
1.It's important to respect lines there.注重排队是很重要的。
2.To mark with a printed accent.标注重音标注印刷体的重音符号
3.He is careless about his features.他不注重他的外表。
4.She sets great store by external politeness.她很注重表面的虚礼。
5.Attach great importance to the ethics-oriented education on the doctors注重对医生的医德教育
6.a young, self - conscious executive.过分注重仪表的执政官
7.The government lies special emphasis on environmental protection.政府特别注重环境保护。
8.She' s fanatical about keeping fit.她如醉如痴地注重健美.
9.Braille and sign language services shall be given due emphasis.注重盲文和哑语的服务。
10.face the whole country and lay stress on service面向全国,注重服务
11.Great attention must be paid to linking theory with practice.必须注重理论联系实际。
12.results-oriented annual report注重成果的年度报告
13.a contemplative order of nuns注重默观的修女团.
14.Some concentrate on capital growth.有人注重资本增值。
15.important matters claiming one's attention值得注意的重要事情.
16.not important or noteworthy.不重要或不值得注意。
17.give little attention or respect to.对……不注意也不重视。
18.memorial of an instrument of re-entry重收土地文据注册摘要

remake the notes重注
3)attention to training注重培养
5)repeated injection重复注射
1.Effects of repeated injection of GABA_B receptor agonist baclofen on mean blood pressure in rats;GABA_B受体激动剂巴氯酚重复注射对大鼠血压的影响
6)dual perfusion双重灌注
1.Establishment of rat model of "two-cuff method" liver transplantation with dual perfusion and blood supply of hepatic artery;大鼠“二袖套”法双重灌注全血供肝移植模型的建立
