1.He was successively occupied with a county magistrate in Lu Feng,Fan Yu,Chao Yang,Nan Hai,Guang Dong Province,impeached by Cen Chunxuan for the alleged crime of graft,which led to his exile in Xinjiang.历任广东陆丰、番禺、潮阳、南海县令,因事得罪岑春煊而被其以"贪赃罪"参劾,以致谪戍新疆,后经查无果而得恩赦。
2.Feng Zicai then impeached him to the emperor.冯子材在率军平定海南岛后,因办理立功将士请奖事宜时遭到吏部书办的索贿,否则就以"颠倒保案"的方式予以报复,冯子材遂上奏参劾
1.The administrative factor expresses that impeaching power is administrative power;the legislative factor expresses that legislation plays an important role in impeachment system;the judicial factor expresses impeachment process possesses quasi-judicial-characteristics.弹劾制度是西方宪政制度中的一项重要制度。
2.The independent impeachment power is Sun s unique invention based on study of western advanced experience and on account of Chinese special situation.这个方案中的独立弹劾权是他结合中国国情 ,学习研究西方先进经验之独创。

1.The committeedecided to impeach the President.委员会决定弹劾总统.
2.They impeached the judge for taking a bribe.他们弹劾法官受贿。
3.Estrada says impeachment a wake-up call菲律宾总统弹劾案开审
4.venal, impeachable public servants.贪污的、可弹劾的公务员
5.If the House votes to impeach, managers are selected to present the case to the Senate.如果众议院通过弹劾成案,则选出「承办人员」将弹劾案送交参议院。
6.The Constitution is ambiguous about impeachment although impeachment is the only means to remove a president from office.弹劾是罢免总统的唯一手段 ,但宪法关于弹劾的条款含义不明。
7.The House of Representatives has the sole power to impeach an officer of the United States government.唯有众议院有权弹劾美国政府的官员。
8.The minister was impeached of negligence这位部长因渎职而受弹劾
9.Statement of the grounds on which a public official is to be impeached对弹劾政府官员理由的陈述
10.The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury;一切罪案,除弹劾案外,应由陪审团审判;
11.Clause 6:The Senate shall have the sole Power to try all Impeachments.6.所有弹劾案,只有参议院有权审理。
12.and shall have the sole Power of Impeachment.只有众议院具有提出弹劾案的权力。
13.The house of representative have the sole power to Impeach an officer of the united state government唯有众议院有权弹劾美国政府的官员
14.The President couldn't muster the votes to fend off impeachment.总统未能拉到足够票数去避过弹劾
15.The angry congressman wanted to impeach the President.这位愤怒的国会议员想要弹劾总统。
16.Threaten your ISP with an impeachment vote.以投票弹劾威胁你的网际网路供应商。
17.Thoughts of Establishing the People's Congress Impeachment System建立人民代表大会弹劾制的若干思考
18.Comments about impeachment are rife in all media.所有新闻机构都对弹劾问题发表评论。

1.The administrative factor expresses that impeaching power is administrative power;the legislative factor expresses that legislation plays an important role in impeachment system;the judicial factor expresses impeachment process possesses quasi-judicial-characteristics.弹劾制度是西方宪政制度中的一项重要制度。
2.The independent impeachment power is Sun s unique invention based on study of western advanced experience and on account of Chinese special situation.这个方案中的独立弹劾权是他结合中国国情 ,学习研究西方先进经验之独创。
3)impeachment power弹劾权
1.The constitution-makers mixed vote of no confidence with impeachment power,hoping that the Congress could limit the power of the government without being dissolved.《临时约法》设计者将不信任投票权和弹劾权混同,目的是以国会制约政府权力,自身又不被解散。
2.Its main thought including supervisory thought belongs to the governing power thought,supervisory thought is the impeachment power thought,supervisory thought should execute independently and the thought of establishing supervisionor ganization position.其主要思想包括监察权属于治权的思想,监察权即弹劾权的思想,监察权应独立行使的思想和设置监察机构的主张。
4)impeachment system弹劾制
1.Thoughts of Establishing the People s Congress Impeachment System;建立人民代表大会弹劾制的若干思考
5)impeachment system弹劾制度
1.The development history of impeachment system goes through in 4 phrases.弹劾制度是西方宪政制度的重要组成部分。
2.The history of impeachment system is more than 2500 years and its goes through in three phrases.弹劾制度是西方民主政治与宪政的主要推动力量,弹劾权是议会牵制监督政府和司法机构的一种权力。
6)impeachment cases被劾案
