1."BeiXue", developed at Ming Qing dynasty, was very strong and was a revolting and supplement to "TieXue".但就在这种超稳定结构的链条上,书法,这门传统艺术自身的发展之路却又是曲折不平的,明清时代兴起的强大碑学运动,更是对悠悠千年帖学的反叛与补充。
2.In the calligraphy world of the Qing Dynasty which was inbued with famed calligraphers,Yi developed an artistic school of his own and became one of the representatives who aroused the resurgence of clerical script in Beixue (the study of stele inscription) in the Qing Dynasty.伊秉绶在名家林立的清代书坛,独树一帜,其隶书成就达到了清代碑学的高峰,是清代碑学隶书中兴的代表人物之一,在书法史上留下了辉煌的一笔,占有很重要的地位。

1.To Aim at the Future with Deep Thinking and to Create by Returning to the Origin--The construction of the front tablet calligraphy theory in the Qing Dynasty;钩深致远,返本开新——清代前碑派碑学理论的建构
2.The Theory of Bei School and the Origin of Zheng Daozhao's fame as a "Saint Calligrapher"碑学观念与郑道昭“书圣”得名之由
3.The notes and commentary about The inscription on "the Monument of the National Southwest Associated University;《国立西南联合大学纪念碑》碑文评注
4.The study of inscriptions.铭文学对于碑铭的研究
5.The CD-ROM edition covers the entire printed edition.被誉为没有围墙的大学、华文化的丰碑!
6.A Textual Study on A Northern Song Stele with the Inscription of the New School in Wuhu County, Taiping Zhou北宋《太平州芜湖县新学记》碑考
7.On Five Functions of the Rubbings from Stone Inscription in Calligraphy Teaching试论碑帖在书法教学中的五大功能
8.Impact of Students Involvement on the Word-of-Mouth Communication;高校学生涉入程度对口碑传播的作用
9.An Investigation on the Stele of the Public Testimony on the Restoration of the Yangshan Sandbank as the Financial Resource for the Confucian School in the Qingyuan District;元《庆元儒学洋山砂岸复业公据》碑考辨
10.Looking at the Harmonious Relations between Tang Dynasty and the Uyghurs from Monumental Inscription Literature;从碑铭文学看唐代与回鹘的和谐关系
11.Milestone of ChenYuan s Historiography--Rereading Tongjian Huzhu Biaowei;陈垣史学的“记里碑”——再读《通鉴胡注表微》
12.Education in Fuxin in Yuan Dynasty According to the Stele in the South of Yizhou City;《懿州城南学田碑》所记元代阜新教育
13.People as Milestones in the Chinalization of Sociology;社会学中国化进程中的里程碑式人物
14.A Milestone of Poetics-Ai Qing s Treatises on Poetry;诗学建设的一块丰碑──艾青《诗论》初探
15.New Investigation of Nietzsche Ubermensch Theory;理想人格之丰碑——尼采的“超人”学说解析
16.The Establishment of Four Treasuries:a Landmark of Bibliography“四部”确立:目录学上的一个里程碑
17.In the modern literature history the" stone stele style literature" should be modern prose.现代文学史的碑体文学应该是现代散文。
18.Born in Jiangsu Province in 1899, Lin began to learn Tang Dynasty stone tablet calligraphy when he was 16,林散之江苏江浦人,十六岁学习唐碑,并学诗文。

stele and rubbing theory帖学碑学
3)Mnmental inscription literature碑铭文学
4)Xuetian stele学田碑
5)the ideology of the study of inscription碑学思想
6)the theory of epi-graphic study碑学理论
