1.Based on the cognitive prototypetheory,this paper cites the news text A Post-80s Provincial Deputy Joins in the Beauty Contest asan example,and analyzes the refreshment which are realized through two semantic clashes.本文从认知原型理论出发,以新闻语篇《八零后省人大代表参加选美比赛》为例,透析该标题是如何通过两对词语的语义冲突体现新闻独特的"抢眼性"。

1.Contrast Research of Consumer Behavior between Chinese "after 80s" and "after 90s"中国八零后与九零后消费行为对比研究
2.Post-80s University Students: Characteristics of China's "Me Generation"“八零后”大学生:怎样的“我一代”?
3.her little debts paid, she had only about eighty francs left.还清各处的零星债务后她只有八十来个法郎了。
4."and he went on living after the birth of Enosh for eight hundred and seven years, and had sons and daughters:"塞特生以挪士之后,又活了八百零七年,并且生儿养女。
5.With two days to go, Beijing remains the frontrunner in the race for the2008 Olympic Games, but supporters say the outcome is still unpredictable.二零零八年奥运主办国将在两日后揭盅,北京目前仍然是大热门,但支持者表示胜负仍然难料。
6.She was born circa 1060 and died in 1118.她约生于一零六零年,卒于一一一八年。
7.The construction is expected to start in August 2002 for completion in 2007.工程预计在二零零二年八月动工,二零零七年竣工。
8.The student enrolment, in full-time equivalent (fte) terms of the eight institutions in the 2000-01 academic year was:二零零零至零一学年八所院校相当于全日制的学生人数如下:
9.In pruning season he earned eighteen sous a day,then he hired out as a hay-maker, as laborer, as neat-herd on a farm, as a drudge.在修树枝的季节里,他每天可以赚十八个苏,过后他就替人家当割麦零工、小工、牧牛人、苦工。
10.There was some opposition when the British took over the New Territories in April 1899, but this eventually dissipated.在此之前,英国人已于一八九九年四月接管新界。 接管初期,尚有零星反抗,但后来终告停止。
11.Article 108 Following the dissolution of a joint venture, all of its account books and documents shall be retained by the original Chinese joint venturer.第一百零八条 合营企业解散后,各项帐册及文件应由原中国合营者保存。
12.Eight weeks later, plus on day, the Hannah made landfall and the Love family disembarked in America and became American newest immigrants.八个星期零一天之后,“汉纳”号靠岸,洛夫一家在美国登陆,成为美国最早的移民。
13.Why doesn't the1 st vision play an important role in Mormon history until the1860 s?为什麽第一次异像在摩门教历史里面并没有重要作用,直到一八六零年以后才转变?
14.Shun Hing Electric Service Centre Limited (SHESC) was established in 1980. By providing the very best after-sales services, SHESC backs up sales efforts and increases customer confidence.信兴电器服务中心有限公司于一九八零年成立,致力为用户提供最优良完善的产品售后服务。
15.Hong Kong has been part of the territory of China since ancient times; it was occupied by Britain after the Opium War in 1840.香港自古以来就是中国的领土,一八四零年鸦片战争以后被英国占领。
16.So it had to be some time after 850AD when the myth appeared that coffee could sober you up from a state of drunkenness.所以一定是在公元八五零年后才有咖啡能令人从醉态中清醒过来的传言。
17.Problems and Resolutions Concerning the Null Vowel "a" of The hP ags-pa Script Documents When Interpreting Chinese and Its Reference Value for Rectifying Tibetan Script Documents;八思巴字零形式a译写汉语时引发的问题与策略及其对藏文今后厘定的参考价值
18.Eighty-four per cent want the whole legislature to be directly elected by2008.百分之八十四的受访者支持于二零零八年普选立法会。

Post-80s university students"八零后"大学生
3)eight queens八皇后
1.There are many methods to settle eight queens problem with different programming languages and arithmetics so far.对于八皇后问题,曾有许多人采用不同的程序设计语言和不同的算法加以解决,本文采用函数式程序设计语言Scheme的递归算法来解决八皇后的问题。
4)around the Eighth National Congress of the CCP八大前后
1.Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee(十 一届三中全会), the study of the CCP s exploration in socialist construction around the Eighth National Congress of the CCP(中共八大)has become a much-discussed issue in the Chinese Communist Party history studies.十一届三中全会以来,尤其是中国特色社会主义理论产生以来,八大前后我党对中国社会主义建设道路的探索研究成为党史学科的热点和重点课题。
5)zero lag零滞后
6)Eight Queens problem八皇后问题
1.Closed circle DNA algorithm of Eight Queens problem;基于闭环DNA模型的八皇后问题算法
2.Simulation DNA algorithm of all solutions of Eight Queens Problem八皇后问题所有解的模拟DNA算法

