1.Influence of the Thoughts transmutation at the End period of East-Han Dynasty on Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases;汉末思想嬗变对《伤寒杂病论》的影响

1.Influence of the Thoughts transmutation at the End period of East-Han Dynasty on Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases;汉末思想嬗变对《伤寒杂病论》的影响
2.On the Evolution of Jian Jiang s Thought and the Influence on His Painting Style;论渐江的思想嬗变及对其画风的影响
3.Spreading of Confucianism in Western world--The opportunity for the change of philosophic thought in Europe;儒学西传——欧洲哲学思想嬗变的机遇
4.Evolution of Calligrphical Thought and the Laws and the Ideas of Calligraphy being Emphasized in Tang Dynasty (Ⅰ);唐代书学思想嬗变(上)——兼及“唐书尚法”辩
5.Reasons and Influences of Evolution in Mao Ze-dong’s New Democratic Economic Ideology;毛泽东新民主主义经济思想嬗变的原因及影响
6.The Historical Continuity and Change of Marx s "People-Oriented" Thought;马克思“以人为本”思想的历史嬗变
7.Change with Continuity--On Guo Songtao s Historical Thinking;嬗变中的传承——论郭嵩焘的史学思想
8.Value Alienation and Value Return in the Ideological and Political Education of College Students;大学生思想政治教育价值嬗变与回归
9.On the Change of Wushu Morality Historically;由历史文化视野审视武德思想的嬗变
10.Discussion on the Guidelines of Company Legislation in Modern China;论近代中国公司立法指导思想之嬗变
11.Mao Zedong and Evolution of Peng Dehuai s Idea of Learning from the Soviet Army;毛泽东与彭德怀学习苏军思想之嬗变
12.The Understanding in Transmutation --On Zhang Shuo s Idea on Literature;嬗变中的通达——张说文学思想管窥
13.Discussion of "qu" in the Aesthetic Visual Field of Chinese Calligraphy论书法美学尚“趣”思想的历史嬗变
14.The Value Origins of FEI Xiao-tong’s Institution Thoughts and Its Transmutation费孝通制度思想的价值来源及其嬗变
15.On the Confucian,Taoist and Buddhist Factors in Ni Zan′s Thought and Its Evolution论倪瓒思想中的儒道佛因素及其嬗变
16.The Transfer of Education Thoughts of Western Naturalism西方自然主义教育思想的嬗变与和合
17.Confucius' Heavenly Order Conception from the Perspective of Changes in Heavenly Order Belief天命信仰嬗变视野中的孔子天命思想
18.On the Ideology and Morality of University Students;浅析当代大学生思想道德嬗变及对策思考

the change in thought思潮嬗变
1.Evolution of the Social Customs in Jiangsu after the Chinese Revolution of 1911 - 1912;革命后江苏社会风俗的嬗变
2.Traditional Development and Evolution to the Poetic Styles of Yong Shi Poem——Discussion on Zuo Si s Eight Pieces of Yong Shi Poems;“咏史”诗体传统的开拓与嬗变——论左思《咏史诗》八首
3.On the evolution of the content of Taoist stories in the Six Dynasties;论汉魏六朝道教小说内容的嬗变
1.Study of Transmutation of Minor Actinides in Accelerator Driven Sub critical Fast Reactor;次锕系元素在加速器驱动的次临界快堆中嬗变的研究
2.Study on MAs Transmutation of Accelerator-Driven System Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Loaded with Metallic Fuel;加速器驱动钠冷金属燃料快堆次锕系核素嬗变特性研究
3.Neutronic optimal analysis for the transmutation of long-lived fission products in the blanket for the fusion-driven subcritical system;长寿命裂变产物在聚变驱动次临界堆包层中嬗变的中子学优化分析
1.From focal to balanced development:a historical change of Chinese basic education;我国基础教育发展观的历史嬗变
2.Change of Eurasian Strategy and Diplomacy Option of China;嬗变中的欧亚战略与中国外交取向
3.On the Causes and Media in the Changes of the Spring Festival Customs in Guangzhou;广州年俗嬗变的动因与中介
1.The paper discussed the development of enterprise management thought at the rapid changed times.我们生活在一个快速变化的时代,在新的世纪,经济和文化的一体化是时代的大趋势,世界500强是企业的发展进程,也深刻地表明,企业经营管理是企业生生不息永恒的动力,企业经营思想也在嬗变中不断地升华。
2.Since the end of 1970s,the development of e-E ducation in China has gone through the three stages:1.由重视物到人、物并重,再到重视人,以人为核心,这就是我国电化教育理论研究重心嬗变的轨迹。
3.The article analyzed the author s composing strategy of " A Ripple from the Stagnant Water" by probing into its prototype and development that had endowed its characters with a new historical meaning.通过探寻《死水微澜》的故事原型及其嬗变给小说人物赋予新的历史内涵,分析作者的创 作策略。

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j