1.The two artistic schools "Arte Povera" and "Mono-ha" emerged in the 1960s have been selected to be studied and compared for this paper, however, the former evolved from the West, whilst the latter from the East.本文选取20世纪60年代在东西方出现的两个艺术流派“贫穷艺术”(Arte Povera)和“物派”(Mono-ha)作为平行比较研究的对象,因为它们是60年代现代艺术转折时期最重要的流派,并与整个社会政治运动和文化思潮相交织。
2.Mono-ha eventually became a representative of the success of Orientation modernism.二战后的日本笼罩在西方的主流思想和流行文化影响的阴影中,物派艺术家为了找回自我身份意识和价值,开始大量从本民族的文化传统中汲取养分,以避开被他者文化所覆盖的现实,开拓具有东方气质的作品样式。
2)derivative compound派生物
1.Preparation and properties of LiNi_(1-y)RE_yO_2 as the derivative compounds of LiNiO_2;镍酸锂派生物LiNi_(1-y)RE_yO_2的制备和性能

2.To convert(certain biological compounds)into biologically active derivatives.使活化变(某些生物复合物)为生物性能活跃的派生物
3.The 1977 amendments to the Clean Water Act were an outgrowth of these problems.《洁净水法案》1977年的修正案,是这些问题的派生物
4.The Extraordinary Nature Life of Jing Group and the Ideal Personality of Taoist;京派小说的“异秉”人生与道家理想人物
5.Life Noumenon Nuture in Taigu School s Ge Wu Zhi Zhi;太谷学派格物致知说的生命本位特色
6.Material-derivation--Observation on the Formation and Social Control of Taboo about Food;物质派生性——食物禁忌的形成与社会控制考察
7.and as gradually sounds multiplied and life manifested itself.各种声音也随之稠密起来,大地万物,一派生机。
8.not derived or copied or translated from something else.不是从其他事物中派生、复制或者翻译的。
9.Derivations of Animal Lexemes in Chinese and English--A Systematic Contrast;汉英动物词位派生义项的系统对比研究
10.On the "Neo-legalism" and the "Biological View" of History" of the Etatiste Party;析国家主义派的“新法家主义”与“生物史观”
11.The Derivation Technology of Product Configuration Rule Based on the Analysis of Matter-element基于物元分析的产品配置规则派生技术研究
12.not derived from or reducible to something else; basic.不是从其他事物中派生出来的,或者不能还原成其他事物;基础的。
13.Aleck, in her dream life, went over to the Episcopal camp, on account of its large official titles;艾莱柯在她的虚幻生活中,先是信主教派,因为这个教派的头面人物都有来头;
14.send a person for the doctor派[叫]人去请医生
15.resulting from or employing derivation.从派生中产生或者使用了派生的方法。
16."The part number assigned by the organization responsible for producing or manufacturing the physical element."负责生产或制造该物理组件的组织所指派的零件号。
17.Industrial design is the cooperative product of modern art and industrialization.工业设计是现代派艺术和工业化生产结合的产物。
18.Gradually the cool dim gray of the morning whitened, and as gradually sounds multiplied and life manifested itself.清淡的晨光渐渐发白,各种声音也随之稠密起来,大地万物,一派生机。

derivative compound派生物
1.Preparation and properties of LiNi_(1-y)RE_yO_2 as the derivative compounds of LiNiO_2;镍酸锂派生物LiNi_(1-y)RE_yO_2的制备和性能
3)old characters老派人物
1.The characters in Laoshe’s novels, according to their distinctive cultural identities, can be classed as “ old characters”, “ideal characters” and “ new characters”.老舍小说中的众多人物根据其鲜明的文化身份,大致可分为“老派人物”、“理想人物”、“新派人物”三大类。
4)new characters新派人物
1.The characters in Laoshe’s novels, according to their distinctive cultural identities, can be classed as “ old characters”, “ideal characters” and “ new characters”.老舍小说中的众多人物根据其鲜明的文化身份,大致可分为“老派人物”、“理想人物”、“新派人物”三大类。
5)Mono-ha Art物派艺术
6)distribution in specie实物分派

正统派与非正统派  对古代和中世纪印度各派哲学体系传统的分类方法。一般相信吠陀拥有至高权威的哲学派别为正统派,怀疑或反对吠陀权威的哲学派别则为非正统派。根据摩陀婆所著《摄一切见论》,属于正统派的有前弥曼差派(见弥曼差派)、后弥曼差派(也称吠檀多派)、数论派(见数论)、胜论派(见胜论)、正理派和瑜伽派;属于非正统派的有顺世派(见顺世论)、佛教(见印度佛教哲学)和耆那教(见耆那教哲学)。所谓的非正统派,并不承认这种划分法。这种分法虽然有一定的历史根据,但是掩饰了印度哲学派别的唯心主义与唯物主义、辩证法与形而上学的斗争。在正统派的发展过程中,数论、正理论、胜论、弥曼差派常常冲破婆罗门教和印度教神学的束缚,寻求神以外的创世根据,把理性思维、逻辑论证等等放在重要的地位。例如数论认为"原初物质"是世界演变的主要原因,此外,他们还公开批判《吠陀》的错误;胜论认为,整个世界包摄在六个范畴之中,自然界是由多种原素组成的,原子是万物的始基;弥曼差派认为,人们在举行吠陀祭祀仪式时,所获得的果报不是由于神力而是由于业力的原因,从而否定了婆罗门教神的创世说。非正统派中也有着不同的世界观和道德伦理学说,内部之间也进行着剧烈的斗争。