1.A Fast Artistic Style Rendering Algorithm of 3D Stippling;三维点画快速算法及其艺术风格渲染的实现
2.Stippling and its diversity are a part of artistic rendering of NPR field.点画及其多样化属于非真实感图像渲染中的艺术风格渲染,艺术风格渲染更多是对现有艺术形式和自然媒体的计算机模拟和实现,来帮助人们更便利地创造艺术化图像。

1.Seurat culminated pointillism.玛丽到达了点画法的最高点。
2.Upstairs he had a studio where he painted a little.他在楼上有一个画室,有时在那里作一点画
3.Relating to, characterized by, or composed of pictures.画的有关画的、以画微特点的或组成画的
4.Try to take some soup now, and let me go back to my drawing.现在喝点汤,让我回去画画。
5.Having qualities unique to the art of painting.绘画艺术的有独特的绘画艺术特点的
6.Ask a child to draw something, and he will do it happily.让一个孩子画点什么,他会高兴地去画。
7.Chinese 60 s Oil Paintings Artist s Drawing Characteristic;中国60年代油画艺术家的绘画特点
8.Snap Children s Painting Feature Exploit Children s Painting Potentialities;抓住儿童绘画特点 发掘儿童绘画潜质
9.Natural Imagery--reflections on Landscape Painting自然之意——油画风景画的几点思考
10.dealing with the nuts and bolts of the project处理该计画的基本要点.,
11.The picture was entirely dotted in.这张画全由小点构成。
12.dab paint on a picture在画上轻轻点上颜色
13.I know his etchings a little.我知道一点他的蚀刻画。
14.Put ten points on each line.在每条线上画十个点。
15.Very often the picture takes precedence over the point.画面常常僭越观点。
16.Join the dots up to complete the drawing.顺点连线把图画好.
17.He liked to use a very dry brush to draw dots in his pictures, and his pictures are rich in content.他作画喜用焦墨渴笔,点细碎苔点,画面繁密充实。
18.The baby daubed up the wall with his crayon.小孩用蜡笔把墙上画得斑斑点点。

1.The paper researches algorithms about halftone, stipple simulation, paint simulation and pen-and-ink simulation which are in the area of Non-Photorealistic Rending.本文研究了非真实感绘制领域里半调法、点画模拟、油画模拟和钢笔画模拟的相关算法。
3)engraving in the dot manner点画版画
5)dash dot line点画线
1.Algorithm of intersecting dash dot lines of engineering drawings in accord with GB;符合国家标准的工程图中相交点画线算法
6)Viewpoint animation视点动画

点画1.文字之点与横竖等笔画。 2.画家作画的一种技法。