary Criticism;文化媒介转型与文学批评的历史视野
9.Medium Analysis: On the Network Functions to the Deconstruction of Sanctified Literature;媒介分析:网媒对中国文学“神圣化”的解构
10.They are the medium through which culture and wisdom have been passed down.书是文化及智慧传承的媒介。
11.The magazine becomes a cultural medium of intercourse between the two peoples.该杂志成为两民族间文化交流的媒介。
12.Media in Contemporary Youth Culture-forming Role;媒介在当代青年亚文化形成中的作用
13.Cultural Ponder on Media Yellow Journalism Phenomenon of Our Country;对我国媒介黄色新闻现象的文化思考
14.Escort Interpreting: A Medium for Culture-Oriented Communication;导游口译: 文化传播性交际的媒介
15.Media Language.New Change of Language Types in Chinese Curriculum;媒介语言:语文课程语言类型的新变化
16.A review on the relationship between consumer culture and biographical research;图像、媒介与娱乐——消费文化与传记研究
17.Consumption Society 、Popular Culture and Force of the Media;消费社会、流行文化与媒介影响力分析
18.Fission and Transformation in “Private Media” and Mass Culture;“私人媒介”与大众文化的裂变与转型

papers media再现媒介
3)media culture媒介文化
1.The conception and control of universitys ’media culture;大学媒介文化的内涵及其社会控制
2.On media culture and its quality education for teenagers;论媒介文化与青少年媒介素养教育
3.The oral culture,charaetery culture and the media culture;口说文化、文字文化、媒介文化
4)medium culture媒介文化
1.The medium culture is one kind of emerging culture shape in the popular transmission time, and extensively refers to cultural landscape that initiates by the contemporary media technology, which has the perception, the openness, the joyfulness and the expense.媒介文化是大众传播时代一种新兴的文化形态,泛指由当代传媒技术所引发的文化景观,具有感性化、开放性、愉悦性和消费性。
2.Under their influence,for more than ten years,the st-udy of culture in China underwent the change from‘mass culture to‘medium culture .受之影响,我国学界10多年来的文化研究也走过了从“大众文化”到“媒介文化”的转变。
3.Idol as an important representation of medium culture has emerged since the 1990s.90年以来,偶像作为媒介文化的重要表征越发凸显。
5)transition of media媒介变化
1.In contemporary society,the mediumlization of the culture is not only the result of the media and technology are developing rapidly, and the development of human society from t.在当代社会,文化的媒介化不仅是媒介技术突飞猛进的结果,也和人类社会的发展引起文化自身的转向紧密相关。

宣传媒介非群体化趋势宣传媒介非群体化趋势non-colonial tendency of propagandist media  宣传媒介非群体化趋势(non一colonialtendeney of ProPagandist media)研究宣传趋势的理论家们认为,大众传播媒介的出现使原来个体之间的人际传播变为群体化的大众传播,使得信息的传递分散化、地域化和非个性化。但随着信息的膨胀、‘邃传媒介技术的进步及彼此的竞争,特别是受众要求的多样化,宣传媒介汇在由群体化向非群体化方向演变:专业性的报纸杂志正在获得越来越多的读者;无线电广播受到录音机的冲击;电视节目由于家庭录放像机的出现收视率大大降低等等。因此,大众宣传也在竭力适应这种趋势,使自己的内容能适应不同受众的要求,更具有个性特色,以吸引更多的受传者,扩大宣传效果。 (王序荪撰成立夫审)