八不思议──大海八不思议喻涅槃【八不思议──大海八不思议喻涅槃】  ﹝出涅槃经﹞  [一、渐渐转深],谓如来所说涅槃之法,随顺众生根性,利、钝、大、小,无不令其各各获益,次第修证,而至于究竟之地。如经所说,优婆塞戒、沙弥戒、比丘戒、菩萨戒、须陀洹果乃至菩萨果、佛果之类,犹如大海之流,从浅而至深也。(梵语涅槃,华言灭度。梵语优婆塞,华言清净土。梵语沙弥,华言息慈。梵语比丘,华言乞士。菩萨,具云菩提萨埵,华言觉有情。优婆塞戒,即五戒也。沙弥戒,即十戒也。比丘戒,即二百五十戒也。菩萨戒,即十种戒也。梵语须陀洹,华言入流。)  [二、深难得底],谓如来所说涅槃之法,理智圆融,妙不决定,一切二乘、菩萨皆莫测其所至。如经云:或说我无我,或说常无常,或说净不净,或说空不空,乃至或说五阴即是佛性之类,于如是等法,说无穷尽,犹如大海之深,难得底也。(二乘者,声闻乘、缘觉乘也。五阴者,色阴、受阴、想阴、行阴、识阴也。)  [三、同一碱味],谓如来所说涅槃之法,虽有四教之异,莫不为令众生同得实相之理,同跻大学之地。如经所说,一切众生同有佛性,同一解脱,同一因果,乃至一切同得常乐我净之类,犹如大海,虽纳百川,同一碱味也。(四教者,藏教、通教、别教、圆教也。)  [四、潮不过限],谓如来说涅槃之时,扶律谈常,制诸禁戒,令诸弟子如法受持,不得踰越。如经所说,制诸比丘不得受畜八不净物之类。犹如海潮,朝夕往来,不过其限也。(八不净物者,一置买田宅,二种植根栽,三贮聚谷粟,四畜养奴婢,五畜养群畜,六藏积金银财宝,七藏积象牙刻镂等物,八藏积铜铁釜镬以自煮爨也。)  [五、有种种宝藏],谓如来所说涅槃之法,为世珍宝,可尊、可贵,凡众生窘于法财者,令其修习,悉得免离逼迫之苦,而成出世饶益之乐,如经所说。宝者,谓四念处,四正勤乃至如来功德智慧之类,无所不具,犹如大海,种种诸宝皆悉含藏也。(四念处者,观身不净,观受是苦,观心无常,观法无我也。四正勤者,已生恶,令永断;未生恶,令不生;已生善,令增长;未生善,令生也。)  [六、大身众生居住],谓如来所说涅槃之法,甚深无量,一切佛及菩萨莫不依此而住。如经所说,佛菩萨有大智慧、大神通乃至大慈悲之类,无非圣法之所含摄。犹如大海,一切鲲鲸大身之类,咸依之而居也。  [七、不宿死尸],谓如来所说涅槃之法,专为扶持戒律而谈常住,不令众生起断灭见,于末法中生清净正信之心,离一切邪恶之人,如经所说。阐提诽谤方等,非法说法,法说非法,受畜八种不净之物,佛物僧物随意而用。或于比丘、比丘尼所,作非法事,皆为死尸,是经离如是等,犹大海之不宿死尸也。(阐提,梵语具云一阐提,华言信不具,外道名。梵语尼,华言女。)  [八、万流大雨不增不减],谓如来所说涅槃之法,广谈佛性,盛演圆常,平等清净,不生不灭;众生诸佛,同一觉源,曾无有异。如经所说,无边际故,无始终故,常住不生不灭故,一切众生悉平等故,一切佛性同一性故,犹万流大雨之归大海,而不增不减也。