1.And a example-optimal diameter of reel is given.阐述了对数学建模教学模块的认识,给出了一个数学建模教学模块示例——卷轴的最佳直径。

1.A roll of parchment;a scroll.书卷一卷羊皮纸、卷轴
2.A reel used in drawing silk from cocoons.卷丝轴用于从茧中抽丝的卷轴
3.Can you wind this film back on to its spool?你能把这胶卷卷回到卷轴上去吗?
4.A vertical Japanese scroll painting.字轴,画轴,长轴一种垂直(悬挂)的日本卷轴
5.The film slipped off the winding spool.胶片从卷轴上松脱了。
6.A representation of a ribbon or scroll bearing an inscription.铭文丝带,铭文卷轴
7.Can a spell caster write scrolls and give them to other characters?一个施法者是否可以抄写卷轴,并且把卷轴给其他玩家?
8.A spool or reel that holds thread or yarn for spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing, or making lace.线轴装上线和纱线以供抽丝、缝纫、编织或编制花边的线轴或卷轴
9.A document written on this material.纸莎纸卷轴写在这种材料上的文献
10.these are the earliest examples of scroll paintings.它们是迄今所知最早的卷轴画。
11.It's detailed with soft scrolls and an ornate ceramic disk.它有柔软的卷轴和一个绚丽的瓷托盘。
12.reel the line, the hosepipe, etc out从卷轴上放出线绳、 水龙带等
13.on scrolls of silver snowy sentences(Hart Crane)写满银色雪般句子的卷轴上(哈特 克兰)
14.H: Got it! Looks like a scroll of Break Enchantment.到手!看起来像是张破除结界的卷轴
15.I used to have the entire thunder birds collection on reels for this.我以前有一整套的这种''雷鸟''卷轴收藏
16.The Tibetan art of scroll painting, or Tangka, is well preserved.藏族卷轴画唐卡艺术得到保护。
17.hydraulic center-shaft winder液压中轴驱动卷动机
18.Batching and Unbatching Machine for Dyeing of New-type Nonwovens Warp Beam新型非织造布经轴染色用打卷退卷机

scroll;roller for scroll卷轴;手卷
3)scroll attachment胶卷卷轴;片卷轴
4)wrapped bearing bush卷制轴套
1.The generally used material models in formation simulation of wrapped bearing bushes are introduced in detail,and the finite element models are established in this paper based on MSC/Marc software package.对卷制轴套成形模拟仿真中的常用材料模型作了细致探讨,基于MSC/Marc软件建立了有限元仿真模型,并采用不同材料模型对典型卷制过程进行仿真分析,通过与实际卷制数据的比较分析表明,不同的材料模型所得到仿真结果相对于实际工况而言精度差异是比较明显的,因此进行仿真时必须根据具体情况选择适当的材料模型。
5)rolling shaft卷绕轴
1.The article introduced the renovation method about two parts in the rolling shaft paper-pipe fixerand direct bearing for changing shaft in detail, which reduced production costs and raised the unit′s production efficiency.文章详细介绍了对卷绕轴两部件———纸管固定套及换轴定位轴承的改造方法。
6)floating and rolling axle浮卷轴

卷轴卷轴  是中国画裱画最常见的体式,以装有“轴杆”得名。一般一幅作品裱为一轴,也有多幅作品裱为一轴的。国画的计量单位“轴”,即由此而来。卷轴有直幅和横幅之分。立轴、吊屏、中堂为直幅,横披、手卷为横幅。