
1.She painted flowers and birds pictures akin to those of earlier feminine painters.她画一些同早期女画家类似的花鸟画。
2.Woman Painter Cao Wen And Her "Head Portrait of Bodhisattva Guanyin山西女画家曹雯与她的观世音头像绘画
3.A Glance over the Style of the Contemporary Chinese Female Artists;当代前卫的中国画女画家艺术现状掠影
4."Oh, these lady artists!" said Joyce, laughing.“哦,那些女画家!”乔伊斯笑着说。
5.An Interpreting of the Female Image in Female Painter s Works from the Visual Angle of the Social Gender Role;从社会性别视角解读女画家作品中的女性形象
6.Ms. Bernstein gained recognition in the early 1900s as one of the first women to paint in the Realist style.伯恩斯坦女士作为第一位写实风格的女画家,在20世纪初得到大家的认可。
7.An American painter is commissioned to paint the Empress' portrait.一名美国画家受委托要画女皇的肖像。
8.The central figure in the painting is the artist's daughter.画中间的那个人是画家的女儿.
9.The painter lined the silhouette of a girl.画家用线条勾画出了一个女孩的侧影。
10.On the Feminine Characteristics in the Art Works of Chinese Female Oil Painters;浅论中国女油画家作品中的女性特征
11.On Female Painters,Maternal Consciousness and Maternal Material;小议女性画家、母性意识与母性题材
12.A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Woman: the Artist Heroine in the Song of the Lark;年轻女艺术家的画像:《云雀之歌》中的女性艺术家形象
13.Women writers, performers, painters, directors and musicians are constantly emerging.女性作家、表演艺术家、画家、导演和音乐家不断涌现。
14.Once he and another painter, Han Gan, each drew the portrait of the son-in-law of Guo Ziyi.有一次,他和另一位画家韩干同时为郭子仪的女婿赵纵画像,
15.Picture of Lady Officials by Gu Kaizhi, a top painter of the Eastern Jin Dynasty( AD317-420), is there.东晋著名画家顾恺之的《女史箴图》也在展品当中。
16.And painters alluded to her eroticism in their bare* ed portrayals of the dying queen.画家们把她描绘为裸胸垂死的贪欲的女王。
17.Analyses of Female Characters in a Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man;《一个青年艺术家的画像》中的女性形象分析
18.On the Female Artists of Chinese Fine Art History in the Early 20th Century;试论20世纪初中国美术史上的女留学生画家

female painters女性画家
1.The article discussed the necessary relation between female painters and maternal material creations,and then analyzes the aesthetics intension of maternal consciousness.文章论述了女性画家与母性题材艺术创作之间的必然性,并对母性意识的美学内涵进行分析,从而探究女画家的母性意识在母性题材作品中所起的作用,女性的母性意识使母性题材艺术创作散发出独有的魅力。
3)feminine painter女胜画家
4)Female oil painters女油画家
5)The past-time female oil-painter早期女性油画家
6)Chinese Female Artists中国女性画家
