
1.Glucan Type Polysaccharides from Lentinus Edodes: Extraction, Purification and Structural Analyses水提和碱提香菇葡聚糖的分离纯化和结构分析
2.The perfume obtained from these plants.茉莉香料从此种植物中提炼的香料
3."Hong Kong Bodhi Siksa Society, Ltd."香港菩提学会有限公司
4.An aromatic gum resin obtained from African and Asian trees of the genus Boswellia and used chiefly as incense and in perfumes.乳香一种从亚、非林木里提炼出的芳香的树脂乳香属主要用作香料
5.An oil or a perfume obtained from the flowers of this tree.依兰花香精油或香水从这种树的花中提取的香精油或香水
6.The government Home Page provides a comprehensive range of information on Hong Kong.香港政府网页提供各类有关香港的资讯。
7.Extraction of volatile oil of Rose banksiae in Jiuxiang Zhixie enteric tablets and study of inclusion process九香止泻片木香挥发油提取及包合工艺研究
8.Study on the Extraction and Determination of Aromatic Substance in Baoshan Oriental Tobacco香料烟致香物质的提取及测定方法研究
9.Conclusion: Wind-damage should accelerate the formation of heartwood of Lignum Santali Albi without influence on its quality.结论:风害损伤可使檀香提前结香且不会影响檀香药材质量。
10.Study on microwave extraction of costunolide and dehydrocostuslactone from radix valdimiriae微波法提取川木香中的木香烃内酯和去氢木香内酯的研究
11.The Study on Extraction of Rosmarinic Acid from Rosemary and Their Antioxidant Ability of the Rosemary Antioxidant;迷迭香中迷迭香酸的提取及提取物活性测定的研究
12.A balsamic resin obtained from certain tropical Asian trees of the genus Styrax and used in perfumery and medicine.安息香从某些安息香属亚洲热带树木中提取的香脂,用在香料和药品中
13.And when the Hong Kong question was put on the table two years ago, we presented the idea in those terms.两年前香港问题提出来了,我们就提出“一国两制”。
14.And when the Hong Kong question was put on the table two years ago, we presented the idea of "one country, two systems.两年前香港问题提出来了,我们就提出 “一国两制”。
15.The Optimization and Kinetics Study on Microwave Extraction of Volatile Oil from Pogostemon Cablin(Blanco) Benth.微波提取藿香挥发油及提取动力学研究
16.For your information, we give below some of the name:兹提供下列几种香料的名称供你参考:
17.a perfumed liquid made of essential oils and alcohol.一种从石油和酒精中提炼的芳香液体。
18.The smell of the flowers calls up my childhood.这些花香使我回忆起了我的孩提时代。

3)steam distilled rosi浸提松香
4)Supplying Spices提供香料
5)lentinus extract香菇抽提物
1.In this paper,polypeptide,protin lentinan and amino acid of lentinus extract were tested,The results show that lentinus extract contains polypeptide,protein lentinan and 17 amino acid.对酶法生产的香菇抽提物中的多肽、蛋白多糖、氨基酸及5’-核苷酸测定分析,结果表明,酶法生产的香菇抽提物含有香菇活性肽、蛋白多糖成分及17种氨基酸,其中抽提物I、抽提物II和抽提物III的水解度分别为16。
6)Lentinula extract香菇浸提液
